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   Yanjing, Huaqing University.

Although for graduate students, scientific research papers are more important, there is no doubt that the first prize in the mathematical modeling contest is also very outstanding. Very heavy.

   It was revealed on the Internet that Lin Shu, the former world champion, participated in the postgraduate mathematical modeling contest after returning to school and won the first prize. This undoubtedly attracted great attention. Although the postgraduate mathematical modeling competition is a team competition, it is also very remarkable that Lin Shu in this team can win the first prize together.

   Netizens are all talking about Lin Shu's excellence, and there are also many Weibo big Vs that promoted Lin Shu's participation in the postgraduate mathematical modeling contest and won the first prize. The topic is very high.

"After the Olympic champion Lin Shu retired due to injury, he returned to the campus of Huaqing University to study and participated in the latest postgraduate mathematical modeling contest and won the first prize of the country. What else is there that he doesn't know? !"

   "Even in different fields, they are also very good champions. Different fields are equally good. Congratulations to Lin Shuxi for mentioning Guoyi."

At this time, the topic of # graduate mathematics modeling# is very high. After all, the results have just come out, and many graduate students who participated in the competition are very concerned about this competition. Now the announcement of the winners will naturally attract a certain degree of attention, here# The topic of Lin Shu Graduate Mathematical Modeling National First Prize# was also rushed into the hot search.

"#林书 Graduate Mathematics Modeling National First Class Award# Why is Lin Shen so good, and I just participated in the awards, but my goal has been achieved. Anyway, the successful participation in the awards focuses on participation, but I didn’t expect me to return It is really rare to have the opportunity to participate in a competition with Lin Shen."

"Although the award rate of postgraduate mathematical modeling is very high, I still have to say that Lin Shu's team is very strong in winning the national first prize. Originally planned to participate, I took a look at the topic later. It is indeed difficult. It should be because we are afraid that we can understand the topic, and we know ourselves if we didn't register for the competition."

"Congratulations to Lin Shu, you are worthy of learning God. As expected, Lin Shu can't help me in any exam competition. Seek a team from close range, and seek reliable teammates who are looking for programming and modeling. Together, we will overcome the next year's modeling barrier. The spirit of learning God."

"I saw the excellent papers of Lin Shu and his team. He is the first author. It should be the paper he wrote. It is really strong. I can't understand it anyway, but I was shocked. I wish I could team up with Lin Shu to participate in the competition. Ah, can Lin Shen take me to fly once?"

"Regarding mathematical modeling, I just want to cherish life and stay away from modeling. The sequelae of modeling are dizziness, stomach pains, and vomiting. Fortunately, I took a national three, otherwise I really lose money. I admire Lin Shu, and I am worthy of Lin. God, different tracks are all the same strength. Am I playing on the same track as Lin Shen? Or I want to say not to approach mathematical modeling, it will be uncomfortable. If you have to approach, find a like-minded teammate , Like Lin Shen."

"The excellent paper has been published. I read Lin Shu and his team. I deserved it. I actually chose the E question. It's too strong. There is no doubt that Lin Shu is the first author. Obviously he is responsible for the paper. And the writing is very good. I don’t know if Lin Shen plans to participate in the Xiaomei competition. Our team has experienced senior fellows who can run models and write papers."


Online topics are very hot, and Lin Shu’s postgraduate mathematical modeling competition papers have also been widely circulated. After reading Lin’s papers, no one would suspect that Lin Shu was the first author, Lin Shushu, who held his thighs and won. The modeling paper really shocked many netizens even if they couldn't understand it.

However, there is naturally not so much attention in the Huaqing campus. After all, there are so many national competitions, and there are so many talented scholars on the Huaqing campus. Many people don’t pay much attention to the postgraduate mathematical modeling competition. Did not participate.

   It is precisely for this reason that only two teams in the postgraduate group of Huaqing University won the national first prize, and Lin Shu’s team is one of them.

   In any case, this is still very exciting for Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu.

   You have to know that they were only Grade Two last year. This year they won Grade One in the competition with Lin Shu, which made them very happy.

   "Lin Shu, we have taken the country one!"

Gu   Liu Zheng is still very excited, and can't wait to hold Lin Shu to rotate 360 ​​degrees. At this moment, he feels that he really invited the thigh to participate in the competition and took them to the national first prize.

   "I really want to thank you, if it weren't for you, we would have no hope of taking the country one at all."

   Liu Zheng always remembered that in those three days, Lin Shu was the one who stayed up the most all night, and Lin Shu was the one who worked the most.

   Lin Shu heard Liu Zheng's words and couldn't help saying: "This is what we can do together."

   Liu Zheng nodded, his face was full of smiles.

   "This is really great. By the way, we will go to Shonan University to receive the award together."

   Shonan University accepts the award?

   Hearing what Liu Zheng said, Lin Shu was surprised for a moment.

   Liu Zheng seemed to be aware of Lin Shu's confusion, and said, "Lin Shu, I told you that the awards ceremony for this competition was at Shonan University."

The awards meeting of each postgraduate mathematical modeling contest is hosted by the university It should be said that the jury review has been carried out at Shonan University from the very beginning of this postgraduate mathematical modeling contest. , The following awards conference will naturally be held at Shonan University.

   Although I know this is just a very common thing, Lin Shu's expression is still slightly complicated.

   Liu Zheng seemed to know what Lin Shu was thinking, so he couldn't help asking: "Lin Shu, will you go to the awards meeting with us?"

   Go to Shonan University to accept the award?

   Liu Zheng didn’t know if Lin Shu was willing to go to Shonan University to accept the award.

   Lin Shu frowned. If he goes to Shonan University to accept the award...

   "Why not go?"

   Lin Shu asked rhetorically.

In fact, Lin Shu understands why Liu Zheng asked that question. After all, he and Shonan University had a lot of grievances and hatreds. Previously, graduate students dropped out of Shonan University. After quitting, they were admitted to Huaqing University. Now they have to return to Shonan University to win awards. There are more or less worries, but why not go?

  He doesn't think he has anything to hide, and he will go back to Shonan University to win the prize, think about it—

   Why is there a little excitement?


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