In Lin Shu's view, if the dark side of the soul is truly absent, then the so-called light is meaningless.

   He didn't want to lose those, because if his selfishness disappeared completely, then he would become a selfless person, I really can't imagine.

   If you really want to trade the dark side of the soul, it would be better to trade his talent.

  Of course, Lin Shu didn't think he had any special talents.

Lin Shu couldn’t help thinking that if he didn’t trade all the dark side of his soul, just like his cowardice, he would only trade one-tenth of his cowardice, or he could only trade one-tenth of his cowardice. What?

   Although Lin Shu had such an idea in his mind, he still didn't click to use the [Devil's Trading Scale] again immediately, because the devil is a bit dangerous, so there is no need to make a deal in such a hurry. You still need to think carefully.

   Lin Shu closed the inventory of the virtual panel, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on the upgraded personal level. Now his level is [Lv22], and the level experience progress bar has become longer [19889/15000].

   I have to say, seeing the long experience progress bar, Lin Shu didn't feel a trace of pressure, but was eager to try and continue to upgrade as soon as possible, because he had already seen what was in the unlocked [Item Store].

   There are many magical props he wants to use, but they are expensive. Since they can't afford it, they can only upgrade and explode good equipment, and at the same time use gold coins to deposit gold coins.

   With such expectation, Lin Shu clicked and used the bottle of [sleeping pills], and a small bottle of ordinary [sleeping pills] appeared in Lin Shu's hands.

   Lin Shu drank the bottle of [sleeping pills] and fell asleep ever since.

   There is no dream all night.

   Lin Shu didn't dream of having those magical props, and woke up from his sleep full of energy.

   At six o'clock in the morning, Lin Shu felt very clearly that he had never slept so comfortably or so easily this night.

   Lin Shu is in a very good state of mind. She got up early in the morning to wash and went for a run.

   Because he woke up very early, but at six in the morning.

   After Lin Shu decided to run in the morning and exercise his experience, he should learn how to brush his experience, and he must study for at least two hours a day. Only in this way can he continue to brush his experience and insist on signing in.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for running 3 kilometers in the morning and gaining 1. experience +569; 2. gold coins +58. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for jogging for 3 days for two consecutive days to exercise, gaining 1. Experience +1589; 2. Gold Coins +149. 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have studied hard for two hours and gained 1. Experience +1259; 2. Gold Coins +120. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to players for your continued learning...]

   After studying Lin Shu, it was only ten o'clock.

   Yesterday, Lin Shu went to the company to go through the final resignation formalities and obtained the resignation certificate.

   This can be said to have really left the company.

Lin Shu’s luggage and parcels have already been packed. He now hopes to be able to purchase the [Puppet Man] in [Prop Shop]. Seeing the instructions for use, he can order things like a robot. Then if he has this prop, he will You can order [Puppet Man] to help him.

   Such as taking delivery, such as cleaning the room, such as helping to move...

   Lin Shu was about to move, and his friend Yao Chen called.

   "Lin Shu, the afternoon party, you have to come over today, Zhou Yu came to work in Star City, and a few classmates will pick him up, so don't refuse."

   Lin Shu did not expect Yao Chen to call him for a party, which surprised him a bit, and did not expect Zhou Yu to return to work in Star City.

   Zhou Yu is his high school classmate. After graduating from university, he worked in Pengcheng, but he did not expect to return to Xingcheng.

   Yao Chen said so, Lin Shu would naturally not refuse.

   The more critical reason is that the [Charming Fox Monster] did not emerge and let him kill monsters.

   Lin Shu felt that Yao Chen was right, and he hadn't been with Yao Chen's old classmates for a while.

   "I have to move today, then you help me move first, and we will go there after we move."

   Yao Chen would naturally not refuse. He knew that Lin Shu had resigned before, and now he heard the news that Lin Shu was moving, he was not surprised, and he directly agreed to be there immediately.

   It didn't take long before Yao Chen came by taxi.

   He had been to Lin Shu's dormitory before, and now he was surprised to see Lin Shu moving things into the car.

   "I'll go, okay, when did you buy a car, Lin Shu? You bought a car without making a sound, and you can hide it enough."

   Yao Chen wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and his appearance was truly ordinary, but with a trace of energy, he looked at Lin Shu's new white car very exaggeratedly.

   "Wow! That's okay! Lin Shu, you are really amazing, are you full?"

   Lin Shu nodded, and saw Yao Chen's exaggerated look a bit funny.

   "Okay, it seems that your old boss is quite worthy of you, but actually saved a car for you."

   Hearing what Yao Chen said, Lin Shu was noncommittal. He didn't save his salary from working here.

   "Hurry up and help!"

   Yao Chen didn't say much, and quickly helped Lin Shu move.

  The house that Lin Shu rents is near Shonan University. This is because I think it may be more convenient to study and review here, and the learning atmosphere will be stronger.

   The room is not big, it is just an ordinary single room, one bedroom and one living room, the kitchen and bathroom are very small, because it is an old house, the price is reasonable, 16 thousand and six.

   "Lin Shu, I don't think your house is very good. Why don't you move in to live with me? Anyway, it will save money."

   "Forget it, I have to study, for fear of being tempted by you."

   "Soon, my house will be handed over and renovated, so I don’t need to live here anymore."

   Lin Shu also told Yao Chen that he had already paid the down payment to buy a house in Jiangyuan International.

   Yao Chen was even more surprised, and asked: "Are you making a fortune, or your parents supporting you? Congratulations."

   "I made some money in the front, plus the down payment of and I have to pay the mortgage every month."

   "Where did you make some money? You won the lottery, right?"

   Lin Shu smiled, did not expect Yao Chen to tell the truth at once.

   However, he didn't say anything.

   Yao Chen was very puzzled. He knew that he knew Lin Shu's family well. He didn't expect Lin Shu to buy a house and a car so quickly, but he would not know that Lin Shu really won the lottery.

   Lin and Yao Chen simply arranged the room, and it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

   The scheduled party is also at five o'clock.

   Lin Shu drove past with Yao Chen.

   On the way, Lin Shu also asked Yao Chen who was in this gathering.

   When Lin Shu and Yao Chen agreed on the shopping mall restaurant, Lin Shu also saw four classmates waiting at the door.

   Two men and two women.

   "Long time no see, Lin Shu, I saw you on the Internet before, and I was brave enough to catch a thief on the bus. I am not from Xiamen University. As expected, Uncle Lin, you are amazing, haha..."

   When Zhang Yuan, a hearty classmate, saw Lin Shu, she immediately talked about what Lin Shu had done before.

   Hearing the familiar nickname "Uncle Lin", Lin Shu really felt a little funny.

   This was when he was in high school, his classmates kept calling him Lin Shu, Lin Shu, yelling, he became Lin Shu Lin, Uncle Lin, and he didn't seem to care about his seniority, so he ridiculed the name so maliciously.

   Lin Shu smiled and directly replied: "My dear niece, do you want my uncle to buy you sweets!"

   Zhang Yuan slammed Lin Shu's back hard, and said, "It's okay to eat sweets. Or would you invite you to dinner today?"

   "You call my uncle here, of course you can!"


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