Extreme Challenge: Get 100 Billion Bonus At The Beginning

Chapter 29 Broad-Leaved Forest, A Paradise For Fungi

Bai Hu has been following behind Lu Ming, constantly scanning around, as long as there is danger, it will be able to find it immediately.

Occasionally, he would take a careful look at Lu Ming, watching him dig out small fungi from the soil, and Bai Hu couldn't help but secretly make up his mind that he must catch more rabbits for him to eat.

Lu Ming searched for nearly half an hour, and the ground was full of various fungi, adding up to at least three or four pounds.

This place is simply heaven!

Where no one has set foot, the wild fungi are suffocating in abundance.

He wrapped the fungus in a down jacket and turned around to determine a direction.

The hunter's experience allowed him to analyze it. Walking in this direction, he would definitely find a water source.

After walking for about half an hour, a creek appeared in front of me.

Lu Ming took out everything and put it beside the stream.

However, the Snow Wolf King looked very solemn, much more nervous than before.

Countless hunting, and the experience of fighting with brown bears and wild boars tell it that the most dangerous place is near the water source.

Even if it is, it will only stay when it needs to drink water, and it will leave immediately after drinking water, and it will never stay too much.

Beside the stream, wild mushrooms, pheasants, and rabbits were neatly placed together by Lu Ming.

Pheasants and hares need to be plucked and gutted to be gutted.

The soil of wild mushrooms is also carefully scrubbed with fingers, not too hard.

It took almost an hour of work before and after all the ingredients were cleaned up.

For netizens, watching Lu Ming washing vegetables is a different kind of enjoyment.

Looking around, the lush mountains and forests and the gurgling water are like a fairyland on earth.

Lu Ming's handling of ingredients is almost extreme, even a five-star chef in the hotel can't pick out a single fault.

After the ingredients were prepared, Lu Ming began to clean the stone pot.

After a short walk, they made a fire beside the stream.

After the preparations were completed, he took the knife and split the hare into two, half of which was passed through a branch, and the other half was placed in front of the Snow Wolf King, making a gesture of eating: "Eat!"

The Snow Wolf King looked at the hare, looked at him again, and finally picked up the hare and put it under his feet, but did not eat it immediately.

Instead, he still squatted here, checking his surroundings from time to time.

"It seems to be waiting for me to eat." Seeing what it meant, Lu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

Even a police dog has to go through countless trainings before it can be trained to understand all kinds of complex training and act according to the instructions.

And this white tiger, without training, can put food in front of him and not eat it, which is really surprising.

He put a pheasant in front of it again: "Come and don't be indecent, eat!"

This time, the white tiger finally accepted his kindness, but he still pressed the pheasant under his feet and did not eat it immediately.

"Father Tiger is simply becoming an elite!"

"It's really good restraint, ordinary police dogs are not so obedient."

"I really want to raise a tiger like Tiger Daddy..."

Bai Hu's performance of being indifferent in the face of food and still sticking to his post, I don't know how many fans he has attracted.

After everything was ready, Lu Ming clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Finally, the long-awaited part of everything is here. Today's lunch is very rich, there are chicken stewed with mushrooms, charcoal grilled rabbit meat, and slate fried wild mushrooms. "

"I didn't expect it, okay?"

"Delete, block, report..."




I don't know how many netizens left the live broadcast room crying.

It's too hard, every day at this time, it's a torment for every netizen.

Come on, Lu Ming's cooking is a visual treat for them. Don't go, watching this animal eat delicious food, it's a torment.

Lu Ming has set the stone pot on the fire, with clean water in it and the ingredients spread on the leaves.

He put the pheasant into the stone pot, put some salt on it, threw the cut mushrooms and pheasant into it, and let the fire simmer slowly.

"If you want to eat such a dish, it will take at least two hours."

Lu Ming didn't wait, he took out the pre-cut slate, washed it and placed it next to the stone pot.

The firewood below was roasting, and the slate quickly became hot.

He evenly placed the grease dripping from the bear's paw on the slate evenly.

When the oil was hot, he used his knife to show perfect knife work, sliced ​​the fungus into thin slices and laid it flat on the stone plate.

Frying in hot oil, the fungus pieces turn yellow when heated, make a sizzling sound, beat slightly, and emit a fascinating fragrance.


Taking a deep breath, Lu Ming said with a smile, "You don't need to fry the mushrooms for too long. When both sides turn yellow, sprinkle with a little salt and you can eat them directly."

He picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, suddenly showing an intoxicated expression on his face.

"It's very tender. The unique fragrance of wild mountain mushrooms is quite strong. There is no need to add extra auxiliary spices, otherwise it will overwhelm guests and take away the original taste of wild mountain mushrooms. A touch of fine salt, coupled with fried mushrooms, is simply a A perfect feast."

Lu Ming said while eating, making netizens and viewers drool.

"good to eat!"

"It would be even more perfect if it was paired with a glass of cold beer at this time!"

Lu Ming took out a bottle of Potential Drink and took a sip, glanced at the white tiger beside his feet, dug a hole under his feet, and poured the rest of the Potential Drink into it. "

This time, the white tiger did not refuse, and it couldn't refuse the smell of the Potential Drink.

Then, Lu Ming continued to eat.

"This is matsutake mushroom, which has always been called the king of fungi. The price is quite expensive. If I paid for it today, it would cost at least a few thousand yuan."

"Fuck, it's so expensive!"

"A bunch of mushrooms for several thousand dollars, are you stealing money?"

【Fujian Baozhilin】: This is indeed the price. The ones dug by Lushen are not common, and they are only available in a few fixed areas, especially matsutake mushrooms, which are only wild and cannot be cultivated artificially. "

"My Nima... a few thousand dollars for this meal?"

"Understood, book a plane ticket now, go to Daxing'anling tomorrow, and earn thousands of dollars is just around the corner."

Ye Bingbing also said in surprise: "Are all these fungi so expensive?"

Zhang Yan nodded: "It's really so expensive. I've been to Yun Province once before, and the local mushrooms are very cheap, but in other places, the price of these mushrooms is really not affordable for ordinary people."

Ye Bingbing nodded, staring at the screen tightly: "It looks delicious..."

Wang Chongjun coughed dryly, and said calmly, "Let's take a look at the live broadcast rooms of other players..."

It was so fragrant that he wanted to eat the table in front of him when he watched it.

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