Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 883 The Omniscient of Civilization and All-In-One

Zheng -!

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The kingfisher stretched out his hands and gently plucked the invisible strings, and the shackles formed by the air gradually covered the body of the "Devil of Lust".

【Forbidden Mantra · Everything】

But seeing the stunning beauty in front with only a few strands of tulle covering her body, she suddenly turned around and gave Kingfisher a pitiful look, which seemed to have thrown a fire into the latter's heart.

The witch's mood was agitated, and the established melody was suddenly scattered.

"What a troublesome ability!"

Even if you don't use any superpowers, just your own charming body can drive countless men and women completely crazy.

In fact, those demon gods and "demonoids" who have no brains and only know about killing and destroying are the best types to deal with, as long as they make a slight move, they will cause huge disturbances.

It also allowed the [Mind Network] under the control of Beth to track their location in the first place.


Food and sex, no matter how determined a mortal is, it is almost impossible to withstand the impact of this primitive desire. Moreover, when "committing a crime", it is extremely concealed, and even the victims will help him to cover it up.

If it weren't for the [Spiritual Network] being fine enough, and Beth, who is a heterogeneous apprentice of the "Tree of Life School", he would have already been promoted to the third rank.

Moreover, on the basis of [Mind Reading], the intelligence officer's divine skill [Spell-Like Spiritual Prophet] has been extended, which can be connected to [Mind Network] to obtain the ability to listen to the truth of all things in a wide range.

Maybe this "God of Lust" was really fooled.

Just from this point of view, the rank of the "God of Lust" Sidi is higher than that of the previous "God of Destruction" Aini.

Also because of this "powerful" [power], the demon god's strength recovered extremely quickly, and it took only eight years to return to the normal [divine creature] level.

Coupled with the experience and knowledge of demigods, ordinary [divine creatures] would not be his opponents, even if they escaped, they would be considered calm.

Although Aiwen was unmoved by Sidi's words, he did not doubt the possibility that the rescued people he said would not appreciate him.

Based on the instinct of reproduction of all things, creatures like lsp are the mainstream of this world, and Aiwen will not demand his own citizens by the standards of saints.

Of course, there is another main reason, hehe, coincidentally, me too.

It's just that the quality of the women around Aiwen is too high, they have long been immune to the vulgar taste of "beautiful appearance", and they have no interest in what he called "the bliss on earth".

Looking at the mountains, rivers and jungles swept back at high speed, and the demon god who was constantly being driven away and fled in a certain direction, Aiwen whispered in his heart:

"Do it!"

The voice just fell.


An invisible ripple suddenly rises from the ground and spreads in the sky like ripples, imprisoning the extremely active [Magic Element] in the air and sealing off all possible transmission channels.

Da da da. Da da da.

At the same time, a ferocious chain of fire easily cut off a dense canopy, like a red-chained snake suddenly jumping up, sweeping towards the "God of Lust" flying in front.

Although [Six-barreled Machine Cannon God Slayer] and [Black Tin] were secret weapons, they were originally prepared to deal with evil gods who did a lot of evil in the material world.

But with the "origin" pulse triggered by the "first impact", only a week later, demon gods from all over the world came one after another.

The situation in the New World has also taken a turn for the worse, and it has completely ignored the secrecy.

It's just that there are almost no intelligent creatures in [Styx] that hate this demon god, and naturally there is no restraint corresponding to the label [Black Tin].

It's quite normal to think about it.

Faced with such a stunner who can satisfy all their fantasies, even when they are dying, the only thought of LSPs is not to feel resentment, but to chant a poem: "Death under the peony flower is also romantic"?

"Ah, don't think about it!"


This [power] special demon god is indeed quite capable. After realizing that there was an ambush, all his divine power broke out at the critical moment of life and death.

I don't know what kind of overdraft magic was used to re-display his mythical form of "Leopard Head and Owl Wings".

The pink divine light around the body shines brightly, accompanied by the sound of blush and heartbeat, showing the lingering gestures of creatures when they reach the great harmony of life.

All kinds of animals in the forest began to "hum ha ha", and even the vegetation everywhere began to shake to re-pollinate themselves.

call out--!

Even under the influence of the [Earth Vein Seal Plug], after displaying the mythical form, the speed of the "God of Lust" flapping its wings is far faster than any demonized creature like birds.

However, before he rushed to the sky, the other two chains of fire behind him also rushed over.

Da da da. Da da da.

