Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 476: Goodbye, Tyro!

Best Special Photo Era Volume Chapter 476 Goodbye, Tyro! "Is Ultraman omnipotent?"

"No! Like humans, Ultraman has things that cannot be done. Just like on Earth, people die from monsters all the time. Ultraman's power is limited and there is no way to save everyone!"

"Taylor, cheer up!"

In his sleep, the admonition of Otter's mother caused Tao Dalang to wake up instantly. He covered his face in pain, his mind full of memories of yesterday.

Just yesterday, the Barkis suddenly appeared in Jiangchuan City, wrecked and preached aggressive speech.

Tao Dalang turned into a battle with him. Unexpectedly, the Barkis were very cunning and fled immediately after falling into the wind.

When Tao Dalang turned back into the human body, he learned from the captain that when the Barkis appeared, another whale shark monster attacked the freighter at sea. Many people died, including Kenichi’s father.

This made him very painful.

Kenichi asked Tyro why he didn't save his father, the escape of the Barkis, the two things combined, made Tao Dalang rethink the meaning of Ultraman to humans.

The captain's words woke him up.

"When I was very young, I met Ultraman and Seven. Dad told me that Ultraman helps humans. This is for the strong to be compassionate to the weak and benevolence, not an obligation."

"The earth is our homeland of humans, and it is our human duty to protect it, not Ultraman's duty..."

Mom, I think I understand.

Tao Dalang realized that as an independent civilization, human beings are not a vassal of Ultraman. Without relying on the power of others, humans can also protect the earth on their own.

It just so happened that the monster that attacked the freighter appeared again. After Tyro played and eliminated him, on the beach by the sea, Tao Dalang took off the Otter badge and solemnly returned it to Otter’s mother.

Everything is back to square one.

Tao Dalang lost the ability to transform, and he didn't want to use Tyro's power. Relying on human instincts of intelligence, he seduce the Balkis to the fuel warehouse, and eventually burned him to death.

At the end of the story, Tao Dalang left the Dorset team. Enter the sacred lecture hall and use the combat experience of the Set team to explain to the students the weaknesses and coping methods of the universe monster...

"Could it be that Tyro disappeared?"

Seeing this ending, many children panic. Tao Dalang's return of the badge was also interpreted as Tyro's disappearance.

Actually not!

After the finale aired, Li Wanbo, who was frequently harassed by the audience, posted a chat record between him and Mr. Meng.

In this chat record, Li Wanbo also asked similar questions. That is Taylor's return of the badge. Does it have any special meaning?

"What's the meaning..."

"This scene is just to deepen the theme, don't just brainstorm settings. Tyro is okay, Tao Dalang is okay."

"Then Tao Dalang can still transform?"

"He is Tyro, and Tyro is him. The two are the same. Returning the badge does not mean that they are separated..."

Meng Lang really convinced the audience.

Obviously the first episode has already explained the relevant settings, why are you still talking about the badge? Do you think Tyro is Severn and the head dart/glasses are the main body?

The Otter badge is just a tool.

Not to mention the PD version, even in the original version, Tsuburaya has never separated Tyro and Kotaro. The reason why the human body is absent is because of the actors, how can they set things up?

Do not believe you, watch the first two episodes.

In the first two episodes, Kotaro became Tyro first and then received the badge presented by Omo. Remember this order, first become Taylor and then get the badge!

This kind of thing is unclear.

Meng Lang also didn't bother to explain, let Tao Zhaoduo guest appearances a few times later, and everyone won't think about it when they get used to it.

Tyro ended well.

At the beginning of the production of the Ultraman series, Meng Lang edited the TV series separately from the DVD collector's edition in order to ease the deep style of Showa Oku. The TV version is more soothing, and the DVD editing version has more depth.

This is the old tradition of PD.

But Taylor did not follow the tradition, the DVD collector's edition, the content is exactly the same as the TV edition.

"My lord, times have changed!"

The first batch of Showa works was in the first seven period. The plot is too obscure and full of metaphorical satire. During post-editing, there is more room for manipulation.

Then it changed!

Starting from Jack Ace, Ultraman's route became more and more clear. The DVD editing version of the past has no meaning anymore.

Tyro is a turning point!

Starting from Taylor, PD gave up the video disc market. Put this part of energy into the more potential Internet market.

For example, in the Tyro area of ​​Big Bird Video, there are constantly updated shooting highlights or interesting small theaters.

"The DVD market is shrinking, and some money can be made in the first two years. Now in addition to collecting, CDs are getting harder to sell."

Meng Lang sighed: "Starting from Tyro, we will no longer add special editing versions to DVDs. Contents such as behind-the-scenes footage, small theaters, etc., will be posted online."

Times are changing, and PD is also changing.

Once Ultraman's works, after the TV is over, they rely on the release of DVD discs to grab subsequent profits.

Different now!

After the Tyro finale went live, Big Bird Video’s original "member priority" model quietly changed to a "member exclusive" model.

For the first time, the second or even the third time, you need to pay a membership fee.

In addition to the above measures, the completion of Tyro also means that the second round of rebroadcasts has started. Even many overseas TV stations have introduced Tyrol TV dramas.

The introduction of Ultraman is very simple.

After all, there is a solid foundation laid by the first generation of Severn, and foreign TV stations with names and surnames basically bought a copy.

TBS is no exception.

They bought Tyro’s exclusive Neon broadcasting rights and decided to broadcast it in May this year. At that time, Ace was just over.

Speaking of which, TBS is also quite miserable.

Ace turned to a weekly broadcast and wanted to fight Amazon and Stronger, but no one won.

In this week's episode of Kamen Rider Strongman, the brand new villain organization Dilza Legion was announced. This organization originated from the Black Satan, and the shape of the bizarre man is in the same line as the holster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the cadres are more fanciful!

Wearing a white one-piece tights, the shadow general who likes playing cards. A pair of buffalo horns on top of the head resemble the steel staff of the LOL super soldier. Dr. Kate, dressed in a black robe, with a cockscomb. Holding a huge sickle, Skeleton Shao Zuo, known as the legion’s think tank...

I have to say that among the many villains of the Showa Knights, the cadre appearance of the Dilza regiment is already quite exemplary.

In other villain organizations, the design of the cadre leader is simply hard to describe...

Wrapped in a piece of cloth, painted camouflage on his face, called three or five weak chicken combatants, and clamored for "fighting the Kamen Rider" all day, I really don't know who gave them the courage.

Amazon's ten-faced ghost is not bad, although it looks bad in the TV series, it is Toei's reluctance to spend money. Make a big pumpkin and apply some paint on the actor's face. The effect is definitely not good.

If Toei does it hard, Shimiangui will surely become the most terrifying villain of the Showa Knights!

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