Forces of Temptation

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Brain Invasion (21)

A blood feast of murdering the father lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour.

Father lay face up on the ground, blood obscured his face, and he couldn't even tell if he was dead.

Before his resistance was at its most intense, he was completely destroyed by a silver knife.

The lower half of his face was eaten clean, the softest tongue and lips were cut open by the knife, slashed, all the way deep, revealing a little snow-white tender, monkey-brain-like skull .

The two brothers and sisters sat on the ground dripping with blood.

Their fingernails are filled with bits and pieces.

The corners of their mouths were stained with blood, and a little happy, inexplicable smile.

The maddening hunger makes them completely succumb to the creature's hunting instinct.

And when the instinct is satisfied and the emptiness in the belly is filled, the famine that has tormented them for many days is temporarily ended.

Their expressions gradually changed from full to empty.

Before I had time to regurgitate what kind of wrong I had made, the tiredness caused by the sleepiness came surging.

The two children cuddled with each other in the wafting blood and fell asleep.

After a while, three figures quietly entered the window.

After entering the room, the aroma of the food becomes more and more clear.

The game flow has advanced until now, and Li Yinhang is already starving.

Even though the messy cups and plates on the ground were covered with blood and unidentified fragments, when he saw the delicious food, Li Yinhang's first reaction was to go up before the dishes were cold. Make him a meal.

Fortunately, she quickly stuffed the biscuits into her mouth and put them in her mouth, forcibly diverting her attention and diluting her hunger as much as possible.

She understood.

All edible items that appear in this game, even bark, even if she starved to death, she would not eat a bite outside.

Nan Zhou walked to his father's **** corpse, leaned down, and calmly used his fingertips to open up a pile of rotten flesh.

All the fleshy and fatty soft parts of the father's body were bitten and cut open.

His stomach was also opened with a palm-sized opening, and some organs flowed out from their original positions, exuding the unique smell of internal organs.

And on his water-sac-like stomach, a familiar doorknob grew.

Like a mushroom stalk growing out of a damp, dark place.

—Behind this person’s stomach, there is another timeline hidden.

It turns out that Jiang Fang's judgment is very sober and completely correct.

On the contrary, if they really rescued the woodcutter NPC, and tried to kill or drive away the two brothers and sisters, it would not only be of no help in passing the level, but also a waste of time in reverse customs clearance.

Not only do they have to dig up their stepmother's grave, search every corner they can find in the cabin, they may even kill their siblings to find the next door.

When the situation evolves to that extreme situation, I still have to kill the NPC they rescued by myself in the end.

Jiang Fang not only chose the most risk-averse method, but also considered the reversal and paradox of the timeline in the case of starvation.

Nan Zhou touched his arm and gave a thumb.

However, for the affirmation from Nanzhou, the corner of Jiang Fang's mouth only slightly raised, as if he had something on his mind.

Nan Zhou had no time to think, turned around to greet Li Yinhang, and at the same time pressed down the slippery doorknob that oozes digestive juices.

The sound of the lock spring pressing made the sister on the sofa move and let out a vague dream.

Li Yinhang's scalp was numb, and the soles of his feet, which were originally pressed on the floor and prepared to be close to the sides of the two, stood on tiptoe, and dared not move any more.

She has long since recalled it.

In the first timeline, the brother and sister's kindness towards the three is because in their eyes, they are three packaged takeaway lunches.

God knows if these two little **** who have just started eating meat and have tasted people are full.

As it was closed, there were also his slender arms that were not strong.

The child with **** hands hugs another bloodstained child from behind.

Nanzhou looked at them.

Their relationship is still very good.

In the fate of being dominated by a copy like a puppet, they at least dance in pairs.

With such a little envy, Nan Zhou twisted the door handle to the end.


In front of her eyes is bright, and then there is a burst of refreshing greenery.

The sun and the moon change, and the day and night are reversed.

They were back in the forest again.

This time, the road to the chalet was blocked by trees and vines.

Obviously, their destination this time is either a candy house or Daze.

After two time line changes, Nanzhou has observed the pattern.

This game is not difficult.

The difficulty is that this is a level of choice + reverse time advancement.

From the customs clearance settings of the second timeline, since the father has died in the first timeline, in the earlier timeline, the father is mortal.

Jiang Fang was left alone, precisely because of this consideration.

In short, they need to make efficient and time-saving choices as accurately as possible at various key nodes, find doors, and clear them.


Nan Zhou thought of the three games they passed in the [Brain Invasion] dungeon before.

The tin soldier in the library is lonely, so his purpose is to have players stay with him.

