I really don't blame Dani for resentment.

It is different from the rare warmth in "Poetry to the Sun".

Also created by Bu Yehou, the story "The Far Away Couple" unexpectedly regained his usual depressive and dark writing style.

There is a kind of evil and weirdness in the story.

Same first person, I was a little kid.

I don't know from which day, my father and mother can't see each other, but I can see my father and mother at the same time.


The story starts from the day when Mom and Dad wanted to use guessing games to decide who would give things to Uncle.

At that time, both parties were a little lazy and hoped that the other party would go for a trip, but no one wanted to go.

the next day.

News broke.

There was a serious accident on that train, so Mom and Dad couldn't see each other.

turn out to be.

In my father's memory, it was my mother who lost the boxing game that day, so she got on that train and died in that train accident.

My mother's memory was just the opposite.

Mom said that Dad lost the boxing game and died on that train.

that's all.

I began to act as a mouthpiece for my parents.

Today the three of us sat on the sofa and watched TV.

["I want to watch travel shows." My mother said to me like this.

So I told my dad about it right away.

"Mom said she didn't want to watch this, she wanted to watch a travel show."

"You tell your mother, tell her to bear it and watch crime TV dramas."

Dad didn't take his eyes off the TV, so he replied directly.

"Dad said he didn't want to change the channel.\

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