Fox of France

Chapter 210 , First Ruling

A few days later, after a full discussion, the National Assembly will vote on Napoleon's political reform plan, and the people of Paris have spontaneously acted (absolutely really spontaneously), gathering in the square near the Congress Building , singing and dancing to celebrate the imminent passing of the new law. People sang all kinds of revolutionary songs, waved models of rifles, spears and guillotines that symbolized the revolutionary spirit (note, this must not appear in news reports!), expressed support for the National Assembly, and expressed their support for the victory. joy.

Many soldiers also joined the party, and they brought cannons as accompaniment salutes. The square in front of the Capitol has become a sea of ​​joy.

In such a happy atmosphere, the National Assembly began to deliberate on Napoleon's plan. All members of Congress voted for it without hesitation amid the singing of "It will be fine, it will be fine, the counter-revolutionaries are all hung on the lampposts." So Napoleon's plan was successfully passed.

According to this plan, the French government will carry out comprehensive reforms, and the highest administrative body in France is called the Consulate. The executive government is composed of three executives, and the administrative affairs are handled by the three executives. Among them, the second consul is responsible for internal affairs, and the consul is responsible for armaments and foreign affairs, and they are directly responsible to the first consul. The First Consul was in charge of all administrative affairs and served as Commander-in-Chief of the French Army.

The first ruling is directly elected for a term of 5 years. As the head of state, he does not need to be responsible to the parliament. The candidates for the second and third ruling powers are nominated by the first ruling power and approved by the parliament.

Under the ruling government, several departments were established, namely the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Truth. The ministers of these departments are appointed by the First Consul and are directly responsible to the First Consul.

As for the National Assembly, it was also reformed and split into four parts: the State Council, the Tribunal, the Legislative Yuan, and the Senate. Among them, the State Council is responsible for proposing bills, and the Tribunal is responsible for discussing the bills proposed by the State Council and proposing amendments. The Legislative Yuan votes on the legal provisions revised by the Tribunal, and after the vote is passed, it is submitted to the Senate for review and approval, and then to the Senate. First executive.

Among the four houses, only the State Council has the right to propose bills, and these bills need to be approved by the latter three departments before they can become laws. In fact, the power of the parliament has been greatly reduced.

On the other hand, according to the new plan, some of the members of the four parliaments are recommended by the first ruling party, and the other part is indirectly elected through a relatively complicated procedure. This makes the election itself vulnerable to the First Ruling as well. After passing this plan, the National Assembly really became the Senate after Augustus.

After passing such a bill, in the words of the British writer Dickens later: "The National Assembly approved its own death sentence." Since then, the National Assembly has ceased to be the most important role in the French political arena.

After the bill was passed, after rapid preparations, a month later, the first ruling elections were held in France.

This was the first national election in France. As the only candidate, Napoleon received almost all the votes except for some technical reasons.

Because of this election result, Napoleon was able to arrogantly declare when the Senate accepted why the execution of a certain decree should be suspended: "I was elected by one person, one vote of the whole French people! My legitimacy is far higher than any Parliament; therefore, the legitimacy of my orders is far higher than the so-called laws made by Parliament! Suspending the execution of laws that do not conform to the wishes of the French people is the unquestionable power given to me by the French people!"

Today, although Napoleon did not get the name "Dick Tudor", in fact, he has already won the right of "Dick Tudor". Now the only person who can make Napoleon feel frustrated is Joseph.

"Damn it! Napoleon, you idiot! You can't understand such a simple design for a long time, and you still want to sneak into the Academy of Sciences shamelessly! Let me tell you! Don't say that the number of academicians in the Academy of Sciences has only increased by ten, that is It’s not your turn to add a hundred more! Even though you found a lot of softies like Laplace and asked them to write you a lot of recommendation letters, I will never allow you to use If power tarnishes the sanctity of the academicians of the French Academy of Sciences, I say no, I just can’t! As long as I am the president of the French Academy of Sciences, then your naked use of secular power to mix in it will never be allowed! Unless..." Joseph Spit and cursed.

"Unless what?" asked Napoleon.

"Unless you can prove any of the several problems attached to this book!" Joseph pulled out a book from the shelf and threw it in front of Napoleon.

