Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1156 He actually knows how to prepare medicinal foods

Because of a catfish feast, the work in the kitchen was disrupted.

Everyone hurriedly dealt with it, and then the usual busy and orderly atmosphere was restored.

Fu Yu agreed to treat Li Dongxu to dinner, but Li Dongxu took advantage of the kitchen break in the afternoon and took Fu Yu directly to the Yunnan rice noodle stall closest to the food area.

The two of them ordered a family portrait for two people and ate a large pot of hot rice noodles.

When checking out, the person in charge of the rice noodle stall refused to take the money, which made both Fu Yu and Li Dongxu very embarrassed.

When he went back, Li Dongxu said with a smile: "I usually walk by and smell the delicious smell. I always want to try it. Unexpectedly, the foreman is quite enthusiastic. I will look for two vouchers for our stall when I go back. Come here, this man is worth paying attention to."

Fu Yu also smiled: "I agreed to treat you, but I didn't pay a penny, so I just had a meal for nothing. Let's do this, Chef Li, I'll treat you to dinner next time when I have a chance."

Li Dongxu said cheerfully: "Okay, we will have a long time in the future, and we are not in a hurry for this moment."

Before the two of them could walk back to the stall, Fu Yu's cell phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID and was a little surprised.

The caller turned out to be Duan Yao, the owner of Jushantang Medicinal Food Restaurant in the capital.

Fu Yu quickly answered the phone: "Hello? Boss Duan, hello!"

Duan Yao saw Fu Yu answer the phone and hurriedly approached politely: "Okay, okay, Fu Chu, I heard you are here in the capital?"

Fu Yu smiled and responded, "Yes, I'll come here to further my studies."

Duan Yao immediately said: "That's great. I was originally planning to contact you in the next few days and make an appointment to meet up."

Fu Yu was stunned when he heard this.

What Duan Yao meant was that he had something to call him this time!

Fu Yu responded calmly: "That's great!"

Duan Yao asked: "Fu Chu, are you studying at Fucheng Chun this time?"

Fu Yu immediately said: "Yes, but now Fuchengchun has set up a food stall at the International Technology Expo, and I have been sent to work here."

Duan Yao inquired about Fu Yu's place of work, said a few more polite words, and then said: "Fu Chu, I'm in a hurry to see you today because I have something to help a friend with."

Fu Yu was a little surprised.

In fact, his relationship with Duan Yao was not very close. After meeting each other before, they never contacted each other again.

Now Duan Yao called suddenly and wanted to help his friend get in touch. He didn't know what the situation was.

Duan Yao continued: "My friend's daughter-in-law finally got pregnant after more than ten years of in vitro fertilization. She just gave birth and found no milk. She has tried all methods. Now she is in a hurry. I want to introduce her to her. I’m looking for you to customize a medicinal meal banquet!”

Fu Yu was stunned for a moment: "Boss Duan, if your friend doesn't go to Jushantang to customize herbal meals, why would you introduce her to me?"

When mentioning this matter, Duan Yao was really aggrieved: "Don't mention it, my friend grew up together. Before I started to get involved in medicinal cooking, I had been working with my family in the building materials business. Later, I changed my career to cooking medicinal food. Although I am not good at herbal medicine, the chefs hired by the store are very professional in this aspect."

"But my friend's child has had a hard time getting here. He has no confidence in customizing herbal meals in my restaurant. He has to ask me to introduce him to a reliable expert."

Duan Yao almost got angry when he talked about this: "Didn't I just hear that you came to the capital? I just want to introduce my friends to your place to customize medicinal meals."

Duan Yao was not angry that his friend did not believe in the efficacy of the medicinal diet in his store.

The two parties are really familiar with each other, and he has witnessed his friend's sad journey of seeking a child from the sidelines. Although he feels speechless at not being trusted, seeing his friend get angry in a hurry, he, as a friend, Where can I sit still?

There is no way, who is a friend? No matter how unhappy you are, you have to help find a solution.

It turns out that this is the case. After hearing this, Fu Yu could understand.

However, he is in a special situation now. He usually has to work at the Fucheng Chun stall and is not in a position to receive medicinal food.

Fu Yu truthfully told the situation on his side.

Duan Yao had already inquired about Fu Yu's situation in advance before contacting him.

He quickly said: "Fu Chu, you don't have to worry about this. I know Liu Yongping, the boss of Fuchengchun, and I will be responsible for communicating with him. As for medicinal food cooking, you can go directly to my restaurant to cook it. What ingredients and ingredients are needed?" I can provide all the medicinal materials here.”

