Experience Points Continues To Rise

Chapter 44 All-out war (1)

Previously, Inu had entered Zone 10 to capture Malio.

Zone 10 was fairly close to Hellgate.

Upon entering here, the Hellgate could be seen with the naked eye.

Of course, the distance is quite far.

Can you barely check the Hellgate with the naked eye?

This was the area the superhumans had pioneered.

The reason why mankind has not pioneered areas beyond Zone 10 is simple.

Starting with the monsters of Zone 10, there are many guys with special properties, so it was almost impossible to enter.

Of course, it was possible to enter even in a crowd. But it was a completely different matter from pioneering.

Currently, In-woo has broken through zone 10 using the know-how of red holy water.

“Brother… you know there are a lot of superhumans who crossed the border and never came back?”

You have already crossed the boundary of zone 10.

From now on, there is no official name. It's just an unexplored area.

Min-cheol was shaking and holding In-woo's teddy bear tail.


“It will be over soon.”

“Are you really okay? What the hell do you need to go all the way over there?”

Mincheol wondered.

In-woo took advantage of the confusion while the Night Guild was defending the branch and entered the hunting grounds.

And to wipe out the Night Guild, Inwoo said he needed a big one.

What a terrifying thing to defeat a large guild in one shot...

It was impossible for Min-cheol to imagine.

think for a moment.

“Wait here. From here on, I will go alone.”

“Where are you going, leaving me alone!”

“Then follow me. Instead, you can go to the goal.”

“No, brother. Then why did you bring me here in the first place? It’s scary!”

“It varies. a man.”

At the end of those words, In-woo was getting farther away.

Min-cheol, who was left alone, was unable to do this or that, and only his feet rolled.

Fortunately, there were no monsters in the place where Min-cheol is now.

Hagisa, Inwoo can't let Mincheol die.


The place I'm currently stepping on was like a safe zone.

Like the Jordan River that must be crossed before going to the underworld, it was so quiet.

* * *

How long did you wait?

One minute felt like an hour. I was so afraid. In-woo's roar was heard sporadically in front of him.

“Brother, please come back alive. If you don't come back, I might starve to death without even moving. Brother please!”

Mincheol closed his eyes and prayed.

bang! bang! bang!

The ground vibrates and the roar is heard again. How the heck are you holding on to what a goddamn bastard you're making so much noise!

The monsters that exist here are probably not ordinary ones.

Because this place is unexplored, there must be a reason.

Puss Sussuk-

how long has it been Dust rose from afar.

Then Mincheol muttered.

“Whoa… what? Is it over?”

Min-cheol scoured through the dust.

The scenery here is also the form of an urban center where the past of mankind has been melted.

There are buildings all over the place.

Several signs and buildings. And I saw old cars and motorcycles.

But it was then.

Min-cheol's eyes pierced as if stuck in a three-story building just a short distance away.


Someone was looking down at Min-cheol from the window of the three-story building there.


Are you a person in the frontier?

In an instant, goosebumps rose from the back to the top of the head.

If I'm so surprised, won't even a scream come out?

Min-cheol couldn't even blink his eyes and stared at it."ghost?"

It had a clear human form. Young woman with purple hair.

The woman had a clear gaze, as if she wanted to remember Min-cheol's face.


Suddenly the woman was moving away from her window.


The moment I thought it was an illusion, the woman disappeared. At that moment, Min-cheol was relieved of tension and sat down on the ground.

The red holy water made his doll mask shredded.

A lot of dirt stuck to his ass.

bum bum-

Then I heard footsteps.

What do you mean this time?

Min-cheol wanted to faint rather than pass out.

“What are you doing sitting there?”

The main character of the voice heard was Inwoo.

At that moment, Min-cheol's tension was relieved like snow melted.

he lived

I had a thought like that.

With this older brother, no situation would become a danger.

His trembling heart quickly subsided.

“Oh brother, I miss you! Because I saw a ghost while my brother was away! Her hair is purple, and I thought I was possessed by something.”