That book is Joseph's "Basics of Mathematics". Although the name of this book is "Basics", the things in it are not basic at all. Even after hundreds of years, it will make a lot of science and engineering students The good stuff they hated. In this book, Joseph unceremoniously and shamelessly plagiarized the important creations of a large number of great mathematicians in the original time and space, and successfully replaced those people with himself, becoming the The most hated object of future generations of students.

In the last part of the book, Joseph threw a lot of mathematical problems on it in one breath, including Fermat's conjecture (now it has become Fermat's last theorem), Goldbach's conjecture, and the four-color problem, etc. A series of mathematical puzzles of blah blah blah.

"It's not fair!" Napoleon protested. "Even Laplace couldn't solve these problems!"

"Well, you can prove some scientific law that we didn't know before, or I will lower the difficulty for you and ask a question that is as difficult as the last question in this book!" Joseph said.

"Hmph! Wait!" Napoleon angrily put away the application with the signatures of Lavoisier, Laplace and others, and walked out of Joseph's laboratory angrily. While walking, I thought: "I must let Laplace complete a high-quality paper for me as soon as possible! It must be groundbreaking, breakthrough, highly discussable, extremely important, and popular!"

Of course, this is just a small matter between brothers. Now the two brothers are very busy. Napoleon is busy building his government framework. Carnot, who has always had a good relationship with them, has become the third ruler and concurrently served as the Minister of War; and at a critical moment, he joined the "Military-Industrial Complex" Barras then became second in power and won the post of Minister of the Interior.

Lucien became the first minister of the newly established Ministry of Truth, and he also served as the chairman of the Tribune. Fouché continued to serve as the Minister of Public Security. As for the other positions of ministers, they were also assigned to some people who shared the interests of the Bonaparte family. In short, Napoleon's government was basically completed.

It is said that at a gathering after the official establishment of the government, when the young First Consul raised his glass to greet everyone, he said something like this: "Gentlemen, many of us have seen with our own eyes how the Directorate has lost people's hearts, how Abandoned by the people. There are only two main reasons why they have fallen into this situation: one is incompetence and the other is corruption.

Gentlemen, in fact, those people in the Directorate are not really fools. Looking at it alone, none of them are fools, and they are even very capable talents. But why did the Directorate come across as incompetent? I think the reason is very simple, because their ingenuity is consumed in internal fighting. And the reason why they have constant internal friction is because they lack consistent interests.

In this, gentlemen, we are quite different from them. We all have common interests, and it is in the interest of each of us to make this government run efficiently. There can be competition among us, but I hope that this competition must be limited and not become a battle within us.

As for the second point, that is, the issue of corruption. I don't want to tell you some deceptive truths. I just want to say that many of us have our own industries. Making money from these industries is much more reliable, and even much more, than making money from corruption and bribery. Don't lose the big because of the small. As for those who have not had time to gain sufficient status and benefits in our 'military-industrial complex', I can tell you that we have specially set up a 'corporate consultant' position in the 'military-industrial complex'. As long as you perform well in the government, when you leave the government, you can get much more in this position than you can get through corrupt means..."

On Joseph's side, since the "Zeus Project" has basically succeeded, Joseph's main focus is now on the "Hephaestus" project.

"Hephaestus" is the god of fire and craftsmen in Greek mythology. The project named after him mainly includes steel smelting. In this era, there is a crucible steelmaking technique. Using graphite crucibles, humans have for the first time made the furnace temperature exceed the melting point of pure iron, thereby obtaining liquid steel. This is also the most advanced steelmaking technology of this era. But this technology is still relatively expensive, and the output is very limited. This method obviously does not meet Joseph's needs.

In the original time and space, it was not until the British Henry Bessemer invented the Bessemer converter steelmaking method decades later that the mass production of steel at low cost was realized for the first time. However, Joseph is not a smelting professional, and he only has some basic understanding of steelmaking. He only knows that whether it is converter steelmaking or open hearth steelmaking, the basic principle is to blow oxygen into the molten pig iron. Steel is obtained by burning off excess carbon. But that's all he knows. Once it comes to technical details, he immediately knows nothing.

But even these general directions that lack technical details are of great value, because they point out the right direction. As long as the direction is good and the technology tree is not crooked, technical details can be slowly revealed through spending money on experiments. What's more, here in Joseph, there is also the greatest chemist of this era.

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