By the Swan Lake, the stepmother who pretends to be a princess is afraid, so she viciously enjoys the fear of others, and at the same time harbors the fear that her secret will be revealed at any time.

Even the big bad wolf, whom they have never met, represents desire and deceit.

So he will have intimate relationships with players, imprisoning them in wet dreams.

Dungeons are usually combined with the purpose of guarding NPCs, and set them to corresponding levels.

The Tin Soldier corresponds to the chess game.

The stepmother corresponds to the "11+n" door fear trial.

The Big Bad Wolf corresponds to the challenge of hormonal control.

So, what is the wish that the brother and sister refuse to admit and belong to them?

Is it just pure appetite satisfaction?

What does this nested time level ultimately lead to?

As a normal person, seeing the scene of biting a living person just now, she was able to hold on to this step before she collapsed, which is already considered her strong stomach control.

The fragrance of grass and trees did not relieve the rich and fresh **** smell remaining in the nasal cavity. Instead, under the hedge, the nausea further penetrated into the diaphragm.

Li Yinhang hugged the tree, and his whole body was fluttering.

But she didn't forget to look down tenaciously, and said with relief: "It's all digested. No waste. It's great."

Nanzhou: “…”

Jiang Fang: “…”

Nan Zhou asked her, "Would you like to go into the warehouse to rest for a while?"

After weighing the pros and cons, Li Yinhang believes that with his current state of nausea and weak legs, strong support will only drag his legs, and he will not be very handsome.

She chose to lie down and rest for a while.

After putting Li Yinhang in his backpack, Nan Zhou turned to Jiang Fang: "Brother Fang, let's go."

Jiang Fang: "Yeah."

Jiang Fang: "Just now, I'm sorry."

Nan Zhou: "…Huh?"

Nan Zhou thought about it carefully, and probably understood what Jiang Fang apologized for.

Why apologize to yourself for being right?

The woodcutter is indeed a virtual character…

Thinking of this, Nan Zhou's heart suddenly jerked.

—Jiang Fang wanted to apologize to herself because of this sentence. Is it because Jiang Fang knew something about herself...?

Nan Zhou lowered his eyes.

When he met the man surnamed Xie, he was mentally prepared.

He can't rule out the possibility that players of "Gravity" today have played "Eternal Day" and seen themselves.

Nan Zhou once suspected that the Lin Zhisong he met in [Fear of the Full Moon] was also one of the players who had an impression of him.

At first, Nan Zhou didn't mind Jiang Fang or Li Yinhang knowing his identity.

He has been alone since long ago.

He doesn't mind going through the barriers alone like Xie He and fulfilling his wishes single-handedly.

However, the longer they spend time with them, the more Nan Zhou does not want to tell the truth about himself.

He knew that with the characters of Yinhang and Fang, he would not hurt him. At most, he would choose to part ways with himself because of safety concerns.

Nan Zhou thought, this is nothing.

…really nothing?

When Nan Zhou thought of the words "parting ways", each word seemed to hit his heart with an edge.

Nanzhou couldn't understand such heavy and slight pain.

Even if he understands the function of every part of the brain, he will always be as curious and incomprehensible as a small animal to complex emotions.

It is precisely because of incomprehensibility that he cannot resist the unspeakable tension and soreness in his heart. .

Nan Zhou was distracted for a while, and it was difficult for Jiang Fang to concentrate.

This copy of [Brain Invasion] reminded him too much of the distant past with Nanzhou.

chaotic, happy, messy, uncontrollable.

In the end, all the emotions came together at 5:30 in the evening one day.

That was shortly after coming out of the "Paper Gold" bar.

After executing another unfamiliar dungeon, Jiang Fang led the team to Squirrel Town.

Jiang Fang knew that in order to avoid that troublesome emotion, he should have distanced himself from Nanzhou.

But Jiang Fang just wanted to take him to watch the sunset fireworks that are regularly set off in the square.

He told himself that he was just watching the fireworks.

While waiting, Nanzhou leaned on the steps, holding a lollipop, sucking the strawberry-flavored red candy out of a transparent luster.

He chatted with Jiang Fang: "What do you want to do after you go out?"

Jiang Fang replied: "I want to live a normal life."

This is actually a meaningless sentence.

Jiang Fang's life has nothing to do with "normal".

Nan Zhou: "What is 'normal life'?"

Jiang Fang adeptly lied casually and fabricated the ideal life he longed for but never realized: "After getting up, make a breakfast and watch the news of the day. Then go to work, 9 to 5, Bring some food home in the evening, or go to the bar with friends for a drink, and play a game on the football field…”

Nan Zhou held his head with one hand and looked at Jiang Fang: "But last time you saw it, I can't drink."

