From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 190 When it’s over, brush off your clothes and go away

William returned to the entrance of the darkroom and set up a rather simple warning mechanism—normally speaking, this kind of physical mechanism would be more powerful in preventing wizards than magic.

"I have to brace myself to face the unknown situation," William stuffed a mint leaf into his mouth, "I hope nothing happens." ’

Without letting go of his wand, he began to look at the layers of bookshelves, recording the approximate thickness of dust in each area on paper.

'Well, according to the records found, Professor Slughorn retired in 1981, and Professor Snape accepted the position of Dean of Slytherin in the same year - it is simply outrageous, he became the Dean just after joining the job...'

As he complained, he pulled out a book from the most inconspicuous position on the bookshelf to determine its recording year.

‘1981? ’

William flipped through the books, and when he drew the fourth one, he determined the record of the year Professor Slughorn left.

‘This ledger should have been recorded after Snape took office. William pulled out the first of the changing notebooks, preparing to see if any instructions from his predecessor would be recorded during the handover - although such things recorded in the book would certainly not record absolute privacy, but he said Maybe there will be some interesting discoveries.

[The only remaining Slytherin professor in the school became the dean as soon as he entered school... Heh, are you going to control those students who are about to graduate not to join the Death Eaters? 】

William was so frightened that he almost closed the book.

What does it mean to be the only remaining Slytherin professor?

If Snape hadn't been hired in 1981, wouldn't there have been any Slytherin graduates who would have stayed on campus?

'Yes, the Dark Lord was in power at that time, and I am afraid that none of the Slytherin graduates planned to stay in school and work with Dumbledore. ’

He calmed down and opened the book directly to the shorthand quills, and the pens began to work quickly.

‘Go back and explore further, now is not the time to be surprised. ’ William collected his attention and began to randomly check the previous records.

But soon a problem arose. He took notes one after another, but found something quite terrifying - the account books recorded by Professor Slughorn himself were the same as the records he had left over those years. They spanned a long time and recorded There are more things.

‘Hell, even if you were a professor for fifty years from 1931 to 1981, and you were a dean for forty years, aren’t you afraid of corruption? ’

Now the question appeared in front of William - was it checked from the time when the Dark Lord entered the school, or was it checked from the time Professor Slughorn became the dean?

‘No, the Dark Lord entered school in 1938, so the record is incomplete! ’

After discovering this fact, William was dumbfounded when he saw a lot of stuff to be copied.

He even had the urge to go back and take out the papers, brush the box and draw cards - with so many records, would it take the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

In the end, he held back and decided whether to check or not. There was a shorthand quill in the transcription, so it shouldn't be too slow.

‘Why can magic props be used to create fakes using copying spells, but books can’t be used? ’

There is no need to save it now. Although copying all the records together will make a bigger noise, it will not be completed if they are not released completely - incomplete records will mislead people.

With a wry smile, William took out stacks of paper and quills, and took out the books he was sure to copy from the bookshelf. With a wave of his wand, all the record books flew into the air.

All the shorthand quills he brought began to work quickly, one pen corresponding to a book, flying on a stack of paper.

The fully powered quill even left a phantom on the paper. A piece of paper was filled almost instantly, and then floated to the side under the influence of the magic on the quill. The quill began to rise and fall at a speed that shocked a pigeon. Come with a piece of paper.

'Fortunately, in order to copy papers and other things on weekdays, I have applied for seven dozen of these shorthand quills for copying. Otherwise, it would be really fatal to copy so much information in such a short time. ’

As for the paper, it wasn't a problem. Knowing that he was diligent in using paper, the paper Bart helped him get back was even enough for two people. In order to prevent it from taking up space, he put it all in the bag - anyway, the bag had a floating charm. Lose weight.

But even so, the copying work is not easy - Professor Slughorn, who has served for many years, has left too many records, so many that even William feels sorry for those quills.

'I guess those pens will be destroyed a lot, but it is easy to report for approval.' William flipped through the records of the previous dean, 'Fortunately, I was not asked to copy them by myself. If I were asked to do it myself, I'm afraid I could only Pretend that Professor Snape's office was stolen or even on fire...'

Several of the specimens in the house are inherently explosive. As long as William creates a situation where someone accidentally breaks the jar, and then forges the stolen books and ensures that they will be damaged in a disaster, it won't be a big problem, but that's too extreme. , and it is easy to be found out - after all, the former Ministry of Magic staff who said this was the one who entered Azkaban after being found out, although he burned the warehouse he was guarding...

'Um? Is this format wrong? Gift receipt record? Also from Professor Slughorn? "

Can something like this be stuffed into college records?

Although the professor who will serve as the dean later will definitely not tell the truth, it is not safe to remember such a thing so blatantly, right?

However, considering the possible useful information inside, William still handed the book to the quills.

When this quill carnival was about to end, more than a dozen quills were exhausted, and they were transcribing slowly, like children who had just learned to write - obviously the magic on them was about to expire.

‘It should be almost done, right? ’

William quickly searched the records on the bookshelf, confirmed that there was nothing of value, and then began to wave his wand to forge dust. Although he was not a professional, handling everything would minimize the possibility of things being exposed.

The dust that was scattered due to the copying floated, and under the command of the wand, it spread unevenly and thinly according to the appearance in William's memory, restoring it to its previous appearance.

William took one last look and commented on his work.

'Yeah, perfect,'

He even wanted to say something sexy, but after struggling for a while, he finally gave up on this behavior which seemed a bit like planting a flag.

‘Mission accomplished, call it a day. ’

Silently giving himself the second sentence, William began to restore the entrance to the secret room, clean up the footsteps he had left when he entered the room, and then grabbed the wand and came to the door.

'Huh,' he breathed out softly, touched the door with his wand, mobilized the defensive magic on the door again, took away the wood pieces, opened the door with his left hand, and was prepared for a face to appear - the door opened slightly, and at five o'clock The corridors were deserted.

Taking out a feather from his pocket and clearing away the last traces of footprints, William closed the door to Professor Snape's office with a smile, slid the wand from the door and withdrew as the door was locked.

'One layer of protection was destroyed, but this is normal when there are Gryffindors staying in the castle. ’

William easily cast a disillusionment spell on himself, avoided the portrait, passed through the secret passage, and returned to his office.

‘Click. ’

As the office door was closed, William slumped down on the chair, and cold sweat broke out directly from his forehead.

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