From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 165 When Tom Got a Nose (Four Thousand)

Although he had a great idea in his heart, William had no time to do it at all - the Ministry of Magic did not spend a lot of money just to go through the motions and send the Minister of Magic's indescribable parts to be touched.

Even if the minister really has this hobby, it doesn't matter if the person who does it is the heir of the Malfoy family, it's not that expensive...

In the final analysis, the Quidditch match was just an interlude. The Ministry of Magic and the school governors came here to ride on the popularity of the crown. When such a large Ravenclaw treasure was found, the Ministry of Magic and the school governors must have played an active role, otherwise Who spends this wasted money?

Talking, taking photos, visiting the castle library and hospital, visiting Professor McGonagall's office and taking a photo with the crown that was taken there - there are still capable people in the Ministry of Magic, and a series of work arrangements are quite well-arranged, without any last-minute thoughts in the morning. The rush of coming up with such a plan.


"it is finally over."

William looked at the Ministry of Magic's team leaving the campus on Ye Qi in the distance, feeling happy from the bottom of his heart.

After a perfect lunch cooked by the house elves to the best of their ability, the people from the Ministry of Magic and the School Board left Hogwarts with satisfaction. Although there was a little hiccup, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves today and had a great time. joy.

'Next, go back and continue looking at Slughorn's information, and by the way, record the Malfoy family member in the notebook——'

The sudden inspiration of the Quidditch game is very important, but William does not intend to disrupt his investigation arrangements just because of a guess - hammering here and there may lead to surprises, but it is not as good as giving out a curse steadily. The information provided by the retired professor is reliable.

'It would be great if there was no curse on those documents. With that curse, it would be impossible to even ask others in a circumstantial way. ’ William shook his head, with a look of helplessness on his face. The curse that the Dark Lord used to protect him was so overbearing that he could not rely on others at all.

‘Check it, the horse’s feet have been exposed, I don’t believe he can still kill them all. ’

William stretched his muscles and prepared to return to his office.

"William? Why are you going? The main show will start later. The test of the crown is today. You won't want to go and watch it, right?"

Adams caught William who was trying to escape and stared at him with doubtful eyes - there was no doubt that if William dared to say no, he would take out his wand and commit suicide in a minute.

"Of course I will go, how could I not go," William patted Adams on the shoulder. He had already dissuaded him from the danger of the crown. If Adams insisted on experimenting, he would definitely have to follow him to see it.


In the Gryffindor common room, the students were celebrating wildly - they had no time to prepare when the Ministry of Magic came in the morning, and now they finally relaxed, and a group of people began to vent all the joy they had suppressed all morning.

In front of the whole school, in front of a bunch of officials from the Ministry of Magic, in front of all the members of the school board, they defeated their old rival Slytherin - is there anything more joyful than this?

As the hero who turned the tide and saved the score with the Golden Snitch, Harry received an unprecedented welcome. Countless people rushed over to hug him and say congratulations.

When he finally squeezed out of the crowd, his equally excited friend came over.

"Harry, you are so good at catching the Golden Snitch!"

Ron looked happy, "Of course, the punch to Malfoy was also great - I really want to know Malfoy's expression. I'm afraid his father wouldn't dare to punch the minister like that, right?"

Speaking of Malfoy, Harry also laughed happily. He stood closer than others. He could see Malfoy's expression very clearly at that time. He had never seen that guy show such a desperate expression.

The two of them began to act out Malfoy's expression again, making the Gryffindors around them burst into laughter.

"By the way, where's Hermione? Have you seen her?"

"No, she should be here to celebrate. You didn't see her either?"

When the two were looking for their friends in confusion, a first-year student squeezed through the crowd. He gasped quickly, "Harry, um, Professor McGonagall asked me to inform you that you have to go to the office to take pictures."

"Taking photos?" Ron asked curiously.

"Of course, take pictures," the voice of the speaker was very familiar to Ron. It was his brother. Of course, he couldn't tell clearly whether it was Fred or George.

"In today's rewards, in addition to a bonus, the hospital team also got the opportunity to take a photo with the crown."

