No one in Chijia Village lost sheep.

The clues on the bright side were broken, and Chi Qiaosong said to the village chief, "Let everyone go back. It's not a big deal. I will investigate secretly and try to give the results as soon as possible."

The village chief patted the back of Chi Qiaosong's hand: "Xiaomatsu, then please."

"Don't worry, I'm from Chijia Village, and I will definitely resolve this matter satisfactorily without worrying everyone."

No clues could be found during the day, so Chi Qiaosong chose to crouch at night, but after squatting for a night, he did not see any signs of evil, and there was no sheep walking upright to steal chicken.

The next day, he went to ask the village chief, "Did anyone lose chickens or ducks at home last night?"

The village chief turned around and came back: "No."

So Chi Qiaosong continued to crouch at night, and for several days, Chijia Village did not lose any more chickens or ducks.

The village chief said happily: "Hey, Xiaosong, it must be your reputation as a young tiger in Mokan. The thief has been restrained. He doesn't dare to come again, and he will be beaten to death!"

small book booth

"It's fine if you don't lose chickens or ducks." Chi Qiaosong replied.

But he didn't let up. He asked the child several times, and the child's detailed description was quite accurate, and it didn't seem like he was lying.

So he continued to choose to crouch at night.

Naihe still didn't find anything, but the next day, Father Chi went up the mountain and said, "The village chief asked me to give you a word, and the next door Xiaodui Village has begun to lose chickens and ducks."

Chi Qiaosong immediately rushed to Xiaodui Village and found that more than a dozen villagers' homes had lost chickens and ducks.

A patrol came to investigate, and was called by Chi Qiaosong and asked a few words: "Apart from Chijia Village and Xiaodui Village, are there any other villages throwing chickens, ducks and geese?"

After the patrolman recognized Chi Qiaosong as the Mokan tiger cub, he answered honestly: "Some villages called the police, those who threw chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep, I guess which thief is the thief? The gang is involved, and our patrol room is also investigating, but we haven't found any clues."

"Which village did the sheep lose?"

"Weigang Village."

Chi Qiaosong rode on the 28th pole and went straight to Weigang Village. After a little inquiries, he found out which family lost the sheep.

An old widower's house lost a sheep. The old widower was almost sixty years old, and half of his teeth were lost. He cursed indistinctly: "What dog stole my old man's sheep!"

The old widower was a sheep that was lost about ten days ago.

"I lost a black sheep. It was a fat one. I raised it for a year and a half, but I didn't want to sell it. It was stolen by a dog!"

Going to the sheep pen to check, Chi Qiaosong rubbed his chin and thought: "In these few villages, except for chickens, ducks and geese, this sheep is lost, which is a bit unreasonable."

If someone really steals, there is no need to just steal chickens, ducks and geese and turn a blind eye to other livestock.

"If it is said that this black sheep has cultivated into an evil spirit and is stealing chickens, ducks and geese from nearby villages, it would make sense. But there is one point, the newly born black sheep is evil and will not leave any traces?"

Chi Qiaosong performed "Little Daoist Qi Technique" and took out an orange gourd to search, but found nothing.

Among the villagers, except for the little child who woke up in the middle of the night to urinate, no one had ever seen the figure of Heiyang. Such a hidden ability was definitely not like a new-born evil.

"And after a year and a half of raising it, he became a demon. If it's true, this black sheep is definitely talented."

Evils usually need to accumulate over a long period of time before they can mutate. This is also the reason why the Daxia Republic of China raised livestock, but livestock rarely mutated into evils.

Except for large livestock such as cattle and horses, which will be raised for many years, most of the livestock will be killed within a year or a half.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved: "It's hard to say, some animals have very short lifespans, maybe not even a year, but it's not uncommon for them to become evil."

"Anyway, let's find this black sheep first!"

He rode his bike back to the county seat and went to the patrol room. The patrol room chief received him politely, and cooperated with him to bring up the dossier.

