First Player

Chapter 756 Chapter 754

Chapter 75 "The Pioneer is Immortal (2)" (Modizi, nonsense, nonsense, leader, 4k updates)

The 37th day of the war.

You come to realize that war is a continual wildfire. Once an opening is opened, it is difficult to stop burning. "Revenge" and "ambition" will be like thorns that keep growing. Only when all enemies are slaughtered can the souls of the dead be comforted.

——If one day, they meet an enemy who has killed their loved ones, will anyone put down their guns because of the slogan of "peace"?

——If you meet the inhumane mass murderers, will anyone be killed because of the concept of "no war"?

Because of this, you know that the war cannot be stopped.

Artillery fire continued, corpses littered the fields, lives were torn apart like shreds of paper, and only artillery fire, roars, cries, and treacherous laughter remained on the earth.

"——Now I am also a hero! I am also a hero!"

"——Kill! Kill! You killed my relatives and you still want to stop the war!!"

"——The world is mine! I have turned over! I am no longer a tramp, I am the king of this world!!"

People no longer stop wars because no one can escape.

You become more and more silent and cold - because you know that you cannot accept those distant calls for help, and you cannot lend a helping hand to them except adding more and more emotional burdens to yourself.

You begin to study technology in the three fields of machinery, biochemistry, and artificial intelligence. You want to start from the technological level and fundamentally save mankind.

[People are always craving for things they don’t deserve. They envy me and look forward to me, but they don't know... what kind of price they have to pay behind the powerful power. 】

This is what you wrote in your diary.

Some are jealous of your wisdom, some are resentful of your strength, and some are afraid of your large number of followers. Some people began to slander you, and some even thought that you were the cause of this disaster.

Because you stand at the top of mankind, everyone can slander you as much as they want - this is a matter of course.

You are not sad.

[If loving me can bring them confidence, then let them love me. If hating me will keep them alive, then let them hate me. 】

Civilization is the only thing that matters.

"Nowadays, factions are divided, and many people have established countries and become local overlords. The Keercha Kingdom rejected our alliance invitation." Xi put the information in front of your eyes: "Their leader said that the lives of civilians have nothing to do with him. , he only wants more territory and gold."

Her black hair was tied up high with a red rope, and her ponytail swayed in the light, making her clean profile look like jade.

When her dark eyes stare at you, they always remind you of the light in the darkness.

Xi is more like an ordinary person to you. Although you are the youngest among the nine seats, everyone subconsciously ignores your age and looks up to you.

She is the only one who acts like an equal friend when communicating with you.

You rubbed your temples, your eyes bloodshot: "I know."

"Don't you look at their blackmail words?" Xi said.

"No need, I don't understand this." You said.

Your words are extremely calm, like the wind that has suddenly stopped. Only in front of your companions will you drop your hard armor and become a little softer.

Suddenly, there was a "pop" sound, and her hand was placed in front of your desk.

She lowered her body and looked at you sitting on the chair. Those black onyx-like eyes were very close to you, and her breathing was faint and audible.

You can even smell the scent of lemon in her hair, and the sound of the bells on her wrists is particularly clear.

"Then go study, learn diplomacy, and learn mechanical knowledge." She looked into your eyes: "You are the most powerful human being, the hero in everyone's vague memory, and you are the only one best suited to lead them."

Her dark pupils were extremely deep, and her face lacked the cunning and smile like a little fox.

"Asa, no matter what you encounter in the future, I will face it with you. I promise."

If life could be described as liquid, she seemed to be a flowing life at this time. Full of glassy clarity and fluidity.

She always has a vigorous vitality in her body.

"...I will learn." You said.

You know, you must have enough knowledge and communication skills to lead more people to survive.

You and her walk to the foot of the ginkgo tree and stare blankly into the distance. You find that the sky has become gloomy and the sun has turned blood red, like a big ball of black blood hanging in the sky.

Suddenly, you turn your head and look at the ginkgo leaves falling in the forest——

“The wind is picking up,” you muttered.

"It's obviously quiet at night, but it's windy during the day..."

You stand still.

It's like the soul wanders somewhere else.

After that, you devote yourself to various studies and learn knowledge like you desperately try.

You give speeches, build power, stop wars, develop basic manufacturing and agriculture, build shelters, negotiate with the coalition government...

You no longer have a too close bond with anyone, which will only bring disaster to the people you care about.

"As long as life takes root in the soil, it will try its best to bloom."

Because of your strength and appeal, people are gradually willing to follow you and fight for you. I will go through fire and water for you, and I will be loyal to you.

For some reason, you have a feeling——

You are a drowning man tied to a stone, with ropes binding your limbs, and you are falling into the deep sea. Blood overflows along the human body, locks your legs, gradually rises, and covers your head and neck.

Thousands of souls pass you by and give you all kinds of looks. Regret, hatred, joy, fear, satisfaction... You seem to be embracing the pain of the entire human civilization.

You are walking in a world that is gradually losing vitality, and your flowing black hair meets the scorching warm wind.

This month, you have launched a large-scale war against those local bullies.

"This is your first time experiencing such a battle. Can you adapt to it?" You glanced at the young soldier.

"Adapt...adapt!" The little soldier's face flushed with excitement, and he solemnly swore to you: "I will definitely continue to fight and fight for you until the last moment! Lord God!"

When you heard the title "Lord God", you sighed silently in your heart, but you didn't deny it.