Then, Min-cheol pointed to the building in front of him with his index finger.

In-woo turned his gaze to the direction he was pointing. Then he smiled and said.

"okay? I'll have to come here one more time. once that's done Let’s come back.”

"Yes? come back? what about monsters? Did you capture it?”


Then, In-woo carefully pulled something out of his thick belly pocket.

Min-cheol had never seen In-woo touching something with such a careful hand.

So he got nervous and swallowed his saliva.


In-woo's hand held a white lump the size of a fist. The lump was like a sea urchin with thorns.

Min-cheol blinked his eyes and looked at it silently.

Inu said.

“This is the second reason that mankind could not go beyond Zone 10. It’s a monster called Mega Boom.”

“What the hell is that?”

mega boom.

A monster who turned an unexplored land into a minefield.

The reason why the area after Zone 10 had no choice but to remain as an unknown world.

It was because of the mega-boom.

Mega Boom is a monster that hides in the ground. In the first place, let alone discovering it, it would be nice if we didn't step on it.

It is a monster that explodes with powerful magical power if stepped on.

In other words, it is the bomb of the monster world.

When the mega-boom explodes, all living things within a 3m radius are instantly killed. Even if it was a superman, there was no exception. It is a bomb more terrifying than Malio's venom.

He is a superman who survives even if a grenade, a modern weapon, explodes. From that point of view, it is possible to guess how immense the power of the mega-boom is.

In-woo still carefully put the Mega Boom into his belly pocket.

“I have captured three of them. With this, I will kill the head of the Night Guild.”

“What the hell is that little thing?”

“You know when you see it. Everything is ready. Now we go to the headquarters of the Night Guild.”

"Yes...? Me too?”

“If you don’t like it, I go alone. Wouldn’t there be something good about headquarters?”

better thing.

At that word, Mincheol hurriedly shouted.

“Go, together! I'll go too, bro!"

I've never had a loss while chasing In-woo. Min-cheol decided to trust In-woo again this time.

* * *

Night Guild Headquarters.

Baek Du-jin ripped off his head and fell into thought.

A day has already passed since then.

He sent 6,000 guild members to nine branches across the country. With this number of people, he will most likely be able to defend against his attacks.

But the mad bear was not showing any movement.

He was going crazy and running around.

Since the guild members did not hunt, the profits stopped. However, it is not possible to send the guild members back to the hunting grounds.

If the guild members were sent to the hunting ground again, it seemed that a mad bear would attack the weak branch.

“Damn it!”

What the hell should I do?

If he had figured out his identity, he would have taken the first attack, but even that is impossible. Baek Doo-jin doesn't even know who he is.

Truly a dilemma.

Knock Knock Knock!

That was then.

An urgent knock was heard.

“Come in.”

What kind of report makes me so urgent?

After a while, one of the executives was rushing into the master room.

“No, Master! Oh, the crazy bear has come!”


Baek Doo-jin got up from his seat.

He's not even a branch in the province, and he's been attacking the headquarters here?

What the hell is this guy with in his head?

Does fear exist?

It wasn't weird.

This is the headquarters of the Night Guild.

Unless the liver sticks out of the stomach!

“Your arrogance will haveten death. I will kill you as slowly as you open a gun alive.”

Then Baek Du-jin grunted and bit his molars. He will never kill nicely.

* * *

Night Guild Headquarters.

There were two crazy bears in the lobby.

Among them, the mad bear holding the dragon head was wearing a huge red cloak.

Crazy bear in a cape. It was Jeong Inwoo.

In-woo yawned and lay down in the center of the lobby.


Before long, the Night Guild members at the headquarters filled the lobby.

At a glance, there are hundreds.

Min-cheol, who was next to him, whispered to In-woo.

“Ton, bro… Shall we run away now?”

However, Inu did not have an answer.

He just lay still and looked at the enemies gradually approaching him.

Enemies could not easily approach Inwoo.

