Participating in the rescue mission are Joga, Dorian, Kaman, as well as Sanderson and ‘Impact’ from Team B.

Qiao Jia's idea is very simple. You must not walk on the road, let alone the crooked paths in the civilian area, so just open a passage between the houses.

In fact, the straight-line distance between the Rangers and the mosque is only about 600 meters. In theory, the efficiency and safety of this approach will be higher.

As the backfield conductor, Antar compared the satellite detection images with her own drone reconnaissance images, found a relatively safe entry point for Qiao Jia and the others, and then marked the location suitable for blasting on the house to facilitate their passage. Then go to the next one as soon as possible and don't stay on the street.

Qiao Jia quietly prepared dozens of gas bombs and smoke bombs and stuffed them into his backpack, and then reminded others to put on gas masks.

Kamando carried an automatic grenade launcher, and a row of grenades hung diagonally on his body.

Dorian left all the grenades he had in the mosque and replaced them with shock bombs.

While everyone was sorting out their equipment, 'Impact' cut the large piece of C4 into long strips and prepared a bag full of C4.

When Qiaojia announced his departure, Sanderson, who had been waiting impatiently, stood up first, grabbed the vanguard position, quickly left the back door of the mosque, made a circle from the left, and used the cover of the night to cross A street went into a house.

Basically, there were terrorists in all the houses near the mosque, and a firefight broke out the moment Sanderson entered.

Sanderson threw a grenade into the room on the first floor, keeping an eye on Dorian on the second floor, and shot a terrorist in the shoulder, causing him to fall into the room.


As the grenade exploded, the team quickly entered the building.

Hearing the cheers from the houses on both sides, Qiao Jia motioned to Sanderson to continue to open the way. When a few people approached the back door, Qiao Jia threw a gas bomb into the house they just passed.

This was to prevent terrorists from occupying the house after they left. He not only had to blow up a road, but also left a gas path to ensure that there were no enemies inside when he turned back.

Qiao Jia's use of gas bombs was still influenced by the "Gray Wolves" of Team D. Those guys used gas in the jungle to smoke the drug dealers into tears, and using it in a house would make it inaccessible for a short time.

As he was moving forward, Qiao Jia heard a coughing sound coming from the house behind him that seemed to take his lungs out.

With the sound of footsteps, a terrorist rushed down the stairs and rushed in the direction of Qiao Jia and the others like a headless fly.

Qiao Jia shot the guy down with one shot, and then held a gas bomb. Under Sanderson's weird expression, he smiled and said: "Put on the gas mask. Let's speed up a little. Put the gas bomb first and then put it in. This will be faster." .”

Sanderson took a small bag containing more than a dozen gas bombs and hung it on his waist. He nodded heavily and said, "I like this thing. I will remember to take a few with me wherever I go."

As he spoke, Sanderson pulled out a gas bomb and threw it out like a baseball pitcher, causing the gas bomb to accurately pass through the window of the opposite house.

Soon the person on the other side remembered the sound of violent coughing...

"Up, up, up..."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Several people quickly entered the second house and killed the terrorists who had almost no ability to resist. 'Impact' used C4 to open a large hole in the southeast of the first floor of the house. There was a 3-meter path directly opposite. It happens to be the main entrance of another house.

Antar's meticulousness has brought great help to Qiao Jia and the others. Every five minutes, she will give the general structure of the house on the following route based on satellite detection images from the United States and France, combined with her own drone, and Is there anyone's information in it?

They would even judge for Qiao Jia and the others whether they were enemies or civilians based on the location of the heat source.

Sanderson had never enjoyed such treatment in his life. He thought that the road ahead would be a fierce battle, but he didn't expect that he had become a robot. He only had to follow his usual training and follow Antal's prompts to break in and clean. , confirm and evacuate.

What Sanderson couldn't understand the most was that his boss seemed to have been prepared.

Sanderson had seen civilians being made to hide as much as possible, or even ignore them, but he had never seen civilians being given gas bombs.

With the help of Kaman, Qiao Jia taught civilians along the road to build closed safe houses. Once they heard any noise, they would throw the gas out and hide in the safe houses.

When encountering civilians who have guns in their hands and are trying to protect themselves and their families, Qiaojia will confiscate their weapons that may not even look like they can fire, and then give him two more gas bombs as compensation, so that they can not only protect themselves if necessary You can also protect your next-door neighbors.

This approach quickly established a smooth passage for them. Although the sound of 'impact' blasting opened the way, they would encounter the interception of the Isis special forces on their return, but who could care about that at the moment? , there will always be a way by then.


‘Tailor’ Waters was squatting inside the main entrance of a house holding a MK48.

The courtyard wall of the house has been blown down by RPG, and outside is an open space full of rubble.

The terrorists who besieged the Rangers threw a lot of incendiary objects in the open space, using the burning light to prevent the Rangers from breaking out in the dark.

The Ranger snipers went to the North District, and now they only have 9 people, including 3 seriously wounded.

One was shot in the thigh, one was shot in the abdomen, and one was hit in the neck by a ricochet and suffered damage to a major artery.