The other twin also stood up and added what he said later.

"Harry, it's time to go, otherwise the photographer will be in a hurry. It is said that our photos will be published in the newspaper."

"In the newspaper?"

"Of course, Daily Prophet, wait and see tomorrow's newspaper, Ron, we are all up there."

The hospital team took Harry away happily, and when they met someone, they proudly held Harry out - "Maybe Harry can wear the crown for a while, he caught the snitch so beautifully, he got a little Preferential treatment is normal!”


"Hermione, didn't you watch the house team game?"

A slightly disappointed Ron finally saw Hermione in the lounge, and she was walking cautiously out of the lounge.

"Shh, Ron, keep your voice down!"

Hermione was nervous, as if she was about to do something bad, and stretched out her fingers to make a shushing gesture.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Hermione struggled for a moment, "Professor McGonagall won't let me make this news too public, but, well, don't make any noise. I'm allowed to try wearing the crown for a while under the supervision of the professors."

"Crown? When?"

"Just today, Professor McGonagall just asked someone to inform me."

"Well, congratulations," Ron said, trying to look nonchalant.

"Okay, I'll go first, don't tell others."

Hermione looked around and left the common room on her feet.


"Mum, Ginny, I'm coming-"

"Ron, are today's activities over?"

Mrs. Weasley looked at her youngest son lovingly - Ginny's injury hadn't healed yet, and she had been staying with her in the hospital.

"It's over. George and the others won and went to take pictures. They said they would put it in tomorrow's newspaper."

Ron said the good news in a relaxed tone, "Of course, Harry is here, you can see it in tomorrow's newspaper."

"Fred and George?" Mrs. Weasley said with a smile on her face, "They are really good at Quidditch. You can do it too, Ron."

"Why don't you see Percy? He hasn't been in the lounge for a long time. Didn't he come over?"

Mrs. Weasley smiled, and when she was about to say something, Ginny said the answer before she could, "Percy and his professors gave him a special recommendation, allowing him to go over and try to take down the crown."

Anyway, today is the day to test the crown, so William specially found someone to call Percy here - he has excellent grades, solid basic skills, and works hard without complaint. A little bonus from the project can make him happy for a long time. William is extremely happy to use Percy's orders. , since he has already given a student a chance, he does not mind giving this qualified assistant another chance.

Ginny's straight shot made Mrs. Weasley's smile freeze.

"Ron, you are still young, and that crown is not that magical." Mrs. Weasley rubbed Ron's hair, "Eat some sweets and tell us about today's game. Ginny and I didn't watch it. Woolen cloth."


In the school corridor, Ron was walking aimlessly after finishing his visit.

Gryffindor was still celebrating today's victory, but Ron felt that he couldn't get into the joyful atmosphere no matter what.

An invisible monster roared in his chest, but he didn't know why the monster was roaring or what it was roaring about.

'I really do not know? ’

‘Or am I afraid to know? ’

Such thoughts were swirling in his mind, making him wonder where he should go.

"Ron Weasley?"

‘Who’s calling me? ’ He woke up from his trance, and then realized that the smiling guy in front of him was one of the people he hated the most—that Lockhart!

But you have to say hello when you meet someone.

"Hello, Professor Lockhart."

"I'm fine, but kid, you're not very good," Lockhart showed his perfect smile, "You must have heard of Professor Lockhart's Problem Solving Club, right?"

'I've heard about it, Harry and I have been bitching about the name of this stupid fucking club. ’

But in the mouth the words become. "I've heard of it, Professor, but I've never been here. I don't like bothering others."

"That's not trouble," Lockhart said with a friendly smile. "Let's talk. You have to believe in the amazing Professor Lockhart."

By some strange combination of circumstances, Ron took a step that he had never been willing to take before - he had never thought that he would be reduced to needing to find Lockhart to solve the problem.

"It smells so good," Ron couldn't help but sigh as he looked nervously at this place he never thought he would come to.

"A little incense, I like this," Lockhart sat across from him, "I hope you like it too."