If that's the case, then there's nothing wrong with doing a favor.

Fu Yu readily agreed: "Okay, then you can make arrangements first. I can help with this."

After Duan Yao made the call, he quickly turned around and contacted Liu Yongping.

Liu Yongping was surprised when he suddenly received a call from Duan Yao: "Hey, Boss Duan, do you have anything to do with me?"

Although both of them are in the catering industry, Duan Yao's restaurant specializes in customizing health-preserving medicinal meals for customers. In fact, it is not in the same circle as Fuchengchun.

It is also because of this that Liu Yongping and Duan Yao have not had much contact after they were introduced to each other through friends.

Duan Yao immediately smiled, said a few polite words at first, and then got down to business: "I'm so important today because I want to ask Chef Fu Yu for a favor. Didn't I hear that he is studying in your store, so I'll talk to you first. Let’s talk about this.”

Hearing Duan Yao's words, Liu Yongping was stunned: "You want to ask Fu Yu for help?"

The first thing Liu Yongping thought of was the Sheep and Scorpion incident that had been causing quite a stir on the Internet.

However, Duan Yao's restaurant has always been in the medicinal food business, so he probably doesn't want to add more business items.

Speaking of which, Liu Yongping has really received a lot of invitations during this period, all of whom want to talk to him about joining the Sheep and Scorpion Pot franchise or arranging cooking exchange activities.

Liu Yongping saw this matter very clearly. The sheep and scorpion pot was a dish cooked by Fu Yu and had nothing to do with their success.

When he first came to the rescue, Fu Yu said that he had learned this dish from a restaurant that specialized in making lamb and scorpion pot. He could help temporarily, but he did not intend to promote this dish as his specialty.

Liu Yongping respected and appreciated Fu Yu's ideas.

After all, the food industry is not like other industries. Although there are a variety of dishes, everyone is focused on personal cooking skills, understanding and mastery of many dishes, but in terms of some personally created cooking tricks and secret sauces, they are all It is spread internally and not externally.

When Fu Yu was studying in the past, he learned other people's signature dishes, but now he doesn't plan to keep them as his own. This approach alone is worthy of praise.

Thinking of this, Liu Yongping quickly made a plan in his mind, waiting for Duan Yao to make a request, and then politely refused.

At this time, Duan Yao said: "Boss Liu, I met Chef Fu by chance before. Now I happened to encounter something, and I heard that he came to your store for further study, so I came here."

Liu Yongping was sure that Duan Yao came here for the cooking method of sheep and scorpion pot, so he cooperated and asked: "Really? What's wrong? If there is anything I can do to help, just tell me."

When Duan Yao heard this, he told his story exactly.

"It's not easy for my friend to have children. If he cherishes them too much, he will worry about gains and losses. Boss Liu, tell me, given our relationship, if he customizes herbal meals in our store, I will definitely do my best to let the chef of our restaurant receive him well. .”

"To put it bluntly, even if I fool someone, I won't fool him!"

Duan Yao spoke in great detail, and Liu Yongping understood clearly!

But precisely because he heard it so clearly, he felt for a moment that he had heard something wrong.

Duan Yao called this time to say hello and invite Fu Yu to the medicated restaurant to customize medicated meals for his friends.

The words were very polite, but Liu Yongping didn't know how to answer for a while.

Fu Yu's cooking skills are definitely nothing to say. If Duan Yao wanted to ask Fu Yu to help prepare a table, Liu Yongping would definitely understand.

But now, Duan Yao said that he wanted to ask Fu Yu to help customize the medicinal meal!

If Duan Yao was not mistaken, then there was something wrong with his understanding.

Liu Yongping couldn't help but ask: "Boss Duan, do you think Fu Yu's medicated meal banquet is very good?"

Duan Yao never thought that Liu Yongping would not be aware of this matter. After all, Fu Yu could come all the way to the Fuchengchun flagship store in the capital for further study, which meant that Liu Yongping knew Fu Yu very well.

So, he said sincerely: "Yes, especially after this International Medicinal Diet Exchange Conference, Fu Yu won the best medicated dietitian of the year. Even now, his cooking videos during the competition are usually still seen by the chefs in our store. Tune in from time to time to observe and communicate.”

If he didn't have great faith in Fu Yu's medicinal cooking skills, Duan Yao would not rely on his connections to find Fu Yu.

