Forces of Temptation

Vol 2 Chapter 279: Ant (two)

The Nanzhou in the box, let's call it [Southern], opened the door from the inside.

After meeting each other, he didn't say a word, resting his cheek pillow on the shoulder of [Jiang Fang] in the box.

Only one glance, Nanzhou understands what [Nanzhou] is doing.

He knows his behavior too well.

—This kind of intimacy for no reason indicates that his body has awakened and his spirit is still asleep.

For Nan Zhou, this situation is rare.

Only on very few safe days, when the sun is high, the streets are silent, and parents and sisters leave the house, will he let his mind go, wandering around the house in chaos and aimlessly , touch this, look at that, until the spirit recovers, will stop and go back to a person's room.

…but that doesn't make sense.

A minute ago, he saw Nanzhou feeding the birds by the window.

He is clearly capable of coherent and conscious movements.

And the [Jiang Fang] in the box obviously lives next door to this [Nanzhou] house.

He also accepted the coquettish coquettishness of this beautiful young man with a cold face, took the initiative to embrace his waist, and led [Nan Zhou] down the steps step by step, teasing him softly: "Not yet. wake up?"

"What is breakfast today, guess what? There is a penalty for wrong guessing."

"Fried eggs? Wrong guess."

"The punishment is for you tomorrow morning."

Nanzhou looked at [Nanzhou] who was leaning lightly in [Jiang Fang]'s arms, and slept with his hair up in a messy corner, thinking, that's not himself.

That's not Brother Fang.

He looked at the [Nanzhou] of this world very carefully.

He wrapped bandages on the middle and index fingers of his right hand around [Jiang Fang]’s neck.

Although the nails of his left hand have been carefully cleaned, he still sees a fresh crack in his pinky fingernail, revealing a little pink flesh, and there are several bloodshots hidden in the nails.

[Jiang Fang] didn't notice this, because as soon as the door opened, [Nanzhou] fit and hugged him.

He put one arm around Nanzhou and opened the white fence gate of his small courtyard.

Judging from the fence gate and garden, Jiang's house should have been renovated recently.

The only thing that has not been painted and repaired is the colonnade of the outer foyer.

Because the names of two people are engraved on the pillars.

Starting from a height of 1 meter, the two children held hands and left their own growth marks on them, and they grew taller than they were, looking at the wind.

Nanzhou tried to digest the information in front of her.

I opened a box found in Never Town and entered a "Never Town No. 2" where [Jiang Fang] and [Nanzhou] grew up together.

So, the goal at this stage is to find the box and the "ticket" as the main goal, and explore this second town at the same time?

Nanzhou couldn't help but wonder, if there is also an openable box in the second world, after that box, will there be the third and fourth worlds?

In every world, will there be the same [Nanzhou]?

An inexplicably huge and surging sense of nothingness, like a giant hand protruding from the sky, firmly grasped Nanzhou.

He couldn't explain how this feeling came from, he just raised his hand and beat the hammer on his chest, in order to relieve the discomfort caused by this feeling through external force.

Nan Zhou took out his sunglasses and was about to put them on when he suddenly felt something different behind him.

He turned around suddenly.

Immediately, he faced a pair of dark and deep eyes.

…a girl.

The trees blocked her vision, so she couldn't see that another [Nanzhou] who looked exactly like the person in front of her had just entered the house of [Jiang Fang].

The girl has two braids and a sports headband on her forehead, like a beautiful plump apple.

She put one hand behind her back and pointed at her face playfully with the other, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Nan, when did you become so short-sighted that you had to wear glasses?"

Nanzhou looked at the girl.

He remembers her.

She is one of the thousands of faces in [Eternal Sun], and she is also one of the students with the highest talent in painting that Nanzhou has taught.

Similarly, she is also one of the most numb students.

She never communicated with anyone, whether it was sight, body, or language.

To die with this, she is also a charm.

But even so, she is a loner in the light and charm.

She is more creative than any town dweller, and more insensitive than anyone.

These two contradictions only have a certain rationality when they appear in a paper person.

Nanzhou has hoped countless times that students who can draw such excellent paintings will have a complete and beautiful soul in their bodies.

However, his student never responded, never even called him "Mr. Nan".

In the second world in this box, she is as beautiful as Nanzhou's vision.

Seeing that Nan Zhou didn't answer, she stuck her head out with a smile, learned Nan Zhou's snooping posture, and looked in the direction of [Jiang Fang]'s house.

Immediately afterwards, she sighed very maturely, and seemed to say "it really is" in her eyes.

Nan Zhou read some information from her actions.

So he lowered his head, avoiding her gaze deliberately, but he stopped talking.

Sure enough, the girl couldn't control her mouth.

"Mr. Nan, tell him." She stood on tiptoe and patted his shoulder thoughtfully, "Brother Jiang likes you so much, he won't mind that you are charming."

Nanzhou pursed her lips.

The girl's words, he understood why [Nanzhou] acted with a sense of disobedience.

In this world No. 2, it's not just character relationships that change.

The world view has also changed accordingly.

In the original world view setting of "Eternal Day", ordinary people did not know that there was a monster like "Light Charm" in the town.

Even if you are charming, you will completely forget your identity during the day.

When they even faced the corpse that was bitten to death by themselves and lay on the street, they would be so afraid that they had to ask a friend to walk at night.

In the real "Never Town", only Nanzhou who is set to "have self-awareness" knows all the truth.

In the day world, Nan Zhou is the only person with complete consciousness.

