Fengshen Wendaoxing

I suddenly wanted to say a few words to you all. . .

It's just... quite suddenly!

Without any warning, the starting point suddenly changed the leader, and the contract suddenly changed, and the authors panicked.

But Xiao Mo is quite calm, maybe this panic has already been experienced last year.

Little Mokawen passed away in June and July last year, and then fell into deep anxiety. When I couldn’t write, I still banged my head against the wall...

At that time, Xiao Mo felt a sense of crisis. He was afraid that he would not be able to write this book, what would he do if everyone didn’t like it, what would he do if he couldn’t write the book?


At that time, to be honest, I was completely panicked, so I thought about preparing a way out.

Later, by chance, a friend introduced him to Hebei Entrance School to work as a screenwriter for more than half a year. Xiao Mo has always had problems with his knees and often hurts.

Thinking that it is very close to Beijing, the high-speed rail only takes half an hour to go to Beijing to see a doctor after work, and you can also master a skill. If you can’t write a book, you won’t starve to death. It’s beautiful, right?

But I thought it was beautiful, but I found out that last year was the cold winter of film and television (Rong Xiaomo spit out old blood)

But no matter how cold the winter market is, there will always be a market, even if there is an even worse film and television glacier this year.

After returning to Hebei this year, I resigned, because Xiao Mo found that the script and the novel could not be balanced, and he was exhausted physically and mentally. The idea of ​​resigning had been there last year, but he was reluctant to give up that hard-won opportunity.

This sounds like a lofty career. I always think about sticking to it, maybe I can take care of two jobs...

Of course it’s really exhausting, but Fa Ge’s line is very motivating: a man’s ambition is everywhere, what’s the matter if we are still young and suffer a little bit, if we don’t go outside to see and see, wouldn’t we be at a loss?

But this year I still resigned after all, because the handicapped party really can't take care of it, and wants to do everything with one heart and two tasks, but the result will only be that both sides can't do well.

The self-appointed post looks okay, but I always feel that it is a bit lacking in taste. I don’t know if it’s because I developed a habit of being funny in the past, so now every chapter is funny and lacks seriousness.

This was definitely not intentional, it was quite embarrassing, because Xiao Mo didn't want to write a complete book of jokes either.

A book friend said it well, there are too many jokes, it's like writing a complete collection of jokes...

Well, this complaint is accepted!

Sometimes I feel even more ashamed when I see everyone reminding me, because I feel that I really don't deserve it for half a year.

After resigning this year, I continued to concentrate on writing books. I was in a good state and thought about two updates and supplementary updates, but in the past few days when I tried to force the plot into the Lotus Lantern, I got out of control and was strongly complained by everyone.

That night, I was autistic and sat alone on the bed all night without knowing what I was thinking.

Later, the work and rest were completely reversed day and night. If this state can be described in three words, it would be very uncomfortable.

When you are very still, you want to move, and when you are very active, you also think about being quiet.

At first, I wanted to calm down and code words, but suddenly a few days ago, the senior management of China Reading left and changed people.

Originally, if you resigned, you would resign, but the people on TV have changed their dynasties, so they still live as they should?

It's just that it was later discovered that Xiao Mo was too optimistic, so it's inconvenient to say more about it.

The book friends in the group gave me a nickname yesterday: Do one line, love one line, cool one line (hee hee, when I don’t write a book, I will sell the house to everyone to lower the house price?)

After finishing the last chapter, I found that it was quite watery. Don’t scold me, Xiao Mo has also learned to be compelled. Uh, it seems that there is too much nonsense.

The main point of posting this single chapter suddenly is to tell everyone that the current turmoil has little impact on Xiao Mo and Fengshen Wendaoxing.

The book is now in the late stage, so please finish writing this book according to your own plan with peace of mind, and we will talk about the future.

Finally, let me say something nasty, there are so many people, and I am lucky to be able to use this book to meet everyone!

Little Mozi also learned badly, hehe.

I'm going to bed.

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