He is in this field himself, so he naturally knows what Fu Yu's level is in the medicinal diet circle.

Liu Yongping was shocked, but he did not agree to the matter rashly.

Fu Yu only came to his store for further training and did not really work for him.

This kind of thing depends on whether Fu Yu is willing to help.

However, the basis for Liu Yongping's success in the industry is not only his superb cooking skills and excellent business capabilities, but also his extraordinary way of doing things.

Liu Yongping said with a smile: "Boss Duan, I understand your situation. If I can help with this matter, I will definitely help. However, Fu Yu came to our store for further study. The usual work arrangements are all discussed and drawn up. I will contact you shortly. As long as there is no problem on his side, I will definitely cooperate."

When Duan Yao heard this, he hurriedly said: "Then I'll trouble you."

The two of them said a few more polite words before hanging up the phone.

Liu Yongping really didn't expect Fu Yu to be able to make medicinal meals.

He was curious and a little surprised for a moment.

At the first time, he didn't rush to contact Fu Yu, but directly called Yao Shi.

Since last year's trip to Bei'an, Liu Yongping and Yao Shi have become friends.

In fact, the two of them are usually busy with work and don't have many opportunities to contact each other. However, Yao Shi is a person who pays great attention to etiquette. Whenever there is a festival, he will take the initiative to call and greet them, and even mail a lot of gifts to the province. Over there at the main store in the city.

When Liu Yongping receives something, he will call to say thank you.

After going back and forth, they became very clear about each other's situation.

Previously, Liu Yongping wanted to invite Fu Yu to come to the capital for further study, and he contacted Yao Shi more frequently.

But after all, the distance is too far, and the circle of people we usually interact with is also different. The topics we talk about are all superficial chats around some store management matters.

At that time, Liu Yongping felt that Yao Shi was very profound and spoke well.

Now that I look at it, I can see that this person is quite strict.

Fu Yu has gone to attend the International Medicinal Diet Cooking Exchange Conference, so he must have been exposed to medicated diet early in the morning.

Yao Shi never mentioned such a great achievement, which made Liu Yongping's impression of Yao Shi even better.

Strictly spoken and discerning, he would not talk about other people's affairs easily, even to those close to him.

Such a character can easily be appreciated by others.

In the past, Liu Yongping only dealt with Yao Shi as an ordinary friend he could associate with, but now he thinks highly of Yao Shi.

After all, when Fu Yu was in Bei'an, he was just a chef and could be said to be penniless.

But Yao Shi could accurately see through the phenomenon to see the essence, discovered the potential stock of Fu Yu, and vigorously cultivated it.

This person is very visionary, and the future development of people with such vision cannot be underestimated.

After the call was dialed, Liu Yongping greeted Yao Shi warmly, and then straight to the point mentioned Fu Yu's cooking of medicinal meals.

Yao Shi is actually a very well-known person. Since Liu Yongping can call him to inquire, it means that he has not communicated with Fu Yu about this matter before.

It shouldn't be a bad thing to specifically look for him now.

Yao Shi is still very clear about Fu Yu's abilities. Liu Yongping is a person who loves and cherishes talents, otherwise he would not invite Fu Yu to study in the capital.

So I told him everything about Fu Yu's situation.

Including the fact that Fu Yu was cooking medicated meals at a music restaurant, and also mentioned that he participated in the International Medicinal Diet Cooking Exchange Conference as a consultant for the activity group of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association.

Liu Yongping was completely silent after listening to Yao Shi's words.

He had always known that Fu Yu was excellent, but he didn't expect that this man was an all-rounder!

You must know that although red table cooking and medicated cooking may seem similar, they are actually completely different at their core.

Is the medicinal meal banquet something that ordinary people can customize at will?

It's impossible without understanding pharmacology.

Liu Yongping himself has been in the food circle for a long time and has some knowledge of related industries.

Not to mention, just a few chefs hired by Duan Yao's Jushantang are all half-level Chinese medicine practitioners.

If you want to be famous in this industry, you must at least cook medicinal foods that are suitable for the symptoms and have real curative effects.

Just being good at cooking and making delicious food is useless.

After all, customers who can pay high prices to customize medicated diets want to take care of their bodies, or even cure illnesses and save lives.

Fu Yu actually joined the National Medicinal Diet Association and even won the title of International Outstanding Medicinal Diet Master of the Year!

This heavy weight is really jaw-dropping and unbelievable! (End of chapter)

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