Fengshen Wendaoxing

Chapter 669 Heavenly Court Forces

"It seems that dying once made him grow brains."

When the two were surprised, Lu Chuan suddenly smiled again with a gloomy expression, sat down and said meaningfully: "Maybe he is not the only one."

"What did Taibai say?" He asked again.

Chisong said: "Taibai Jinxing has gone to report to the Heavenly Emperor, just let Zhenjun rest in peace."

Lu Chuan nodded: "Okay, then the true king will wait a little longer."

Seeing this, Chi Song and Xiao Sheng glanced at each other, feeling confused.

Some people don't understand that the face of this lord was overcast one moment before, and the next moment it became clear and clear.

About another hour later, Taibai Jinxing led another heavenly soldier holding a tray to the Ministry of Finance.

"Xuantan Zhenjun, the old man has brought you a magic weapon." Taibai cupped his hands with a smile on his face.

Lu Chuan glanced at the tray and laughed, only to see two more things in it.

One is a golden whip, and the other is a jade basin carved and refined from divine jade, with the three big characters cornucopia on it.

Lu Chuan got up to welcome him in and took his seat, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry Taibai Jinxing is here again for my little business."

When he said the word "you", he deliberately bit it a little harder.

Taibai Jinxing said: "This time something like this happened in the treasury, it really made Zhenjun laugh."

"Don't dare, I just want to know how such a thing happened in our Heavenly Court, and what the final result is." Lu Chuan said with a smile.

Taibai Jinxing's expression was slightly concentrated, seeing that only the two of them in the hall said: "If it was the previous Heavenly Court, such a thing would definitely not have happened, but Xuantan Zhenjun also knows that the current Heavenly Court has a sudden increase in manpower, and it is inevitable to make mistakes in the midst of busy schedules."

"Did something go wrong while you were busy?"

Lu Chuan's eyes moved: "Is this Taibai your explanation to Ben Zhenjun this time?"

Taibai Jinxing shook his head and said: "Of course not, the treasury of the heavenly realm is an important place in the heavenly court, and negligence of duty is a felony. That god general has been sentenced to forty-nine punishments of thunder calamity by God Baiwei and then demoted to the mortal world. Now he is going to the Leifu to be punished."

"After forty-nine lightning strikes... Tsk tsk, this punishment is really not light."

Lu Chuan laughed: "Then what about the person behind him? Didn't he say that he is still in contact with a certain important person, so he didn't dig deep...to dig?"

This heaven is still different from the mortal world.

He knew that the heavens here were strict, but it was a place where rules were followed, and the gods had to follow the rules.

Emperor Gouchen is that Lei Zhenzi.

Needless to say the enmity between him and Lei Zhenzi, no, it should be said that he had feuds with the gods of the entire Xiqi system during his lifetime.

This time he returned to heaven, Lei Zhenzi had his magic weapon swallowed up and deliberately left clues that could be inquired. The only intention was to disgust him.

Of course, it would be even better if he went to that god in anger to make things worse...

Taibai Jinxing sighed: "There is no big person behind it. The god general insisted that after seeing the extraordinary magic weapon of the real king, he suddenly saw the treasure and became greedy, so he swallowed it privately."

"Oh?" A ray of light flashed in Lu Chuan's eyes.

Lei Zhenzi used to be only a master of martial arts, but he was brave and foolish, so he was really surprised that he did so impeccably this time.

After saying goodbye to Taibai Jinxing, Lu Chuan came in and looked at the table. The golden whip and the cornucopia in the tray were quietly blooming, shining with precious light.

Through this incident, he probably also had some understanding of how deep the water in Heavenly Court is.

Obviously, Heavenly Court can be roughly divided into three factions now.

One faction is the lineage of the Emperor of Heaven, and there are also the original Xiqi people and the middle faction.

In Fengshen Zhongxiqizhong, two emperors were conferred, which complemented the six royal gods of the upper and lower four directions and Liuhe.

The most respected of the six imperial powers is naturally God Haotian, but the power and status of the other five imperial powers are above the gods of the heavens and only below the emperor of heaven.

Empress Dowager Empress of the Five Royals is located in the lower realm.

Emperor Qinghua of Dongji lives in the Miaoyan Palace of Dongji, and his savior is very low-key. He always ignores everything and just devotes himself to transforming sentient beings and eliminating their karmic misery.

As we all know, karma is the most difficult to eliminate and block in the three realms. Not only mortals, but also gods have no problem with it. There is also a saying in Buddhism that supernatural powers are no match for karma.