He asked, "Is this something that can be learned?"

Jiang Fang was taken aback.

A faint throbbing accompanied by helplessness swept through his heart like a tidal wave.

…Nanzhou is actually planning what happens after it goes out.

He wants to go out.

Jiang Fang closed his eyes.

He began to reflect, at what point did he give Nanzhou some senseless hope?

…Like last time, he suddenly confessed to himself?

There is no game backpack in reality.

No storage slots.

There is no place for this little monster to give him an ID.

He couldn't leave Nanzhou on his back.

Even if you can really leave the game, Gravity, as a game with serious mistakes and bugs, will only be shut down urgently and permanently.

Once the nightmare of this dungeon comes to an end, Nan Zhou and him will not be able to see each other again.

As soon as he started to imagine the future, Jiang Fang's heart throbbed in pain.

For a while, he didn't know the source of this burning helplessness and panic.

He has no such experience, so his body and spirit should be rigid.

"I haven't played football."

On the other side, Nan Zhou is still looking into the future seriously: "I can go pick up the ball for you."

…Why do you have to think about this?

"Breakfast, I can't make it. But I can buy it."


"Can I get a job too? I've taught kids, though—"


"Nanzhou, you are not a real person." Jiang Fang said, "If you are a real person, then..."

Speaking to this point, Jiang Fang finally realized the hurtful degree of these words and some kind of emotional subtext hidden behind it that was so hot that he was afraid.

If Nanzhou is a real person, then... well...?

Can I promise him the future?

When did you start going crazy?

When can we talk about feelings so shamelessly and regardless of the cost?

"No..." Jiang Fang's face flushed slightly, "No. Sorry."

Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for giving you hope you shouldn't have.

Nanzhou stopped looking forward.

It stands to reason that Jiang Fang's heart should not continue to be disturbed by his words.

However, Nan Zhou looked at Jiang Fang for a long time with his beautiful black and white eyes.

Jiang Fang's heart skipped a beat, his lips pursed unconsciously, but he couldn't turn his eyes away from him so lightly, and looked elsewhere as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Fang had thousands of words in his heart, but when it came to his lips, it was difficult to say a word.

Those words splattered like white phosphorus in his heart, and once burned, it will last forever, until there is a bottomless hole in the bottom of his heart.

After a long time, he heard Nan Zhou's clear and cold tone: "Well. Brother Fang. You are right."

No anger or exasperation, just the most flat tone.

But Jiang Fang's heart seemed to have a voice.

In those countless tiny holes, filled with unspeakable words, whispers, murmurs, and even shouts like demonic barriers, the overwhelming sound and echoes almost broke his heart,

I listened carefully, but it was empty and nothing.

They still finished watching the fireworks.

Just before the opening, Nan Zhou fell asleep with a lollipop.

At that time, Nan Zhou's indifferent expression was the same as now.

In the cabin just now, he said the exact same thing to himself.

—“Brother Fang, you are right.”

And as in the past, Jiang Fang still has a lot to say to him.

It's just that those words were frozen on the tip of the tongue, as if they were frozen, so that a patient with difficulty in expressing emotions like him could not say anything.

Those cries that can only be active in the bottom of my heart need something to melt them completely.

Nan Zhou didn't know what Jiang Fang was thinking.

He asked, "Want to eat?"

Jiang Fang's thousands of words turned into the simplest response: "I still have it here."

Nanzhou: "Oh."

He took out an apple from his backpack and walked forward against the strong hunger.

Right now, whether Jiang Fang knows his NPC identity is not the most important thing.

He plans to go to Daze first to see the situation.

What he didn't know was what kind of silent madness was brewing behind Jiang Fang.

He quietly opened his backpack, took out the half bottle of [Tequila] that was used up on the snowy mountain, and poured it straight into his mouth.

When the strong liquor scorched the tip of the bitten tongue, the alcohol seemed to be burning, and it was like a prairie prairie, causing a sharp pain in his mouth.

Jiang Fang is still confident in his drinking.

The degree on the bottle is also marked, it is 42 degrees.

The amount of 100ml is no real difference to drinking water for Jiang Fang.

The tequila bottle with about 200ml left was put away again, Jiang Fang opened his mouth, and felt that he did not feel out of control.

Everything feels the same as he usually does after drinking.



All emotions are within the control threshold, and there is no change.

Jiang Fang smiled bitterly.

He originally hoped to use alcohol to dispel this excessive sobriety and reason.

Unfortunately, I am still naturally insensitive to alcohol.

Thinking of this, he inserted his hands into his pockets and quietly followed Nanzhou.

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