Waters knew that it was impossible to break out with the wounded, so he could only hold on with the support of aircraft from the sky and drag the terrorists here to wait for rescue.

An unknown number of terrorist special forces made this battle extremely dangerous. The Rangers, who were supposed to be a mobile support force, became a lone force surrounded and suppressed. This was something Waters never imagined before the war began.

Seeing that the Super Tucano that had been covering him passed by from a low altitude, he fired the last two rockets into a house, then showed his empty belly towards him, and flew towards it with the bullets chasing him. The sky begins to recede...

Waters knew the hardest time was coming!

He put a 200-round ammunition box on his MK48 and placed a few grenades at a convenient location. Waters shouted loudly: "Save ammunition, don't shoot blindly, our support will be here soon." .”

Jarhead, whose neck was hit by a stray bullet, was sitting in the corner of the house. His neck had just been sutured by the team doctor and was wrapped in a large pile of gauze.

After hearing Waters's cry, the guy whose neck couldn't move at all picked up the rifle with difficulty, sat on the ground and slowly moved to a comrade guarding the window.

Taking out all the magazines on his body and placing them at the feet of his comrades, Jarhead took out the spare ammunition from his waistband and began to load the empty magazines one by one.

Ignoring the attention of his teammates, Guogai nodded his head and said with a difficult smile: "I like morphine, it makes me so happy...

Boss, we are better than those French guys, right? It's worth it for us to do this, right? "

Waters glanced at the guys around him, nodded seriously and said, "It's worth living for us, but it doesn't matter if we die."

As Waters spoke, he looked at the seriously wounded man who had been shot in the leg and had just undergone emergency surgery. He also sat up and tried to take a gun to join the battle. He did not stop him, but instead pulled the gun bolt hard, putting himself in the most dangerous position. s position……

"Pay attention to the opponent's RPG. Move the others closer before attacking. Save ammunition as much as possible. We will be fine.



As the Toucan and the two covering birds left, the terrorists' offensive began to gradually increase.

First they fired tentatively. When they found that the Rangers had no reaction, the frequency of shooting began to increase, and they began to cover their accomplices in firing rockets.

A Ranger striker hit a terrorist carrying an RPG, and a rocket hit the outside wall of the house at an angle, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

Waters, who was wearing night vision goggles, took advantage of this moment to rush to the door and started shooting at the several fire points he had just seen, causing the enemy's machine guns to instantly misfire.

However, this situation did not last long. A bullet hit Waters' left shoulder, and then an RPG exploded on the wall on the side of the gate. The impact and gravel caused by the explosion hit Waters' body. , causing him to fly back two meters and hit the ground heavily.

Seeing that something was wrong with the captain, the medical department rushed over and grabbed the handle of Waters' tactical vest, desperately trying to drag him towards the inside of the house, but unexpectedly Waters sat up and shook his head...

The flying gravel opened a large gash on Waters' cheek, making him look horrifying.

However, although this guy was dizzy, the will to fight deep in his bones still existed. His left arm could no longer use any strength, so he lay on the ground and kept pointing the muzzle of the gun outside the house.

The gunfire outside began to become sparse with a strange roar. At this time, the medical soldier knew that the critical moment was coming.

He squatted behind Waters, injected him with a shot of morphine, then rolled gauze into a cylinder and roughly stuffed it into the punctured shoulder wound.

Seeing Waters let out a low groan of pain, the medic picked up his rifle and pressed it against the window on the right.

Looking at the vague figure opposite, the medic pushed the last morphine in his body to the comrade who was shot in the abdomen, then turned around with his M4A1 carbine and opened fire on a terrorist who walked out of the bunker.

Immediately afterwards, the machine gun on the high point on the opposite side sprayed a large number of bullets at them, and then a large number of terrorists began to rush out of the bunker, trying to rush into the house where the Rangers were located and kill them at close range.

The communications troops kept calling for support, but it was of no use. The Black Hawks and Birds sent by the US military base were still halfway there, and Sanderson, who had been caring about them, had not been heard from 10 minutes ago.

The signal soldier who felt a little desperate finally gave up calling for help, stuffed a grenade into his tactical vest, then picked up his rifle, howled and started shooting.

Just when this group of rangers felt desperate, the sealed door behind them was violently kicked open.

An old black man with better equipment than them rushed forward with an automatic grenade gun and fired several rounds of grenades into the open space more than ten meters away.

Then, amid the medic's horrified expression, the old man took out a broad sword and stuck it on the wall outside the window.

Seeing the old man rushing towards the side corner without looking back, the medical soldier reacted very quickly and pulled his comrade, cursed and fell to the ground...


With a distant explosion, a dozen terrorists who rushed out from the front of the house seemed to have been hit by shotguns. Many blood holes appeared on their bodies and they fell limply to the ground.

Qiao Jia and Dorian threw several smoke bombs and gas bombs forward and behind at the same time. Then he shouted loudly to a group of dumbfounded rangers: "Put on the gas masks, P.B. You go home!”

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