That mad bear left the force and said he wasn't usually that clever. He had a very high level of trickery, he said.

Besides, he is also a ranker with the strength he has.


Is that so? Even though In-woo was lying still, the frightened enemies could not even approach him recklessly.


Suddenly, In-woo raised his hand.


Then the hundreds of night guild members who had gathered staggered back and retreated. Among the dogs, there was even a guy with a butt-mill.


“Ha ha ha.”

In-woo yawned and started to scratch his thigh with his raised hand.


Each of the enemies clenched their fists at that relaxed attitude.

I was so scared of the motion of barely scratching my thighs and pounded my buttocks, how shameful it would be.

Either way, Inu stayed still.

wait for a while

Then Inu said.

"Hey. When is your head coming? this lazy bastard. Why is the meeting so slow when I came? How many times do you have to hit me to come to my senses?”

Then someone opened his mouth from the second-floor railing above the lobby.

“It’s me. Crazy Bear.”

In-woo glanced upwards at him.

Tub Tub-

A large man with red hair was walking down. He was Baek Du-jin.

“Crazy Bear. You dug my own grave.”

"Ah. are you the boss? You waited a long time.”

In-woo got up from his seat and brushed his ass.Then Baek Du-jin ordered the guild members around him.

“Put the shutter down. No one can enter or exit this building.”

"Yes. master!"

Then the shutter went down.

Then Baek Du-jin drew three executives and approached In-woo.

3 officers. And about 700 troops.

And Master Baek Doo-jin.

It is an unprecedented military force. it has no choice but to This was the headquarters of the Night Guild.

Crazy Bear will never be able to survive here.

Baek Doo-jin's eyes blazed with anger.

Eventually, Baek Doo-jin stepped closer to In-woo.

Then, out of nowhere, In-woo began to spread his cloak wide open.


Inside the cloak, three boxes wrapped in a gift box appeared.

"Hey. Do you know what this is?”

“What kind of work is it?”

“I will tell you what I am. Just take one.”

Then, In-woo took one of the gift boxes attached to the inside of the cloak and threw it at Baek Du-jin.


Baek Du-jin snatched it from the air.

Baek Doo-jin said.

“Are you kidding me?”

However, In-woo looked at Baek Du-jin and began to bend his fingers one by one.

"one. thick. Seet. pop!"


As In-woo's counter finished, a powerful explosion sounded.

In fact, everyone covered their ears at the terrifying roar.

Soon, black smoke rose from the place where Baek Du-jin was.

Puss Suss-

And as time passed, the smoke gradually subsided.

And in that place...

It was full of chunks of bright red meat.

Everyone's eyes widened at the sight.

Mincheol muttered without realizing it.

“Tongue, bro…Is that piece of meat the Night Guild Master?”

I couldn't believe it even after seeing it with my own two eyes.

Who is the Master of the Night Guild?

He is a superman who heads a large guild.

However, such a Baek Du-jin burst out without even using his hands properly.

In-woo just threw the box and got rid of the night guild leader.

It was an unbelievable, unbelievable reality.

Who would be able to erase the night guild leader with such a simple gesture.

In an instant, the intestines changed to Abi Gyu-hwan.


There was great confusion among the Night Guild members who lost their leader.

But right then.

The space behind the place where Baek Du-jin was located began to distort.

bum bum-

Then, In-yeong, wearing a black hood, squeezed through the distorted space and walked out.

In-woo's eyes, looking at him, began to widen gradually.

Tub- Tub-

It is a gigantic size that easily exceeds 2 meters.

Long nails that look like a weapon.

- ね.

An awkward laughter sound like scraping metal and iron.

Soon, an unidentified monster began to take off his huge hood.

- You're carrying something very interesting.


In-woo's eyes sank with utmost seriousness.

The monster's face with the hood off was pitch black as dark as night.

Min-cheol, who was next to In-woo, hesitated.

And trembling voices came out of Min-cheol's mouth.

“B, Black Orc……??”

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