From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 101 A beautiful day ends with crying

"Fred? The one from the Weasley family? Yes - this hair looks like the Weasley family."

Hagrid scratched his face and his tone became helpless, "Ever since those two boys came to Hogwarts, I have been busy catching them from the Forbidden Forest. Why, they are planning to bring my sister in too. , form a team?”

"Hug... I'm sorry, Hagrid, I'm just curious about the Forbidden Forest. Fred and the others said that the Forbidden Forest is the most interesting place in Hogwarts..."

William's teeth were a little painful to say in one sentence - those two bastard boys, just go to the Forbidden Forest and violate the school rules by themselves, but they also lead the sister into evil?

Extra work must be given to these two bastards. Without extra work, I would be sorry for their great achievements!

Adams on the side was also furious, "Instigation! The two of them are waiting - and you, Miss Ginny, are going to work in the greenhouse this weekend. The instigator should certainly be punished, but your violation of school rules is beyond doubt. of."

"William, I will take her to Mr. Filch's place to register first. The first grader wanted to run to the Forbidden Forest - the plants there can kill people!"

Adams hurriedly took Ginny away - judging by his angry look, he probably would have had to preach a lot along the way.

The culprit disappeared, and William was relieved. He almost immediately took out the chocolate frog from his pocket - he had been paying special attention to adjusting his emotions since the black magic experiment.

‘Fortunately, they weren’t sent to my place for confinement, otherwise I would have been able to play and watch over there. ’

With this thought in his mind, William finally recovered from the anger caused by the two absentee troublemakers. He took out another chocolate frog and threw it up to Hagrid.

"Thank you, William. But it looks like my troubles this year won't be solved by a chocolate frog - another Gryffindor Weasley!"

"Is there anyone from Gryffindor?"

"Not yet, so each one is more troublesome than the other."

Hagrid smiled as he stuffed the whole chocolate frog into his mouth, "Oh, another picture of Principal Dumbledore."

"I've got five, I don't need any more."

"I have eleven, but you don't need this card when working at Hogwarts - Dumbledore only has one."

These words full of Versailles flavor did not make William feel envious - after all, he was now eating from Hogwarts.


By the time William left the rabbit with Hagrid and came back from chatting, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

‘The teaching aids for next week’s class have been determined, the fifth grade papers have been published, the sixth grade curriculum will be considered again, and next week’s lesson preparation task is completed——’

Thinking of this, even William, who deliberately behaved steadily in school in order to have the dignity of a professor, became a little happy - comparable to the joy of a pigeon spirit when he woke up and found that he had coded 30,000 words and saved the manuscript while sleepwalking. He couldn't help but tear open another article. Chocolate frog wrapper.

‘William, you have to exercise moderation – go to the Black Lake for two hours of swimming training this weekend! ’

After confirming this plan, William took a big bite of the chocolate frog and pulled out the card - as expected, it was Dumbledore.

‘There are no generals in Shu, so Zhuge Liang is the only one? ’

Who makes Chocolate Frog cards? Want to prosper too?

Playing jokes that no one understood and eating chocolate frogs, William drifted back to the staff lounge before the students finished class.

However, to his surprise, the staff room was empty.

‘Something’s wrong – where are Adams and Singed? Aphra should be there too, right? ’

"Uncle Liar?"

A figure appeared at the foot of the wall, which startled William - who was it if it wasn't Aphra?

"Afra, where are they?"

"Is it Uncle Adams? Uncle Adams was called out by Aunt Sprout, and then everyone went out in one fell swoop. Aphra quietly disappeared, so they couldn't see me."

Invisible? Isn't it a curse?

William still remembered that in order to prevent anyone from being found, all of Aphra's clothes were cursed - 'Maybe I forgot today? ’

"Then I'll go find them and see what's going on - Aphra, are you going?"

The little girl had a curious look on her face, but she still held it back, "Dad told me to listen to Uncle Singed, so Aphra won't leave this room."

"Obideant child, I'll give you a piece of chocolate as a reward. I'll go out and have a look and I'll be back soon."

William, a sensible child raised by her parents, naturally couldn't be instigated to go out and play around. He could only rub her head and then chase after other professors.


"Professor William, are you here too?"

While saying hello, Singed made a hissing gesture toward William who hurried over.

William, who had been asking about it from the oil painting along the way, took a breath of air - I dare not say half of the school, but at least a third of the professors came over.

This lineup is enough to defeat the Ministry of Magic. Is this a coup?

"Keep your voice down, little William."

Professor Kettleburn lowered his voice for the first time and made room for William. William squeezed past with great frustration.

"Thirty points deducted!"

"A whole thirty minutes!"

"Hufflepuff finally took the lead temporarily, but the gems suddenly flew up - the prefects were shocked, and they ran all over the common room to find who had so many points deducted! "

"You caught Gryffindor's troublemakers and deducted points from Hufflepuff - if I hadn't personally brought you from first grade to graduation, I would have even thought you were a professor from Gryffindor!"

The voice of the angry female professor inside was very familiar to William. She was Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff, a usually quite kind witch.

But apparently she was really angry today.

William thought about it if he stayed in the professor's position, and then found that he would be even more angry.

Well, the prefects of their own college found out that a large amount of points had been deducted, and then they frantically searched for a long time to find out who was the culprit but couldn't find it. In the end, the helpless prefects had to report to the dean collectively, and then the dean personally investigated. After checking the records, I discovered that the person whose points were deducted was a student who graduated from his own family.

Once this scene came into play, William didn't feel that Adams was wronged at all.


"That's it. The unlucky Adams was trained for a full hour, and his academy points were deducted for being so diligent. He is really unlucky."

During dinner at Professor Taylor's house, Professor Taylor smiled and told his wife about the interesting things at school during the day - it was a matter of great difficulty for Aphra to braid her hair, and Professor Taylor felt that he was not sorry.

"Haha, I want to go see what you said. Professor Sprout is training people. I haven't seen him during my time at Hogwarts - Aphra, what are you doing?"

"Mommy eats chocolate."

Aphra handed over a whole piece of unopened chocolate, which made Professor Taylor, who was watching, stop laughing. Where is my share?

"Ah! Bug...bug!"

A Flobber caterpillar was lying on top of the chocolate, and Aphra caught it back with great speed - "This is the new friend I met today, I met in the Forbidden Forest."

Aphra's tone was cheerful.

But soon, Professor Taylor's house was filled with the cries of children and his explanations.

ps; No chance tonight.

I spent a day reading through the previous chapters today. Well, everything is in order, although the last few chapters have been a bit rushed in order to get into the plot.

Just like what I said before when choosing a card, if you don’t write down the reason for choosing, you won’t be able to explain it clearly, it will be too detailed, and it will be too vague...

This thing is indeed difficult to grasp, and I am not very good at it now. Everyone, Haihan, well, that’s it…

By the way, last night I said I would send it during the day, but I forgot about it while adjusting my mentality... I am extremely sorry...

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