People are forced to become ghosts!

   This probably should only appear in the old society, right?

   I can’t say any more. If I continue, the magical [Crab Monster] will appear.

   I can only express sympathy for what happened to Huang Wen and his former colleagues. There is no way. When the winter comes, the upper class can only oppress the lower side even more severely. No matter what the reason is, it is from its own standpoint.

   Lin Shu is fortunate that he left early. He can't do anything for the colleagues who are still there. Of course, if a colleague wants to fight a labor lawsuit with the company, he can provide some legal knowledge.

   Obviously, for the time being, I didn't think about using the weapon of law to attack those who squeezed and oppressed them.

   Lin Shu shook his head, stopped thinking about this annoying thing, and focused on his own study.

   He still has a lot to worry about.

   The subjective questions of the law test will begin soon. In fact, the subjective questions are undoubtedly more difficult than the objective questions.

   There is only one volume of subjective questions, with a score of 180 points, including case analysis questions, legal document questions, and essay questions. Because compared with the choice of objective questions, subjective questions need to be discussed, and even need to be translated directly, especially the electronic law.

And subjective questions need more practice, because if you spend too much time on the law, it is difficult to have time to complete the test paper, and if the law is not clear and specific, the score may be low. After all, this is not like objective The answer to the question is so simple, just choose from A, B, C, and D.

   The key forest book here is not only to prepare for the subjective questions of the law test, but also to attend classes, and at the same time, even more terrifying is to participate in the instructor group meeting.

   Lin Shu is a master's degree, and now it is not much different from a master's degree, but because it is a two-year master's degree, it is necessary to determine the direction of the major and minor essays in advance. Both of these are mandatory requirements for graduate graduation. Small essays refer to papers published in journals, and large essays are master's graduation thesis. Usually small essays and large essays are similar in research content. The simple way is to expand the small essay to Big thesis.

  The big thesis still needs to have an opening report, and the opening report also needs to convene the research group tutor to become an expert on the opening review committee. If the opening defense fails, then another topic needs to be selected.

   Generally speaking, the topic is that the supervisor will give a general research direction, then read the paper, find the specific direction, and discuss it with the supervisor after confirming it. Of course, these also need to look at the instructor. If the instructor does not care, or it is difficult to decide the direction directly, then it also means--

   Everything is hard at the beginning, then hard in the middle, and hard in the end.

   Now Lin Shu mainly conducts experiments with his seniors, and then reads the papers and documents, reads at least seven documents a week, and also makes PPT reports, because these are all asked by the mentor group.

   Supervisor Liu Hui is a bit old, and he has passed the peak period of publishing papers when he was young, but he was not very good. I was full of anger, squinted and laughed, very warm, and now my main focus is on my own subject projects, which is also a regular weekend group meeting.

   The conference room is very quiet. It should be said that each group meeting is a psychological challenge for the graduate students. They are all very honestly waiting for questions. They are afraid of life-threatening questions, questions about life, and soul suffocation.

   "Lin Shu, let me ask you, what technology did you use for visual inspection to fit the thread profile in a straight line?"

   Lin Shu thought for a while, and said: "It should be the least squares straight line fitting technique."

   "Should, are you not sure about it yourself?"

   "What algorithm do you want to use to extract contour edges?"

   "Canny algorithm?"

   "Are you asking me?"

   The surrounding temperature has dropped significantly by a few degrees, and a cold wind has passed by quietly.

   Lin Shu felt a little nervous, and said: "It is the Canny algorithm that extracts the contour edges."

   "What are you using to refine the diagonal points?"

Lin Shu was asked continuously in this way, and the questions became more and more detailed, and his conscience became more and more guilty. He didn't have a bottom and began to doubt, but he still bit his scalp and replied: "Use the distance between the pitch diameter of the thread and the corner points. The distance completes the refinement of the diagonal points."

   Liu Hui helped his glasses frame and nodded.

   Just after Lin Shu’s hanging heart was let go, Liu Hui said again: "You have to read those papers, but you still have to summarize them, and you can’t just get to the surface."

   The surrounding temperature has obviously frozen, and the other seniors all bowed their heads in a quail-like manner.

   Lin Shu nodded honestly.

   "Then you continue to research from this direction."

   Lin Shu nodded, and he was relieved, knowing that this journey of soul torture should be over temporarily.

   "PPT does a good job."

   Just as Lin Shu sat down, Liu Hui praised it again. Before Lin Shu was happy, the next sentence made Lin Shu's heart choke, "The opening report will be made before the next week's meeting, and the data research needs to be detailed."

   "In addition, the papers and literature still need to be read, and there is also a summary report."


   Good students know how to smile.

【Ding! NPC tutor Liu Hui’s instruction task: complete the thesis opening report...]

【Ding! NPC...]

   Faced with the two tasks arranged by the NPC instructor, what can Lin Shu say, smiled firmly and lived, and continued his liver brushing experience.

The brother next to    has no time to sympathize with Lin Shu, because he knows that he will also face a storm of soul torture immediately.


   After the soul torture is over, Lin Shu will be busy preparing his opening report.

Obviously, the tutor doesn’t care about the subjective test of the law test he is about to take. On the contrary, Professor Liu Hui may think that he has too much time and not enough tasks, so he still has the energy to participate in the law test. More serious tutors may also have opinions on him, thinking that he did not put his mind on mechanical studies.

   On the library side, Lin Shu can be said to be an outlier.