"The sky is clear and everything is coming back to life. Spring is such a joy. It's just that the spring is cold and cold, so we still need to hold on for a while." You looked at the declining spring flowers around you, and the corners of your mouth curved, and soon dropped again.

"Yes! Lord God!" The little soldier did not notice your sadness and continued to swear allegiance to you.

You nodded, not paying attention.

fulfilled his promise. While rescuing a mother and daughter under the rubble, the little soldier was shot through the chest by an enemy bullet.

Before he died, he looked at you as if he were looking at the whole spring.


"You must... take them... and go..."

You looked at the loss of luster in his eyes and silently swallowed the pain in your throat.

This is not the first "little soldier" you have seen.

Thousands of "little soldiers" have died long ago before your eyes. Their deaths are like an invisible weight, pressing on your head and spine, making your shoulders even heavier.

The 44th day of the war.

There is fatigue in the corners of your eyes, your words become more silent, and you learn to hide yourself with a mask.

Sometimes, you retching in a deserted place. The pressure is so intense that it makes your head spin.

"Ugh...cough cough cough..."

The cold water washes away your reflection.

"It's a shame you still can't drink."

After burying the soldier, your companion, Yue, patted your shoulder, and her silver hair brushed your face like running water, tickling like pure white tail feathers.

You heard her voice word for word:

"It doesn't matter, I will wait until you can drink. By then, no one is allowed to escape."

Your eyelashes are trembling.

You looked at her face that was red from the aroma of wine and wanted to say something. Your companions have suffered too much during these times, whether it was malicious speculation or injuries in the war... They have been following you and they have to endure so much pain.

You always feel that these mistakes are also yours.

Without you, these eight people are so strong that they wouldn't have to suffer this.

You want to say something.

For example, if I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have taken you with me. For example, I don’t want to learn to drink. For example, you should leave my side as soon as possible. Don’t bear the burden of this anymore.

But you are speechless.

Yue's hand is on your shoulder, her expression is slightly drunk, but her eyes are firm.

Just like...the lonely moon floating on the branches tonight, cold and determined.

She held your hand back with great force, passing on her courage to you.

It's like she is using this powerful action to silently swear that she will always be with you.


Finally your lips tremble:


"No one is allowed to escape."

You know it's over.

Completely finished.

Your eight companions have voluntarily refused to escape this barrier and voluntarily shouldered all this pain. You can no longer push them away.

Being a savior is not that easy, and you have deeply experienced the pain involved. But they already want to be by your side like moths to a flame. You can't pull them out of deep water.

And she just knocked her head gently on your shoulder and chuckled:

"Then you should help me find a partner as soon as possible. I like beautiful and cute ones. She can be weaker than me."

You hear your own trembling voice:

"...God is not responsible for helping you pull the red string."

"...If you want it, just live on and find it yourself."

——Will you hear distant pleading?

Sitting in front of a desk with flickering candlelight, you write in your diary.

[I often wonder if someone would cry, despair, and die in such a cruel world. Can my hand catch all of them who are on the verge of falling? 】

[If I rest for one more minute, how many people will die in that minute because I am too late to rescue them? Will it cause disaster because of my slightest slack? 】

[The clock became an inscription etched into my skull. Every second I stopped, I felt guilty for the weight on my body, and I couldn't breathe for a moment. 】

[I cannot grieve endlessly, my head cannot look back, my eyes can only look forward. 】

[Human beings are born with their precious empathy and dedication. I'm proud of having these, so,]

Your pen tip trembled, and a windbreaker was draped around your body, dispelling the coldness in the room.

The white-haired young man sat quietly on the stool behind you and looked at you silently.

The company of this companion was always silent and resolute. At the same time, he has a very stubborn temperament. Even if you chase him away, he will eagerly run back and guard you.

You will often see him in the shadows. He is like a black knight holding a sharp sword. He escapes from the shadows and seldom disturbs your life, but always watches you.

"Lin Guang." You called him in a low voice.

He leans forward and uses this quiet gesture to show you that he is listening.

"If one day I die, you are not allowed to die with me." You said, "You have to live until your life ends."

If among your eight companions, who has the deepest attachment to you, it is this person. All his emotions are based on you. If you die one day, he may die with you.

"No." Lin Guang also expressed his rejection in simple words. He rarely rejects you, but this is an exception.

The flickering lights illuminated his lowered eyebrows, and the color of his pupils was very light, like mist-like clouds. The waves would roll when the wind blew, as if any emotion would be blown away from his pupils by the wind.

"I don't know what kind of person you will become if I die before you." You didn't look at his painful eyes: "I don't want to see you deteriorate, but I prefer you to live. "

You can probably guess how twisted he will become if you die and there is no hope anymore.

But living is your only hope for him.

But he just shook his head.

"You will not die." He said: "If one day I am really forced into a desperate situation, I will stand in front of you until the last moment. You cannot die before me."

The tip of your pen trembled.

You have finished writing today's diary.


【For them, I want to live. 】

[No matter how painful it is and how heavy the burden is, I will 】

At this point, you stopped writing.

Your life is no longer meant for you alone.

If you die, thousands of lives will be affected by you, and they will lose their faith, shelter, leadership, and even their lives.

You must live in pain until the end of the world.

"Asa Akto..."

"Asa Akto..."

"Su Mingan..."

Su Mingan was slightly startled.

So immersed in this memory and the turbulent emotions, he almost forgot that he existed. Until he suddenly heard someone calling his name.


People were just chanting the name of Asa Aktor.

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