From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 213 The initial dream

Qiao Jia's deception on Sangha Mountain made the blood boil of a group of rich men and women from Central Africa.

However, things cannot be solved with just a few words. Construction takes a lot of time.

But Qiao Jia couldn't help with these things.

He arranged a business consulting center in Sangha Town, where several old professors took turns to teach the country bumpkins and their children in high spirits. Then, according to Qiao Jia's vision, he subdivided the steelmaking industry chain into many segments.

Then it was handed over to the black assistant Lian Nuoer to ensure that no one from any tribe or alliance would be able to fully control any link in the steelmaking industry chain, so as to ensure that Qiaojia would always be in the advantageous position of the source supplier. .

In this case, when every link in the industrial chain starts to generate profits, those bumpkins who are used to making money will probably not even be able to resist.

Qiaojia’s personal lawyer, Joli Amon, helped Qiaojia form a management team composed entirely of black elites and began to seize the time to implement the mining equipment.

Treating black people with black people is a traditional method left by Europeans. In times of peace, this method is indeed simple and effective. As long as basic fairness is guaranteed, there will be little backlash.

Even before the equipment arrived, the mine recruited nearly 400 miners with a salary of US$15 per month, including two meals, and then the preparatory work began.

It’s not about mining, it’s about opening roads!

With the P·B base as the backing, any obstacle will explode immediately, and then the miners will go into battle carrying tools to push the garbage away and fill the holes.

This is a very difficult job, but the poor people in Central Africa are really not as lazy as Qiao Jia imagined. No one raised issues such as not being able to work overtime or being too tired.

When Jory Amon posted the sketch of a community consisting of hundreds of tube buildings in the most conspicuous place of the workers' temporary dormitories, and promised that as long as the workers could work for five years, they would receive a house, the cooperation was filled with the smell of meat every day. The food was provided, and there were hundreds of rules and regulations that listed the conditions for 'expulsion'. The gang of black guys working hard did not do badly at all.

The process of 'carving up' the entire industrial chain lasted for nearly 50 days.

This is not about demolishing and dividing houses. It is not about simply choosing and signing.

Instead, you are eligible to enter the market only after paying a deposit. After a period of study, you have to put forward your own opinions based on the professors' explanations and explain your advantages in a certain industry chain.

For example, my tribe has sufficient manpower and is flatter than my territory. For example, my territory has some ores necessary for steelmaking. For example, I can find a market for the final finished product...

Only through a series of comprehensive considerations can we win from the competition.

During this period, there were many vicious armed fights near Bengasu due to the distribution of the industrial chain, which even alarmed the people with blue hats. However, when they tried to intervene, those country bumpkins who almost had their brains knocked out, but They shook hands and made peace again.

The government in Central Africa is weak, but the tribal elders are still very prestigious.

Faced with this kind of big cake that will become bigger and stronger, and may reach 10-digit profits in the future, those big guys with brains have united to speak out. Before everything settles, whoever causes trouble will be everyone's enemy.

Qiao Jia didn't care about these people. He took advantage of those tribesmen to be busy and started a high-intensity campaign against all the drug dealers in his territory.

The four BCDE teams attacked everywhere, killing all the evil spirits who had been hiding in the jungle for a long time, and destroying all the drugs they saw.

Then the recruits, who had basically come to the end of their training, began to dispatch in batches under the leadership of the Serbian veterans. Under the cover of armored vehicles, they drove armed pickup trucks and began to clear the roads between Central Africa, Congo, and Uganda. Pay those teams that run drug shipments.

After all, Afika is only the origin and transit point of drugs. The camps in the jungle are the base of drug traffickers, but the real place where they work is on the highway.

Except for those particularly perverted bastards, a large part of the guys who really make a lot of money through drugs are entrenched in the towns, and they are definitely the richest ones.

The job of the Serbian veterans is to lead an extremely powerful armed team and clean them up one by one.

When the border tribes surrendered to Qiao Jia because of a steel industry chain, the drug dealers entrenched in the towns could not hide at all.

However, we cannot treat drug dealers in towns as harshly as we treat drug dealers in the jungle, because there are too many ordinary people involved in this drug chain, and killing too much will easily cause a backlash from the locals.

And they are not all as perverted as the people in the jungle. Many of them are just trying to make ends meet.

I can't even afford to eat. Someone gave me 50 yuan and asked me to carry 30 pounds of marijuana and walk more than ten kilometers. Can I do it?

At this time, the advantages of a disciplined armed team composed mainly of local people emerged.

The young gangsters were well-trained, led by locals and covered by armored vehicles, and rushed into the town to surround the drug dealers' lair.

First, there was a very humane shouting, shouting out various preferential treatment to the prisoners and then waiting for 5 minutes. Once there was no response from inside, the armored vehicle's large-caliber machine gun opened the way and mortars covered it. After the fight was over, the gangsters went in to finish.

If a team of other colors does the same thing, someone will show dissatisfaction after one or two times, and if it is not handled well, it will be a riot.

But when the attackers are a group of gangsters who seem to be very energetic and extremely disciplined, the situation is completely different. Occasionally there will be some collateral damage, and the locals can pay some money.