In the moonlight world, they fear Nanzhou and obey Nanzhou, but they can only communicate in the form of beasts.

From the rising of the sun to the setting of the moon, from birth to growth, Nan Zhou is always alone.

In this second world, NPCs also have considerable self-awareness and personal character.

Everyone is aware of the existence of the monster "Light Charm".

Also as a monster, [Nanzhou] has the opportunity to form a group.

When walking on the street, at least a certain light charm can give a knowing smile to the [Nanzhou] who is the same kind.

The distress of [Nanzhou] in the second world is probably because [Jiang Fang] who lives with him in this weird town is a normal person, while he is a monster.

He must try his best to hide the wound on his hand, hide all suspicious traces, and disguise himself as chaotic, kind, confused and harmless as much as possible.

He did all this, just hoping that his brother [Jiang Fang] who grew up next door would still be willing to ask him to have breakfast every morning.

Although there is still distress, at least the [Nanzhou] of the second world is not alone.

…At least his students, his kind, can understand his entanglement.

This town in a box has more human touches than the real "Eternal Day".

Nan Zhou lowered his head and thought enviously that if he could, he would also like to have such a life.

Nanzhou answered the girl ambiguous: "...let me think about it."

Because it was an equal-scale replica, the girl did not realize that Nan Zhou was not the [Mr. Nan] in her world.

She waved her hand indifferently: "Teacher, come on, I'm going to buy paint."

Seeing the passing girl with a drawing board on her back, walking cheerfully and leaving from her side, Nan Zhou raised her hand unexpectedly—

—The girl's horn braid was pulled gently.

Girl: "?"

Nan Zhou said, "It's fine."

He paused again, and then said, "'ll be fine."

Girl: "???"

The girl tilted her head slightly, scratched her cheeks, and showed a slightly surprised look.

But she quickly laughed in relief, waved at Nanzhou, and jumped away.

After turning her back, Nan Zhou's expression turned cold.

With the brown sunglasses in his hand, he cast a sparse light spot on the tree trunk not far away, turning his attention back to the copy itself.

In the second world, is his task still to find the box?

In the box, is there a third world, and a deeper world?

Is the self, who keeps opening the box, approaching the exit, or is it going through the infinite parallel world and falling endlessly towards hell?

This feeling of not knowing whether to go up or down, advance or retreat is enough to drive a normal person crazy.

But the advantage of Nanzhou is that it will not go to the horns.

This way doesn't work, so he thinks about another way.

The copy that high-dimensional people choose for themselves must have a plan and a meaning.

Are they just trying to see how they can't make a choice?

No, think differently.

For example, the real way to pass the level, is it really to find new boxes hidden in each box and keep entering?

Maybe, he can try to kill the core character [Nanzhou] in the dungeon?

But Nanzhou believes that this is indeed feasible.

He knows that he is the core character in "Eternal Day" and the fundamental basis for the existence of the story of "Eternal Day".

"Eternal Day" tells the story of a cartoon character who has awakened his self-awareness.

As long as he dies, the world of "Eternal Day" will no longer exist and will only collapse immediately.

However, the question is, what will the collapse bring?

A ticket to the shuttle bus that left the tragedy?

Or perpetually lost and depraved in the game world?

Nanzhou leaned back against the tree, thought for half a minute, and came up with the next course of action.

He has more than 9 hours.

This is enough for him to find the next box.

Nan Zhou put on glasses, controlled the puppet, and launched a second round of search in the second world.

The encounter with the painting girl gave Nanzhou a lot of information, including: NPCs in this world will have normal reactions to surrounding anomalies.

Fortunately, the flexibility of the doll depends entirely on the operator.

The dolls spread out and hide in the streets.

With their eyes, Nanzhou gained more information.

In addition to the changes in character relationships and world settings, it is still a closed town, and the outer area has not been expanded at all.

Just the layout of the streets and the decoration of the houses have undergone subtle changes with the awakening of the NPC.

Because it is different from the streets and shops in my memory, Nanzhou's already difficult infiltrating investigation becomes more and more difficult.

Nanzhou was not anxious about it.

He was guarding the big tree, and when his eyes were switched by multiple lines, he remembered the place where the iron box appeared in the first world.

…on the desk in the school studio.

Nanzhou's expression moved.

He stood up slightly and opened the diary he brought from the previous world.

...If nothing else, according to the schedule in the diary, he should be in the school's studio now.

Nan Zhou turned around suddenly and looked at the house of [Jiang Fang].

—The box will appear in the place where Nanzhou’s daily trajectory must pass.

—no matter which [Nanzhou].

Same moment.

【Jiang Fang】washing dishes in the kitchen.

The boring soap opera on TV is in a state of suspension, just in the moment where the male and female protagonists are gentle.

[Nanzhou] sat cross-legged on the sofa, looked at the men and women with lustful eyes calmly, and patiently waited for [Jiang Fang] to come back, so that he could accompany him to see everything from childhood to adulthood. Continue to watch the soap opera one hundred and twenty-five times.

until he caught a glimpse of a tin box under the coffee table.

The iron box is engraved with delicate lines, making it feel cold.

There is a small lock on the brass cleat.

[Nanzhou] fiddled with the lock with her injured index finger.

Small locks of this strength, for him, can be easily broken with just a pull.

He shook the box curiously, it felt like the weight of an ordinary iron box, and there was nothing inside.

Since it is an empty box, why should it be locked?

[Nanzhou] raised the box and looked at it carefully in midair.

…something I’ve never seen in a small town.

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