Fox of France

Chapter 442 , Great defeat

To say that the British do not have too many regular troops in Canada, the main force of the Canadian Army is actually the local militia in Canada. Of course, the U.S. Army, in the eyes of Europeans, is basically just a militia. In terms of numbers, the U.S. Army has even more people. It stands to reason that even if the U.S. Army is low-level and a rookie, it will not be easily given to that by the Canadian Army. Even in the original history, before the arrival of British reinforcements, the US Army had a clear upper hand.

"Why are these Yankees so stupid!" In a luxuriously decorated office of the Louisiana Development Bank, the most luxurious and magnificent building in New Orleans, the new chairman of the Louisiana Development Bank, Louis Bonaparte Was yelling, "Are the weapons and mercenaries we prepared for Canadians now going to those American idiots?"

"Chairman, it's actually nothing to sell weapons and mercenaries to Americans, isn't it the same as selling?" said a man dressed as a manager who was a little bald.

"Sergey, you are right, but things have exceeded our expectations, and it is always unpleasant." Louis replied, "In addition, mercenaries should not be considered now. The United States still has a population, and it has not arrived yet." This level. Besides, the main problem of the U.S. military is not morale, but...they are completely unaware that the times have changed. However, some of the atrocities of the British can just be used as an excuse for us to intervene..."

Yes, the reason why the U.S. military failed is because they were really too behind the times. Unlike the navy, the navy has been educated by the French anyway, and has seen what is going on at the world's advanced level. But the army, that's really a bumpkin.

The U.S. Army hasn't fought much since the Revolutionary War. During the War of Independence, they didn't actually fight well. If it weren't for His Majesty Louis XVI who sold his head to aid the United States later, it's really hard to say what the final outcome of this war will be. During this battle, and after this battle, the U.S. Army has only one example to learn from, and that is the French Army. However, that was the French Army in the era of queuing up and shooting.

So the U.S. Army is still using the old-fashioned queuing and shooting tactics until today, because they don't know anything else except this set of things. Even queuing up to shoot them is not particularly proficient, because in order to save money in the United States, the size of the federal standing army has always been very small, and the state soldiers of each state, which later became the National Guard, are essentially militias , They have less training, but the weapons in their hands are much better than the federal army.

On the British side, the situation is completely different. The British were beaten by the Bonaparte brothers on the European continent. Although he was beaten to the point where he could only lie on the ground and call his mother, at least he knew what the most advanced war mode is like today. So they quickly set up a Joseph defense. and then? Then, the American bumpkins simply don't understand how dangerous Joseph's defense is.

The American army commanded by General William Hull lined up, beat drums, and strode forward to launch a brave attack on Fort Amherst, where the British army was stationed, and then, and then there was no more.

In short, the stupid Yankee was overrun by the sinister British guy with landmines, shrapnel, barbed wire, and anti-infantry directional mines, and then collapsed.

In fact, it was only the failure of this attack. Although the failure was a bit miserable, seriously speaking, not many people died. Because the people who invested in the first wave of shocks were only about 2,000 people in total. Although at least more than half of these two thousand people were beaten by the British, but compared with the total number of armies on both sides, more than one thousand people died, which is actually not too much.

But these people were killed almost instantly in front of everyone's eyes. The efficiency of the British in killing these people was so high that the US military who saw this scene were frightened.

The American army, which is dominated by state soldiers, has a defect very similar to the Vendée rebels back then. That is, if they fight in their hometown, their morale is high. If they fight in other places, once they suffer setbacks, their morale will be high. Morale drops as fast as the water in Niagara Falls. To put it more simply, that is, after the U.S. Army received this heavy blow, the entire army fell into self-doubt, and its morale was almost on the verge of collapse.

So Isaac, who commanded the British army (actually also mainly Canadians). General Brock took the opportunity to launch a counterattack, using shrapnel shells unfamiliar to the Americans to cooperate with the tactics of skirmishers, directly crushing the sluggish and chaotic U.S. troops. General William Hull fled into Detroit with his remnants, and was pursued by the British army along the way. He suffered heavy casualties and his troops fled. At last when they entered Detroit, there were not even a thousand troops still with General William Hull.

The British army continued to march, approaching Detroit. Citizens of Detroit took up arms one after another, ready to defend their city. Detroit is close to Canada, Louisiana. Here, Canadians, Americans, and those French who speak German, as well as various Indians, will call back and forth if they have nothing to do. Therefore, the residents of Detroit in this era are still dominated by white people with abundant martial arts. Almost everyone who lives here has more than one gun.

Therefore, under the call to "defend the city", in just one day, more than 4,000 Detroit citizens armed with weapons joined the ranks of "resisting British aggression".

However, the evil British fired again. Instead of directly attacking Detroit, they bombarded Detroit with white phosphorus incendiary bombs.

I don't know if it was because of the butterfly effect that the fire that should have swept through Detroit last year didn't happen. So Detroit at this time is still the Detroit that has not experienced post-disaster reconstruction. In other words, Detroit is still the same Detroit that grew out of the fur market naturally, without artificial urban planning, with narrow streets, random wooden houses everywhere, and huge fire hazards.

Such a city is really suitable for arson. So the British (Canadians) fired an arson bomb, and Detroit immediately burned blazingly. And it is different from the Detroit fire in the original history. Although the fire swept across Detroit in the end, because there was only one fire point, the speed at which the fire spread was limited, so most people still had time to escape. Although in the fire in history, the entire Detroit was burned to the ground, leaving only a warehouse and a brick chimney, (this is also the last part of the city that was first established by the French. Detroiters They were also painted into Detroit's city flag.) But not many people were burned.

But this time the situation is different. The British army dropped tens of thousands of fires in the bombardment, covering the entire city. The whole city was on fire almost in the blink of an eye, so the people in the city had no time to evacuate. Exactly how many casualties the fire caused has been debated, but even the lowest estimate puts the number of casualties at no less than nine thousand, and the highest number is as many as twenty thousand. Of course, the British think this figure is too exaggerated, because Detroit does not have such a large population.

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