Chiqiaosong took a closer look and found a pattern.

Losing chickens and ducks occurred in five small villages, including Chijia Village, Xiaodui Village, and Weigang Village.

"It should be the people in this county who make eucalyptus, and the people who make eucalyptus may live in this area in the west of the city." The chief of the patrol department also specially explained the idea of ​​​​doing eucalyptus to Chi Qiaosong.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Liu."

"Director Chi is very polite."

After leaving the patrol room, Chi Qiaosong checked the time and rode to Han Cuifen's house. He comes to take the "Guangsheng Ruyi" qigong class twice a week.

"Mr. Liu is not at home?" He saw that in the next room, the bed was empty.

"He's going to have chemotherapy, and I've rented him a house near the hospital."

"How is Teacher Liu's situation?"

Han Cuifen's face showed a long-lost smile: "It's been a lot better these days. You can get out of bed and walk around by yourself. I originally wanted to retire the house here and move in to take care of him, but he didn't let him, and said he could take care of himself."

"That's good."

Chiqiaosong was very emotional.

When I saw Mr. Liu before, I almost ran out of fuel, but now I have gotten better, and I can still get out of bed to take care of myself during chemotherapy.

"Perhaps, this is the magic use of Qi. Although martial arts cannot be explained by science, the improvement of human physical fitness is real."

For example, he, regardless of whether it is cold or hot, is wearing a single coat and has never been ill.

"You can't just talk about martial arts, it should be the effect of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that nourishes this world, and it is the prosperity of martial arts and many treasures."

Chi Qiaosong's thoughts diverged: "If Teacher Liu also has nectar tea to drink, I'm afraid he won't get cancer."

Since the Laochi family ate greenhouse vegetables and drank nectar tea, no one of the adults and children has been sick again, and the whole family is very energetic.

After finishing the course, Chi Qiaosong said goodbye and left, and found that Han Cuifen was also going out.

"Where is Teacher Han going?"

"I go to the hospital and go there every afternoon to wash and cook for him, and then take the last air chartered bus back. UU Reading"

"Then I'll take it to you, so you don't have to take an air-chartered car, which is stuffy and hot."


Han Cuifen hesitated and agreed.

Sitting on the back seat of the twenty-eighth bar, instructing Chi Qiaosong how to walk. The hospital is on the west side of the county seat, and the rented house is not far from the hospital.

"It's here, thank you, Chiqiaosong."

"Teacher Han, wait a moment."


Chi Qiaosong went to the fruit stand to buy some apples: "I'll go up and see Mr. Liu too."

"No need to buy fruit."

"It's okay, it's worthless."

Chi Qiaosong still admires Han Cuifen and his wife, Mr. Liu is very optimistic, and Mr. Han is even more persistent, so you should go up and take a look.

The rental is a bungalow.

Han Cuifen knocked on the door, thin and pale, but in good spirits, Teacher Liu opened the door. When she saw Chi Qiaosong, she smiled and said, "Chi Qiaosong is here."

"Come and see Teacher Liu."

"Haha, I'm feeling better now."

"It seems that Teacher Liu is not far from recovery."

The room was a bit chaotic, Mr. Han kept packing as soon as he entered the door, while Chi Qiaosong chatted with Mr. Liu for a while. We talked about everything from national affairs to difficult life.

Seeing that it was getting dark, he quickly got up and said goodbye.

"Let's have dinner here, your teacher Han has already started cooking."

"No, no, I'll go back to eat, you tell Mr. Han to stop busy." Chi Qiaosong insisted on leaving, riding the twenty-eighth bar and driving out of the alley.

When he got to the alley, he stopped at the 28th bar and looked around to see that there was no one left or right.

Quietly took out the orange gourd from the red gourd, flipped it, and the orange gourd instantly pointed into the alley.

Chi Qiaosong put away the orange gourd and sighed.

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