The crossfire from three directions formed an impenetrable firepower net, firmly locking the "God of Lust" that could not be teleported in the center.



In his unwilling roar, [Mythical Form] collapsed suddenly, only a pink streamer was dragged by invisible force and slammed into the ground.

"The Demon God of Lust" is out!

Not only was he out of the competition for the "spiritual origin", he was excluded from the material world, and he was almost doomed to be out in this survival game called "Epoch Cataclysm".

Ivan collected the only point of [divinity] that had fallen, and fell to the ground with Ms. Kingfisher.

Because of the unique nature of the existence of the demon god, the remaining two points have returned to the lower realm with him, and they can't even be said to have fallen.

On the ground, most of the forest has been leveled.


A bodybuilder woman holding a [six-barreled cannon God Slayer] skillfully blew a puff of gunpowder smoke from the muzzle, and put away this great weapon that successfully slaughtered gods.

The beauty who set up an ambush in advance and cooperated with the two was none other than the "Angel of Victory" and "Goddess of Glory" Adlast who moved to the Principality five years ago.

In the past, this goddess who didn't like red makeup but loved arms loved swords, guns, swords and halberds, but now she has a tendency to transform into Gatling Bodhisattva.

It's only been five years since he came to the mortal world, look at what he looks like at this time.

A thin lady's cigarette is dangling from her rosy lips, she is wearing sunglasses, and a long floral dress tied boldly around her waist, her feet wrapped in black stockings are stepping on a pair of silver pointed high-heeled shoes.

There's only one word to describe it - social!

Well, my elder sister in society, Lu Ziye is so beautiful!

"Big sister did a beautiful job!"

Aiwen stepped forward and gave the principality's current number one double-bonus red stick a big praise.

Snapped! Snapped!

"Goddess of Victory" Adrast was not polite to him, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder:

"Aiwen, the eldest sister taught you an exclusive secret. If you want to win on the battlefield in the future, you just need to stand by the eldest sister's side, oh hehehe"

"Elder sister head 666!", "Elder sister is right!".

Thousands of wears, flattery and nothing, a set of serial shoots made her happy, and she repeatedly guaranteed the peace of the principality to Yunyun.

During this period of time, more and more demon gods came to the New World, and they became more and more courageous.

The line of defense that Ai Wen had worked so hard to build over five years was on the verge of collapse, and he had to go into battle with Kingfisher himself.

It's a coincidence, because the "first impact" probability of a transcendent being out of control is also rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Now it seems that the troubles are not only from demon gods, demon-like, evil gods, but also from a wider range of ignorant and fearless people.

We don't know when the era will change, but it seems that the New World will bear the brunt of it now. Of course, the "Angel of Victory", the number one combat force with a straightforward personality, must be carefully served.

If one does not deal with it well, before the cataclysm of the era arrives, existences above the level of [Divine Creatures] will launch continuous wars, and they will first exterminate the humans in the New World.

Face this group of guys.

Aiwen, who has already stood above thousands of extraordinary people, seems to have returned to the time when he was a fledgling, and once again realized what it means to be powerless!

He couldn't help but reached out and touched the crystal from "Tonatiu" in his bosom.

It indicates that there are intelligent creatures in the Kushtia star 9460.5 billion kilometers away, that is, one light-year away.

In other words, humans and Planet Herag are not alone.

Apart from being unable to reach the light-year at all for the time being, there is also a beacon of a "lord of the spirit world", but it is within reach.

The "lord of the spiritual world" pointed by the beacon is named: [Civilized Omniscient].

A side note: As long as you accept His gift, you will be able to freely roam the collective unconscious sea of ​​intelligent creatures, dig out all the knowledge of the predecessors, and become the world's leading extraordinary person and great scientist.

However, Aiwen did not respond for the time being, just because he knew that it is better to ask for others than to ask for himself, and the principle of equivalent exchange.

At the same time, above the vast Black Sea.

One after another divine lights belonged to the demon gods, either hidden in the clouds, or hidden in the water, or in an invisible state, all of them carefully covered their bodies and flew towards the New World, preparing to join a huge hunting operation.

But what they don't know is that there is another group of people hidden on the side who are also ready to hunt.

"Shall we do it now?"

"What do you do? The spiritual source is of little use to us. Let them go in first, and when they fight for the spiritual source, they will lose both sides, and then take the guys in the north who get in the way and catch them all together, wouldn't it be better?"

"Extremely, hahaha."

Obviously, it is hard to say who is the hunter and who is the prey.

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