There are eight days for the exam, and Mrs. Wang didn't plan to guard Wang Chuangui, so she walked slowly on the road.

When walking, passing through some villages and towns or cities, Mrs. Wang would tell Xiao Ayu stories about them.

Xiao Ayu always listened with relish.

"Grandma, the stories you tell are even more exciting than Mr. Storyteller's!" Xiao Ayu's eyes brightened, "In the future, we will open a storytelling shop here, you can write, and I can make money again. "

Mrs. Wang laughed and nodded little Ayu's nose: "When did you become so greedy for money?"

Whatever you do, think about opening a shop.

There is already a bun shop at home, and there is Chen Yuan outside, who has opened a hundred shops in the border town area under the name of Lao Wang bun shop.

Every family pays dividends to the Wang Family Steamed Bun Pu, and every family counts, it is only two or three taels a year, which is considered a fly's leg.

Putting it together, it's okay.

But this amount of money was still too little. The two houses and two sets of shops that were bought in Fucheng before did not touch the foundation of the Wang family.

The money was privately owned by Mrs. Wang, who asked someone to take it out for profit, following Zhang Zhan's path, under the supervision of the government.

One thousand taels of silver are lent, and one hundred and one hundred taels will be recovered in a month.

She also took advantage of Zhang Zhan's acquisition time difference to know where there were cheap houses for sale, and joined the middle-aged people in Nanhe Town to buy those houses.

Just make a private agreement, but don’t go to the government office to go through the registration procedures. When there is a suitable person, and then resell the house, you can save the cost of the transfer in the middle, and then earn the middle price difference.

Mrs. Wang looked at the room, her eyes were like torches, and the same was true of the shop.

Through this move, Qian proudly earned a lot of middleman fees, and with the endorsement of the county magistrate, his tone was naturally tighter.

The local county magistrate’s parents and officials have great power to supervise the sale and lease of houses. As long as the price is not maliciously raised and the price has been reported to the county government, Mrs. Wang’s actions will not violate the law.

As for Zhang Zhan, he also earned tens of thousands of taels of silver, and he naturally admired Mrs. Wang.

For their Zhang family, ten thousand taels of silver was just a month's expense, but this expense was shared by more than 100 people.

Now that Zhang Zhan can earn so much, he is naturally more confident.

Seeing that Yongding County has become better and better since he took office, there are very few people who starve to death now.

There are still a lot of people flowing into Yongding County in the neighboring county.

There have also been fewer criminal cases in the entire Yongding County. In the past two years, there has been no vicious homicide in Yongding County.

He also rescued several cases of human trafficking, and even persuaded a group of bandits who wanted to be good.

For those words of persuasion, Zhang Zhan wrote a letter to ask Mrs. Wang for advice, and Mrs. Wang told him.

In this way, Zhang Zhan has already made outstanding achievements.

Promotion is just around the corner, it just depends on whether he is willing or not.

People who once laughed at him and came from a wealthy county to a poor county are now regretful.

Now no one knows how much money Mrs. Wang has in her hands.

She counted what the Wang family had on Xiao Ayu's head, and used them all to do similar things.

In Xiao Ayu's space, there are now tens of thousands of taels of silver, as well as several house deeds.

Except for Xiao Ayu, no one else in the Wang family knew about it.

On the way to Fucheng, Xiao Ayu was very excited. This was her first time going out.

The carriage arranged by Nian is also very comfortable, and it doesn't feel bumpy at all.

It's almost like going on a study tour.

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