Those little black guys performed very well the first time they went into battle. Although they were all fighting against the wind, according to the old guys in Sevilla, the same battle was repeated ten or eight times, so that everyone could see the blood. That's about it.

After the stronghold is broken, the leader of the drug dealers must die!

The Supreme Court of Central Africa sent two judges who looked more like wizards. As long as the drug trafficker leader was still alive, they would come out to organize a temporary trial, and sentenced the leader to death in three to five minutes. Other people involved in the case followed suit. To do hard labor.

All the condemned unfortunates will be sent to Bangassu and will be taken care of by the local national defense force. Once 1,000 people are gathered, they will start to rebuild the road between Bangassu and Sangha Town.

In fact, someone suggested to Qiao Jia that these people should go directly to his mines to do hard labor as labor reform, but Qiao Jia firmly refused.

People who make quick money are not suitable for places like mines. Not only do they have unstable personalities, but they will also affect the mood of current workers in the mines.

Qiao Jia felt that there was no need to do such a thing when the workers had just gained some cohesion and started to work hard.

Because this is how Qiao Jia came to be. He was very happy with his salary of fifteen thousand from the beginning. Then when the first gun was sold and he made tens of thousands of dollars, he became more and more slippery in this industry. It was so deep that in the end I couldn’t get out completely.

Now that everything is ready, what Qiao Jia wants is at least 10 to 15 years of benefits. Treating those workers well and letting them benefit from it. Finally, the right thing to do is to choose to voluntarily protect the interests of the boss.

As for those accomplices to drug dealers...

It would be nice to keep you alive, go and build roads!

Where have drug dealers in Afika ever experienced such a crackdown?

In just 40 days, the land drug line from Congo to Central Africa was cut off.

At this time, if the drugs want to cross Choga's territory, the only option is to take a detour through the Congo Basin, then transfer to Cameroon and then head north.

Not to mention the detour distance and the dangers in the rainforest, even the loss of drugs is unacceptable to drug dealers.

The huge losses of drug traffickers soon attracted the attention of all parties, and the achievements of China and Africa in combating drugs quickly made the news.

The Ugandan rebels "Lord's Armed Army" and the "Ndrangheta" lurking on the eastern border of Central Africa have suffered heavy losses and have begun to take action...

At this time, Joga came to the Manovo Gonda San Flores National Park in northern Central Africa in the chaos.

This is the only national park in Central Africa, covering an area of ​​17,400 square kilometers, and is a ‘World Heritage’ recognized by UNESCO.

This huge national park can be divided into three parts...

Located in the northern part of the park, the grassland-dominated Bamingi Bangoran National Reserve.

Located in the southwest area of ​​the park, the Danzeka National Reserve is dominated by wetlands and lakes.

Located in the southeastern area of ​​the park, the Sangha Forest Special Reserve is dominated by tropical rainforest.

Qiao Jia's understanding of operating the steel industry chain is only verbal.

Moreover, he is not really a very patient person, so if he was asked to stay in Sangha Town and watch those gangsters argue, he was afraid that he would not be able to control his temper.

If you want to go to the jungle to fight, Kaman and the others are not very enthusiastic.

The four special operations teams B, C, D, and E were extremely proactive, as if they were afraid that their boss would take away their job opportunities.

So Qiao Jia chose to fly a helicopter to fight for a few times, but when an RPG appeared on the ground, he was deprived of the opportunity to fly an armed helicopter onto the battlefield by the pilot.

'Cobra' and 'Archerfish' welcomed him as always, but Qiao Jia didn't like it.

Aerial bombs are not expensive, but it is too difficult for Qiao Jia to fly a Super Tucano to cooperate with the ground team to rescue innocent people and accurately use aerial bombs and cannons on drug dealers. Taller.

Rather than being a mascot commander who could only serve as a cheerleading team, Qiao Jia chose another career that he truly loved.

‘Guide Company’

Although he hasn't returned to Damazin for half a year, Qiao Jia's connection with it has never been broken.

Because Damazin had no reliable sources of tourists, its losses began when the tourist season entered.

Damazin's travel company would have gone bankrupt if it weren't for Qiao Jia's own money to subsidize the place.

It's no wonder that Sailimu, who is in charge of this matter, was actually the reason why Qiao Jia's stall suddenly became too big, and the company's operating costs have remained high.

Regardless of people, the food and drink of Ayou's 'children' alone made Sailimu scratch his head. It was really delicious.

However, Qiao Jia is not in a hurry about this matter, because Eric's company layout is still in progress, and branch shells in ten European countries have been set up, and are now spreading to Asia and the Americas.

Although the website has been launched, it has not yet officially attracted traffic, because the layout of Afika, which Qiao Jia is responsible for, has been delayed by himself. How can it be possible when someone comes and there is only Damazin?

Afika's hunting guide company license was easy to obtain, and Central Africa's hunting guide company license was even obtained when Joga signed the arms contract with Mary Enola.

Qiao Jia took advantage of his free time to come here, planning to conduct an on-site inspection and then establish a tourism company here similar to Damazin.

But the most critical thing is to achieve all animal hunting targets in the Central African Republic in the next few years.

Whether I do it myself depends on whether I can sell it at a high price, and other people should not think about these things.

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