Feminist God

Chapter 108 If there is a time limit for the torture, I hope it will be...

Chapter 108 If there is a time limit for torture, I hope it will be

Seeing Lin Qing's slender body swaying this way and that, he walked toward the door with a shaky look.

Zhou Hani swallowed, not worried at all, because there was a group of young girls at the door. In Lin Qing's weak state, what could he get out? !

Gradually, the heat in her heart began to stir, and she could no longer bear the torment of time. She took out a piece of white silk from her handbag again, with a faint herbal fragrance exuding on it. This was also a kind of drug, and she could get dizzy if she got even slightly closer. dizzy!

As soon as Lin Qing turned the door handle, she saw seven or eight girls outside, each with a bulging bag. Lin Qing didn't know what was inside, but she knew that these things would most likely be correct later. For my own use.

He put his right hand into his pocket and clutched his student ID card tightly. Anger welled up and he said, "Get out of the way. Do you girls still want to force me to be a boy?"

I suddenly felt scared in my heart, there are so many girls, wouldn’t it be fatal later?

The girls across from him didn't talk to each other, and everyone had obvious ill intentions on their faces. At this point, Lin Qing was no longer a threat at all.

Later, even if Sister Hani finishes eating the meat, she will leave some soup for them. Besides, why did she buy a bag of tongs for nothing? !

"If you leave, how can I still have sex with you?"

Zhou Hani's playful voice suddenly came from behind. After saying that, the silk silk in his hand went around the side of Lin Qing's face and covered it.

There are many people here and it is inconvenient to play with fancy things. I thought about taking Lin Qing away in a daze first. This restaurant is next door to the hotel, so there is no need for her to rush for such a short while.

Lin Qing had no ability or intention to resist, she just wanted to escape from this slut.

He wanted to slap her, and also wanted to run away through the door. As long as he went outside, he would be safe.

But Lin Qing didn't have any strength at all, and it became increasingly difficult to even raise her eyelids.

The sudden appearance of silk covered her nose and mouth, and Lin Qing smelled a faint herbal smell, which smelled very good.

The effect of the medicine came on quickly, and Lin Qing's eyes appeared double. He couldn't even bite the tip of his tongue to raise his spirits. He gradually closed his eyes and fell into Zhou Hani's arms with a "plop".

A young girl with quick eyesight and quick hands immediately took the money bag from the little finger of Lin Qing's left hand.

Lin Qing's right hand also fell out of his pocket, and a relatively new student ID card fell to the ground without making a sound. It did not attract anyone's attention, because everyone opened their eyes with deep envy. Look at Lin Qing and Zhou Hani.


Zhou Hani took a deep breath and almost couldn't hold it back, Lin Qing's face was actually pressed against his chest.

It’s so enjoyable!

Zhou Hani's rather delicate and pretty face quickly turned red, and it took him a long time to resist the urge to execute Lin Qing right here.

"Little goblin, I've been thinking about you for a long time. When all I have to do is done, you will be mine."

Zhou Hani smiled and traced the profile of Lin Qing's sleeping face with the fingertips of her right hand. As soon as she raised her eyebrows, the little girl went to check out, and then someone took out a bottle of white wine from her pocket and sprinkled it on Lin Qing.

After some fiddling with it, Lin Qing smelled of alcohol and looked as if she had fallen asleep after being drunk, so no one would be suspicious at all.

Then a group of them drove Lin Qing to the small hotel next door to the restaurant in a swaggering manner, not paying attention to the suspicion of the boss who had collected the money.

"That's weird, I didn't ask for wine in private room No. 3." The restaurant owner frowned as he looked at the bill.

The waiter came back from Private Room No. 3 and said a little embarrassedly: "Boss, can I take the leftovers from Private Room No. 3 to take home?"

"Bring whatever you want. When I get off work soon, I'll ask the cook to fry something good for you."

“But I haven’t eaten the food in private room three!”

After saying this, the boss felt a bad feeling in his heart, and he quickly said: "Go and see if there is anything left behind in Private Room No. 3?"

After a while, the waiter ran back from the private room, put the empty wine bottle, student ID card and half a glass of water on the counter, and said quickly: "Boss, do you want to call the police? There is no smell of alcohol in the glass."

The wine was not from their restaurant, and they also lost a student ID card. When they brought the boy out, he looked like a dead man. This was a bit like a mystery plot that often appears in TV dramas.

"Try to pour this water into Wangcai in the backyard!" The boss was cautious.

"Boss Wangcai fainted!" The waiter in the backyard called.

When the restaurant owner heard this, he subconsciously said, "I'll do it!"

She immediately panicked, took her student ID card and ran out in a panic.

It's okay that the group of women before were not fans of X, but if something really happened to fans of X, no one would believe the police if they said she was an accomplice. After all, you were the one who got the person. If the man couldn't think of anything else and jumped off the building, Even if she jumped into the Hua River, she wouldn't be able to clean herself up.

So now I send my student ID card to Beijing University and explain the matter. Even if something happens to this boy named Lin Qing, it has nothing to do with her.

So what she was thinking of was how to shirk responsibility. She heard that a very silly janitor named Luo recently came to Beijing University.

Next door, in a small hotel.

The hotel waitress looked deeply envious and said to Zhou Hani: "Please give me your ID card."

After working in the hotel for a long time, she naturally knew that many boys would be drunk and then brought here to do whatever.

Zhou Hani didn't bother to take out Lin Qing's ID card, and didn't know if he had it with him. He directly took out a pile of cash from the girl's purse and opened four rooms with one click on the counter.

She was afraid that so many little girls would cause unnecessary trouble.

"I understand, I understand." The waitress was very happy. After completing the formalities, she said with an ambiguous look: "Sisters are so lucky!"

Zhou Hani didn't want to talk nonsense with her and drove Lin Qing directly upstairs and into the room.

After a while, seven or eight girls filed in, each holding a variety of things in their hands. Some were holding clips, some were holding cameras, and some were holding ropes. These were all used on Lin Qing!

They surrounded Lin Qing and Zhou Hani on the bed, and everyone looked at the only male in the room with evil intentions!

This moment looks like some bad pictures!

Zhou Hani moved Lin Qing away from his chest and said in a deep voice: "Averted the camera in the corridor?"

The girls nodded in unison, but their eyes were always on the sleeping Lin Qing, wishing they could turn into devils and torture him crazily.

If you can add a torture time, then it must be ten thousand years!

"Go downstairs and keep an eye on the lobby. If anything goes wrong, call immediately!" Zhou Hani ordered another girl who had been following him for the longest time.

She wants to be foolproof, even though she can fish her out as long as her life is not in jail, but it is still a trouble!

The little girl went out immediately, and it was of great benefit to herself afterwards.

"Sister Hani, what should we do?" a little girl asked.

"Tie him up first. This little goblin is very wild. If he doesn't tie him up, he might wake up later and be in big trouble!" Zhou Hani said as he began to take off his cheongsam, leaving only the last black underwear on his body. .

Maybe the cheongsam she wore has a certain reason and can save a lot of time.

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