Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 11: Shimmering wind through stone

Under the "Hui Ming" force field, the four of them moved forward along the traces of energy gathered by the twelve stone sculptures.

Entering through a narrow mountain pass, the stone walls on both sides have gurgling water and are covered with moss.

After passing the mountain pass, it is a relatively regular hole, supported by stone pillars, with obvious grinding and etching marks. The vines hanging down from above are like Medusa's snake hair, barren and cold.

Xin Yu stepped forward, looked at the etching marks on the stone pillar, and said:

"This is an underground air-raid shelter. Judging from the age, it should have been left over from the war against aggression a hundred years ago. At that time, Zhidong City was often bombed by invaders. There are many air-raid shelters like this, but today, they are completely preserved. Fewer came down."

She looked inside, it was pitch black, like the mouth of a salivating beast.

"go in."

Ji Zhengzhi spontaneously walked to the forefront of the team. Thanks to the blessing of Lu Xianyi's "Hui Ming" force field, he can see the road without the need for lights.

The air-raid shelter was very humid and had a very strong smell of water. There is a whistling wind, and it can be speculated that there should be more than this hole.

Qiao Xun's night vision ability is excellent, and he can also use the sense of warmth, so the situation in the air raid shelter is more three-dimensional in his eyes.

The corridor is uneven, and there is water accumulation in some places.

Qiao Xun saw a series of footprints next to a puddle, many of which were mixed, and for a while he couldn't even tell how many pairs of "feet" had stepped on it. This wet soil is evident when footprints are stepped on.

After passing through this corridor of about 100 meters, the inside is much more spacious, like a big basement.

When they first came here, the four of them realized almost at the same time that this air-raid shelter had been remodeled.

With this large circular basement as the center, twelve small rooms were opened in all directions. In the center of the basement, there is a platform, on the platform, there is a blackened mummy, showing a posture of lying on his back, with his hands crossed in front of his chest, and his feet tightly closed.

The whirring sound of the wind resounded throughout the large basement. It was very chaotic. It was impossible to tell where the wind was blowing, or in other words, it was blowing from all directions.

Qiao Xun became more and more familiar with the wind sound... Gradually, he realized that it was the wind sound he heard in the three-story building of Sanhua Community.

The frequency, tone and intensity are exactly the same.

But, why does the wind here sound in those rooms?

Xin Yu frowned and asked Lu Xianyi:

"Xianyi, do you feel the spiritual traces of Qi Boxue and Zhuo Jun?"

"No." Lu Xianyi said, her brows trembling uncontrollably.

"Sister Yu, the energy here is too complex, and my will is afraid."

The will of the guide is not the "will" of an abstract concept, but a real observable parameter, similar to the sixth sense, but it actually exists.


A sound of an object landing sounded from one of the twelve side rooms.



Also accompanied by a creaking sound.

Lu Xianyi said in a deep voice:

"The energy nearby is soaring!"

Xin Yu immediately said:

"Ready to fight!"

Ji Zhengzhi took off his glasses and put them in the pocket of his jacket, his whole body began to emit a hot breath.

Soon, the four of them saw that a stone sculpture came out from the second side room from the left.

This stone sculpture is very special, completely different from the vaguely human-shaped stone sculpture in the video sent by Qi Boxue before.

He has distinct facial features and strong recognition, so that the heartbeats of the four people almost stopped half a beat after seeing its face clearly.

Lu Xianyi murmured, her eyes full of incredible:

"Zhu... Zhuo Jun?"

Yes, that stone sculpture has exactly the same appearance and clothes as Zhuo Jun, the difference is that it is a bit bigger, and its body color is obviously grayish white.

Xin Yu frowned,

"Be careful."

The stone sculpture with the appearance of Zhuo Jun stiffly raised his hand and stretched out towards the four people at the entrance of the tunnel, making a creaking sound. It opened and closed its mouth, but made no sound.

