However, Sibuxiang walked forward for a long time. Apart from being a little cold, Qiao Ye found that this place didn't seem to be dangerous.

There were neither evil beasts nor environmental factors that could threaten life.

But at this moment...

Sibuxiang, who had been advancing, suddenly stopped.

Qiao Ye couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Si Buxiang raised his head and howled forward.

Qiao Ye looked up and looked forward, stunned for a moment and said, "Corpse?"

Qiao Ye touched Xiao Ji's head and said, "Sit here first, I'll go over and have a look."

While talking, Qiao Ye turned over and got off Sibuxiang's back, and walked forward.

It looked like a corpse sitting with its back against the wall, but after getting closer, Qiao Ye was a little puzzled, because the corpse looked a bit like a statue.

Humanoid, with its back leaning against the mountain wall, sitting paralyzed, with a stone spear beside it, and the body of the "corpse" also looks completely made of stone, but its expression is so lifelike, it is completely like a real person, wearing armor , each nail leaf is made very meticulously, if it is really carved, then this craftsmanship can be regarded as a wonderful workmanship.

So, Qiao Ye felt that since it was a corpse, it seemed like a terracotta army?

The feeling of sealing a living person in mud.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and tapped the other person's chest. It wasn't hollow, it was indeed like hitting a stone, and when Qiao Ye tapped...


A wooden sign fell from the body of the corpse.

Qiao Ye picked it up and looked at it. It was hanging on the body, and it was the only thing that wasn't a stone.

The wooden sign looked very old, with a thick accumulation of dust and decayed sawdust. Qiao Ye blew hard and immediately flew up.

"Bai Ling Army?"

There are two sides of the wooden sign, one side is written with the words "Bai Ling Army", and the other side has a name: Wang Xiduo.

"Statue? And a name tag?"

Famous tags, most armies will equip soldiers, Bailing Army is the name of the army, followed by the name of the soldier, the only left and right of this kind of tag is only one, that is to identify the corpse.

After a soldier died in battle, the body was recovered, and it was difficult to know who the body was. Therefore, at this time, it was necessary to rely on the name tag. The name on the name tag was used to compare the military status, and then report letters and pensions to the other party's family. Many times, in order to avoid duplication Name, but also write the place of origin.

For example, if Qiao Ye has such a famous brand, it should write Wuyu, Xuan Ningguo, Qiao Ye.

The name tag in Qiao Ye's hand was not that complicated, but it could be seen that it was a name tag.

Qiao Ye felt that the other party was more like a real person.

Otherwise, why does the statue need such a famous brand?

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye got up and walked forward.

The location of the corpse happened to be a cute part of the canyon. There was a raised mountain wall in front of it, forming a curve. When Qiao Ye walked through the curve, his eyes widened instantly.

That corpse was not one, but...

A dense piece!

The front was actually covered with such corpses, some sat down against the mountain wall, some lay there directly, and some stood with their bodies supported by stone spears. Within visual distance, these corpses are everywhere.

"What is the origin of this Bailing Army?"

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, a figure suddenly appeared behind Qiao Ye.

Si Buxiang howled in an instant, Qiao Ye's heart froze, and he instinctively jumped sideways.


The moment Qiao Ye jumped away, a spear hit the ground fiercely, and after a loud noise, the ground was cracked.

Qiao Ye looked back, and it was the corpse from before that stood up.

Bang, bang!

The corpse stepped forward, and the stone chips on its body fell down, and it could be clearly seen that under the mud and rocks, there was really a suit of armor.

Looking at it this way, it is almost certain that it is really not a statue, but a terracotta army made of corpses.

Qiao Ye quickly waved his hand.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, all phenomena on the earth!

With a bang, a square stone pillar suddenly appeared on the ground in front of the corpse, sending the corpse soldier flying out.

However, this is obviously just the beginning, because...

There is not only one corpse of the Bailing Army here.


A lot!

Sure enough, just as Qiao Ye was thinking, all the corpse soldiers in front shook, and then stood up one by one, picked up the stone spear beside him, and turned to look in Qiao Ye's direction.

"Walk into the forbidden area, trespass and kill!"





There was a sudden sound around, which was very strange. It seemed to come from all directions, and it seemed to spread from a central point to all directions.

In the next moment, the corpses of those Bailing soldiers didn't move their facial features, and voices sounded from inside their bodies.

"I knew the place Jiang Liuxue found would not be so simple."

Qiao Ye put his hand in his mouth and whistled.

Almost instantly, Sibuxiang rushed up from behind.

Beast-monitoring skills, Frost Moon!

Accompanied by the roar of four different shapes, a round of silver moon suddenly appeared in the sky, and the holy light shone down, and then...

Click, click, click!

The sound of ice and cleanness continued to sound around, and the silver-white frost suddenly appeared, forming a large frost mist, and after spreading towards the surroundings, the bodies of the corpse soldiers were covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and they were frozen one after another .


Qiao Ye grabbed Sibuxiang's neck mane and rolled onto Sibuxiang's back.

Qiao Ye didn't intend to waste time here because of fighting, but planned to rush directly from here.

But at the moment when Sibuxiang keeps moving forward...

The sound of breaking through the sky suddenly sounded!

Qiao Ye looked sideways, and there was a corpse soldier standing on the mountain wall, and he raised a big bow and shot an arrow at him.

The speed of the arrow was extremely fast, passing through the air, only an afterimage was seen, approaching Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to grab a handful, and a black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's hand.


Qiao Ye raised his halberd and swept away the iron arrow, but it was obvious that this was only the beginning of the attack. There were almost corpse soldiers on the protruding rocks of the mountain wall. With the first arrow shot, a A group of corpse soldiers kept standing up, bent their bows and set arrows, aiming at Qiao Ye.

"Don't let the rain of arrows hurt me!"

Qiao Ye immediately took a deep breath and roared angrily.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, all words and ten thousand phenomena!

When the dense iron arrows fell towards Qiao Ye, a circle of silver-white light suddenly appeared from Qiao Ye's body, and quickly spread in all directions, quickly forming a light shield around Qiao Ye.

The next moment, the falling iron arrows flew past Qiao Ye strangely.


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