From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 134 A banquet where everyone is happy except William

In the end William was unable to refuse the administrator's intervention without expressing discrimination.

The two broke up unhappy.


After picking up his mood, William decided to go back and go crazy with those children for a while.

Today's banquet was quite well prepared, and William himself looked pretty good anyway.

Humming softly, William walked around the corridor and walked towards his office - he had been talking to Mr. Filch for too long, and the stairs had drifted away some distance.

Before he entered the office, the loud voices of the children came from inside the room.

‘I’m not playing so crazy? Sure enough, the position of professor is inherently oppressive to students. ’

He smiled and pushed open the door - although those people had a lot of fun when he was not around, it was just a party after all, and necessary management was still required.

The crowd had already gathered around him, probably because senior students had sneaked up from behind, and William actually felt a little blocked and couldn't see what was going on.

"Hey, why is it so busy in there?"

He knocked on the student's shoulder, trying to get along with them more harmoniously.

"The Weasley brothers' prank. It's going great!"

The student he called didn't even have the desire to turn around and responded as fast as he could.

It was indeed wonderful - at this moment, the insufficient band that William asked Adams to invite had already finished the performance and left, but the scene was much more joyful than when the band was there.

"I must ask you not to scream!"

Fred's voice sounded from inside, "That'll piss them off!"

Provoked by what?

While William was curious, the students around him were already laughing for no apparent reason.

But the laughter obviously did not interrupt the performance of the two brothers inside.

"Yes," George said in a funny voice, "a freshly caught Cornish elf."

'Elf? Why are you catching that thing? Ugly and a troublemaker - wait, they won't really catch him, right? ’

But the students burst into laughter.

‘What’s so funny about elves? Am I too old to keep up with these young people? Or is this a joke? ’

Fred spoke quickly in an exaggerated tone.

"They could also be cunning little vandals like card devils!"

Then, there was a rather exaggerated action of opening the cage door - even William, who didn't want to disturb the students' happiness, could clearly see it through the gap exposed in the crowd.

‘What kind of elf is there! ’

William thought, the movements of his hands were more cheerful than thinking - an elf, right?

"There are many obstacles!"

A powerful obstacle spell was issued, and the figures that flew out were directly photographed under the effect of the obstacle spell. Although the office had undergone a major renovation today, William still didn't like having elves come to help him renovate it.

No matter how cunning an elf is, a barrier spell like this will be swatted away like a fly - assuming it is really an elf.

The fireworks that flew into the sky broke away from the restraining ropes under the influence of William's obstacle spell, and then began to fly around like a swarm of swarms.

Realizing that something was wrong, William immediately began to remedy the situation.

"Clear water like a spring!"

A stream of water, similar to a fire-fighting jet, rushed out of his wand and began to rush towards the fireworks in the sky - luckily, this thing was not spelled waterproof.

So William began to transfer the magic with satisfaction, and the water dragon turned in mid-air, impacting the flying fireworks.

Theoretically, he should instruct the students at the same time, but he did not have the spare energy to calm the students while maintaining the spell. Fortunately, the students did not panic. They seemed to find it fun and began to take out their wands and attack the flying objects in the sky. Fireworks.

'Don't! ’

William wanted to shout out, but he couldn't - the firework hit by the stun spell exploded in the air and landed on the student's head with a bunch of sparks.

"Oh! It's on fire! It's on--poof!!!"

Before he shouted a second time, William had already rushed the water dragon over, and the huge water flow evenly sprinkled on the students in that area, soaking them into drowned rats - but the fire was indeed extinguished.

Also extinguished at the same time were most of the candles that were extinguished by William's improper control.

After half of the light in the room was lost, the student started to extinguish the surrounding candles with a spring of clear water.

Before William could react, the office lost all lights—only those fireworks spinning and jumping in mid-air without stopping.

After that, the situation got out of control. The students began to attack the fireworks on other people's heads, and then when they fell, they used clear water like a spring to hit others in the face.

"Who poured water on me?"

"Asshole, who stepped on my toes?"



The messy sound echoed through the whole room. William, who was worried about something unexpected, simply used the clear water like a spring without any control - the huge water column began to rush towards everyone under his control.

It was estimated that they all rushed at once, and William spoke loudly to his own throat.

"No one is allowed to cast spells! Squat where you are and don't move! Let what happened just now be forgotten, but whoever casts spells in the future will be put in solitary confinement!"

Let's calm down first - there are too many naughty children here. If they don't give up the investigation, they will probably make a big mess together. If someone gets hurt again, it will be a big deal.

The next minute, when there was movement there, William cut a circle with clear water like a spring towards the area he estimated to be his chest.

This method was extremely effective, and the crowd quickly quieted down.

"Next, everyone is prohibited from moving, making unnecessary noise, raising their wands, and using fluorescent flashes—"

Theoretically speaking, lighting all the candles with one wave of his hand is the optimal solution, but William can't do it, so he can only settle for the second best.

The numerous fluorescent flashes provided a great light source, and with everyone squatting down, William could clearly see that everyone was safe and sound - if he had to be injured, it was him who used clear water like a spring.

"The group on the far left, stand up and line up in order, the rest are not allowed to speak!"

William began to take command. The most important thing at the moment was to get all the students out. But this is not too troublesome. He is authoritative enough and can ensure communication with everyone.

"The second pile, get up and walk towards the door!"

Groups of people lined up to leave, and the Weasley brothers in the middle stood out.

'Don't be quick for those who have promised not to hold you accountable...'

William shook his head and waved his hand, signaling them to leave.

Afterwards, the group of chattering students outside became more lively.

It can be seen that everyone had a lot of fun because of the big scene at the end.

'Except me, of course. ’

William lit the candle casually and observed by the candlelight - there was no doubt that it was a mess.

"My dinner party!"

ps; I’m just catching a cold, I’m a little nervous

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