However, Taiyi Saves Ku Tianzun has the mana to turn the blood lake formed by karma into a lotus pond. With a roar of nine lions under his seat, he can go up to the nine heavens and down to the nine secluded worlds, which can open the gate of hell.

This shows how powerful this great god is.

But they are neutral and don't care.

But Bo Yikao and Lei Zhenzi are different.

These two were brothers and a family before their lives, and Ji Fa was Sun Xingjun as the head of Zhou Tianxing Jun, and Yuanshi Tianzun was behind him, and the original team of Xiqi was attached to him during his lifetime...

It is conceivable how much power they have formed in the heavens now.

On the side of the Emperor of Heaven, there are Yaochi Jinmu, Taibai Jinxing and others.

"How did Heaven become like this..."

Thinking of this, Lu Chuan was speechless. In his mind, the image of Tianting in the past was very glorious and tall. The Tiandi was upright and even his own sister was punished. Who knows that the water has become so deep now.

However, this is also related to the great catastrophe of conferring gods, a large number of righteous gods flooded in at once, and the gods have different backgrounds and origins, and they were enemies of each other before they were alive to become immortals.

After finally returning to the throne, even if they can't fight for another 300 rounds in public, they will never communicate with each other in private. In addition, it seems that there are big hands behind the game.

Judging from the Taishang Laojun's permanent residence in the heavenly court, the Taoist Tianzun should be on the side of the Tiandi, and it goes without saying that the Yuanshi Tianzun is behind Ziwei and Gou Chen.

But don't morality and Yuanshi Tianzun have a good relationship?

Lu Chuan was very puzzled, but in this way, the Heavenly Court will have that kind of division of power, and it cannot be justified without undercurrents.

"Emperor Gochen..."

Lu Chuan rubbed his brows and regained his composure. This time Lei Zhenzi came to disgust him, and he must mess with him if he finds an opportunity with his temper.

But now he is still focusing on the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Finance was supposed to be the property department of Heavenly Court. You must know that finance is a very important department in a large company, but Heavenly Court is different. Immortals don't need money, which makes their Ministry of Finance very embarrassed.

It is better to make ghost coins and celestial coins first to greatly increase the status and importance of the Ministry of Finance in the heavenly court.

Now he has a complete three-piece suit of the God of Wealth.

In his memory, there are probably two images of the God of Wealth, one is holding a golden whip, wearing armor, majestic, or wearing a red five-blessing robe, with a jade ruyi in the left hand and a cornucopia in the right, with a happy face.

Thinking of this, he grasped the golden whip with his hand, suddenly his expression changed slightly, he felt his hands sink, he picked it up, looked at it and smiled: "Can you turn stone into gold? Not bad!"

He put away the three treasures and sat cross-legged to refine them. Since they were unowned, they were refined very quickly.


At the same time, the statues of the gods in the temples of the God of Wealth around the world began to shine, and some became majestic images holding golden whips and wearing armor;

The common people all come to offer incense as the God of Wealth to show their holiness, and the four gods of wealth also give some money to good people, which naturally attracts people from far and near to come to offer incense.

In this way, the number of temples has increased greatly, and the pilgrims are like ants, and they are prosperous day by day, and the incense is constantly burning.

Seeing the number of God of Wealth Temples rising one after another, Mr. Lu was in a very happy mood.

"I have to go find Emperor Huang."

One month later, Lu Zhenjun looked at an unfolded scroll in front of him, on which were drawn circular Mingcoin paper money, signed by his divine seal for issuance.

Huang Feihu is the emperor of Mount Tai, and he is in charge of the eighteen hells of the underworld. The dead ghosts in the world must first go to his Taishan to verify their merits and demerits and clear their past sins in the eighteen hells before they can reincarnate.

To issue this underworld coin, he and Hades of the underworld must have the consent signatures before they can be issued in the underworld.

Lu Chuan did what he wanted, and after calling out to his subordinates, he drove out of the heaven on a cloud and headed for Mount Tai.

To be honest, this Dongyue Taishan Emperor is definitely a god that makes his heart flutter.

Because Mount Tai is known as "the ancestor of the mountains, the ancestor of the five mountains, and the home of the gods", the God of Mount Tai is the largest mountain god in the world, and all the lands of the mountain gods under the rule of heaven are under the control of Huang Feihu.

In addition, there are those who manage the eighteen hells of ghosts, and those who are in charge of the misfortunes and blessings of the world. The power is really great.

In the Taishan Temple, incense smoke curled up, and pilgrims came in and out to offer incense.

A red light fell on the temple and turned into Lu Chuan.

But the pilgrims can't see it. There is a tall golden statue in the hall, wearing a beaded crown, with a majestic expression.

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