"Look, the problem is solved like this, isn't it?"

Professor Lockhart's hand patted Ron's shoulder. Ron actually didn't feel disgusted at all. Instead, he felt that the hand carried infinite heat and drove away all his uneasiness and darkness.

'I was so stupid before that I questioned such a professor. ’

Such thoughts couldn't help but come to his mind.

This made him extremely ashamed, but he also began to worry - unknowingly, he told the professor in front of him a lot of his troubles, all those things that could be said that could not be said, those deep and dark parts. .

"Don't worry, Mr. Weasley, Professor Lockhart's club has received countless students, and not a word has ever been leaked out."

As if he had guessed his thoughts, Professor Lockhart smiled confidently - which made Ron even more ashamed.

"Okay, kid, just like you thought, use your own way to make up for the friendship and celebrate them," Professor Lockhart showed a bit of fatigue, "Of course, if there are still things that cannot be solved for a while, welcome You come to me."

"Yes, Professor, thank you, Professor."

Ron expressed his sincere thanks,

"See you later, Mr. Weasley."

Lockhart waved goodbye.


"I'm actually jealous of Harry and the others, and I'm jealous that my brother and my sister can touch the diadem," Ron walked in the corridor, full of regret, "Ginny was injured to the point of being hospitalized, and I'm actually jealous that she found out about La Vinclaw's crown! ’

'Fortunately, Professor Lockhart is there, okay. ’

He complained of jealousy and blamed his past prejudice against the professor.

'Like the professor said, I have to make up for the blessings. I have to find someone to celebrate Harry and Hermione properly, instead of just sending perfunctory blessings. ’

‘Go to Hagrid, go to Hagrid, he will definitely be willing to help me celebrate Harry and the others. ’

He thought this and then started walking towards the Forbidden Forest.


"Okay, keep smiling!"

The reporter from the Daily Prophet kept ordering the Quidditch players to pose in various poses for photos - "The most perfect, the most perfect, do you hope that you will be on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow?" Nose?"

"Hey, Adams, does the magic photo pick your nose?"

William asked Adams in front in a low voice.

"How do I know? I'm not a photographer. Anyway, I've never seen photos of nose picking - William, stop teasing me, I'm going to take the test!"

Adams was really impatient. He had been waiting all day, but the photographer was still thinking about how to take a good picture.

Finally, the photographer was satisfied.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I'm sorry, I'm too presumptuous, but can I touch this crown?"

he asked carefully and eagerly.

"Sorry, the protective magic above is too old and is still being studied-" Dumbledore responded to him with a regretful tone, "But you can take two photos at a close distance, or you can get the camera closer."

The photographer was overjoyed by such a reply, and he kept shooting at various angles until the film ran out.


After the reluctant photographer and the Gryffindor team left, Professor McGonagall's office became empty.

The crown that was transported in a transparent box has been unchained and is lying quietly on the velvet, waiting for the warrior who dares to challenge.

‘I was careless, why are there so many Weasleys here? ’

William looked at the three red heads and wanted to complain but didn't know what to say - he brought Percy here. As a reward for his assistant during this period and an investment in the future, being the first in the sixth grade of Hogwarts is worth it. This price.

As for the other two, William had already promised that these two children would even arrest their own sisters in order to solve the case and be the ones to bring back the crown. William couldn't break his promise, so he fulfilled his promise while the school team was taking pictures.

"Professor William, Professor Flitwick, Severus, and Minerva, each of you will stay on one side and interrupt immediately if the experimenter is wrong."

Dumbledore rarely held a wand and gave William and the others a mission.

‘No, why am I still there? ’

William was stunned for a moment and found that no one present objected - it was obviously common sense that the self-defense magic professor would not be weak in combat.

What's more, William is also a wizard who graduated from the master-disciple tradition of the retro school - in the wizarding world that seeks ancient times, a wizard with William's background is naturally highly regarded, otherwise he will encounter even greater resistance when he becomes a professor.

"I'm here too," Dumbledore added, dispelling everyone's last worries, "Then, let's start with the professor first, Professor Adams, get ready."

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