Qiao Xun watched its mouth attentively, it was—


His brows immediately jumped up uncontrollably, a strong sense of crisis emerged spontaneously, and he immediately shouted:


This sound exploded at the entrance of the tunnel, and immediately made the three of them tremble. Xin Yu reacted the fastest and immediately said:

"Retreat, retreat!"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of stones rubbing against each other sounded densely all around, like a landslide.

As a fighter, Ji Zhengzhi has excellent physical indicators. He quickly activated his talent "Shuo Feng", stirred the surrounding air, condensed three cyclones, wrapped the three of them, and then exploded. Immediately, the three of them shot out of their chambers like cannons, and shot at the other port of the tunnel with extreme speed.

Because it was very dark inside, even if it was night outside, the faint moonlight could still be seen faintly.

The speed was very fast. The tunnel was more than 100 meters long, but within three or four seconds, the three of them were ejected by the cyclone to the entrance of the cave, and Ji Zhengzhi followed closely behind.

The exit is close at hand.

However, nothing is absolutely smooth.

A figure faster than them broke the sound barrier and made a trembling sound. Almost instantly, it evacuated the air in the corridor that was no more than 100 meters away, forming a huge pressure difference.

The huge air pressure directly sucked the four people who were close to the entrance of the cave back, and slammed into the wall of the mountain.

Falling to the ground, Lu Xianyi, the weakest, coughed desperately. She felt that her internal organs were about to shatter, but fortunately, her head was not confused, and she quickly took out a pair of plaster-like plaster and put it on her neck. After the slight sound of electric current sounded, she gradually recovered.

Qiao Xun: "..." This guy has a lot of black technology.

After thinking about it for a while, he focused his eyes on the passage in front of him. A stone statue stood there, almost blocking the entrance of the tunnel, its face was blurred, and the whole body was covered with traces of wind erosion and rain, which was very dilapidated. This image is consistent with the image of the stone sculpture in the previous Qi Boxue video.

After Ji Zhengzhi took off his glasses, he became very restless as if he had changed his mind. He said in a harsh voice:

"It is very powerful and fast! But it has no pollution value, and it is impossible to determine what it is powered by."

Xin Yu stood up, looked around, and immediately said:

"Disperse, one, one, two stations!"


Tactical positioning has been discussed before. One and two are Ji Zhengzhi at the front, Xin Yu in the middle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi in the back.

Just in that round of attack, Xin Yu was sure that none of his four-person team could stand alone against this stone sculpture in terms of strength.

The four quickly dispersed, focusing on the stone carvings at the entrance of Yongdao.

Qiao Xun glanced at "Zhuo Jun" in the second side room. It stood blankly at the door of the side room, motionless, as if it had lost power.

Why? Is that Zhuo Jun's change? Or, it's just that the stone sculpture imitates Zhuo Jun's appearance.

Returning to the Yongdaokou stone sculpture, Qiao Xun made a comparison in his mind. The etching marks on its body were basically the same as the third stone sculpture in Qi Boxue's video.

It seems that they came in order. Each stone sculpture is in a side chamber corresponding to its order.

The "third stone sculpture" at the Yongdaokou twisted its limbs and made a creaking sound. It looked towards the four people in the room, stretched out the index finger of its right hand, and pointed at Ji Zhengzhi.

Afterwards, it bent its legs slightly and jumped sharply, hitting Ji Zhengzhi like a cannonball.

Ji Zhengzhi's "Shuo Feng" launched, and a flash of light burst out from the lower part, and then the whole person was ejected to the other side.

After the "Third Stone Sculpture" lost its target, there was a brief stagnation. Xin Yu's ability to grasp the timing was almost perfect, his eyes flashed red, and the powerful auxiliary talent "Forbidden Word" was activated. It fell directly from the air and hit the ground. It made a loud noise, causing a circle of dust.

As a Tier 3 fighter, Ji Zhengzhi has a very high fighting literacy, and he bounces back at an extremely fast speed. Another talent for confrontation, "Punching Stone", is the only talent he used to shoot the soil with his bare hands. He slapped the head of the "third stone sculpture" with a fierce palm.


The stone head burst into pieces in an instant.

Then, the stone sculpture slumped to the ground, motionless.

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