   I borrowed books on law and mechanical-related literature. It can definitely be said that he is drawing a square with his left hand and a circle with his right hand. A true perverted master!

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for studying 1 hour of legal knowledge, rewards: 1. Experience +1045; 2. Gold coins +106. 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the player for completing a set of experimental data records, rewards 1. Experience +315; 2. Gold coins +36. 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the player for carefully reading the 2-hour mechanical literature, rewards 1. Experience +2115; 2. Gold coins +216. 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you continue to check in for 1 hour in class, gain 1. Experience +1590; 2. Gold Coins +158. 】

   Just like this for class, review, and study, Lin Shu's level experience progress bar has also arrived [301525/300000].

   Lin Shu is naturally looking forward to the upgrade, so he clicked on the [upgrade] on the virtual panel.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading to Lv28! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for successfully upgrading, rewards: 1. Experience +2991; 2. Gold coins +306; 3. 1 mysterious gift]

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading to 10 consecutive levels, rewards: 1. Experience + 8888; 2 gold coins + 888; 2. Exclusive bonus attribute points 2 points. 】

   Lin Shu was a little surprised. He was not surprised to receive the mysterious blind gift box. What he was surprised was that this time he had an exclusive attribute point of 2 points.

   This surprised him too much!

Lin Shu knows very clearly that the upgrade does not directly increase the attribute points. It is just that the attribute points +1 are occasionally exploded in the mysterious gift. Up to now, he has only exploded twice, once is the exclusive [spiritual] attribute point. +1, another time is any attribute point +1.

   Now that he has been upgraded to 10 levels in a row, he can actually burst two attribute points at once. He is really surprised.

   After all, the expensive items in the [Item Mall] are still valuable and marketable, while the attribute points are priceless and non-marketable. You can't buy them if you want to.

   Of course, most of the props in the mall he wanted to buy but couldn't buy it.

   Now that he has to continuously upgrade 10 levels to increase his attribute points, Lin Shu can't help but feel a little bit difficult. He doesn't know when his [lucky] attribute will reach 10 points.

  Hey, now think about it, he has actually been upgraded to 10 levels in a row?

Oh my God--

   really slow!

   Lin Shu murmured in his heart.

   It seems that you are insisting, even if you upgrade, you have to persist to get exclusive attribute point rewards.

   But even so, the attribute reward is so small, but it is two points, not the overall attribute is increased by 1 point.

   It seems that it is still quite difficult to improve the basic essential attributes of people.

   Still need to persist.


   Lin Shu didn't open the mysterious gift in the first time. He was a little looking forward to it now. He didn't know what the 2 attribute points of this reward would be.

   Without any hesitation, Lin Shu clicked on the exclusive bonus attribute point the first time.

   Then, what followed was--

   [Reward: [Power] Attribute Point +1]

   [Reward: [Spirit] Attribute Point +1]

   At that moment, Lin Shu was a shocking spirit.

I go!

  [Spirit] Attribute Point +1?

At that time, Lin Shu had to want to return the goods for a moment, well, this is, he has experienced the [spiritual] attribute point +1, what is the feeling, that is to be able to cruelly reject the mahjong he once loved, and the legs can be taken back. The powerful spiritual combat power of the empire, the sharp weapon that cuts off bad temptations, if this is really added 1 point of [spirit] attribute point, what terrible things will happen?

   Lin Shu feels a little confused.

   Lin Shu first added that point of [Power] attribute point on the personal panel to the [Power] of [Basic attribute]——


   Okay, he feels full of himself--


  Well, the human body itself has more than 70% water. Lin Shu feels that he doesn't seem to have changed, but he also feels faintly as if his body has changed.

   Lin Shu's gaze fell on the [spiritual] attribute point, so whether to add it or not?

   If this adds one more [Spirit] attribute point, will he become an iron man?

Lin Shu doesn't want to cut off the common sense, the four are empty, and he is a He still wants some [Temptation Fox Monster] to seduce him, that kind of heartbeat, throbbing feeling is really good .

  Add or not?

this is a problem.

   Lin Shu is not sure whether his thin body can bear this 1 point of [spiritual] attribute again, he is afraid he can't bear it.

   Lin Shu's eyes fell on the personal virtual panel in front of him——

   [Basic attributes: Spirit 4, Strength 4, Constitution 3, Agility 3, Intelligence 3, Charisma 4, Lucky 4]

Looking around, there are already three or four basic attributes that were mostly 3, each accounting for half of the country. Obviously three, three, four and four are normal. If this is the [spirit] attribute plus 1...the spirit is 5. It's become inconsistent.

   Lin Shu fell into thinking.

   Soon, Lin Shu felt that he still had to add [Spirit] attribute points.

  Because he believes in a strong spirit, then he will do it bravely if he wants to do something later, and nothing can stop him.

   As long as he wants to play mahjong, he will definitely play mahjong resolutely and will not let his stepped feet retract again.

   That is the real strong spirit, spiritual freedom, and will definitely be able to face any challenges and difficulties.

   Even if something bad happens in the future, he will definitely face the difficulties and pressures that are no matter how difficult the instance is, no matter how difficult it is to overcome.

   Lin Shu thought so, and felt more and more that he had to add this rare [spiritual] attribute point.

  Huh, isn't it?

   Why do I always think that bad difficulties will happen.

Will not!

  【Lucky】4 attribute points protect me, I will definitely not encounter anything bad.



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