Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 497: Ethereal Domain Fragmentation

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Song Ning slowly got up and looked up at the sky, seeming to laugh and smile: "Thirteen virtual immortals, nine of them are about to fall to Wen Dao, and the remaining four are slightly stronger, but they are about to die, and half of them step into the coffin , The four Dao immortals are all just entering Dao immortals, and now the limit is approaching, and cultivation is no different from Xu Xian. "

With that, Song Ning sighed: "You can kill me?"

Seventeen wonderland monks were looked down upon by a spirit monk, how could they bear it?

"Yellow mouth child, watch it!" One of the virtual immortals raised his hand to reveal an immortal technique. Although this immortal technique was not strong, it also used immortal force. The immortal force was condensed. Split to Song Ning.

Song Ning's feet flickered, and the thunder light fell directly on Song Ning.


A burst came, and the seventeen monks in the air were stunned for a while. Could Song Ning be killed by such a blow?

But at the same time when they had this idea, they saw that Song Ning, who was struck by lightning, slowly began to dissipate. At this time, they realized that it was not Song Ning's real body, but it was just a ghost, and the real Song Ning is at the moment behind the person who attacked Song Ning with the fairy spell thunder.

Song Ning's finger rested on the back of the monk Xuxian: "You are much worse than Wuwei."

At the end of the speech, only listening to the sound of "snap", this monk of the Immortal Immortal spurted out blood, and then looked at the inaction of his heart, a hole with the thickness of his finger appeared, the spiritual force penetrated, he was already dead, and Yang Shou would die Even the Yuanshen couldn't condense out and whined directly.

Too fast, Song Ning's speed is too fast, all this just happened between electro-optical stone fire, and the remaining 16 monks did not expect that Song Ning actually killed someone.

"Yujianshu, the monk's swordmanship!" A Taoxian gritted his teeth. At the moment, his eyes were no longer contempt, but a faint trace of fear. Just when he heard the word "Wuwei" just now, he still Thinking that there is something wrong with his ears, Song Ning actually played against Wuwei?

If he knew that Wuwei had already died in Song Ning's hands, he was afraid that he would just turn his head and run.

In the middle of the air, the corpse of the hypocrite slowly fell into the mountain stream, and Song Ning smiled faintly, glancing at the sixteen people in front of him: "This is the first warning I give you to let the passers-by live. , Road blocker, die! "

Although the sixteen monks were at a high level, they already had a tendency to run out of light. Song Ning just killed a person between them, and there was a slight shock to them for a while. Now Song Ning A word came out, along with the extremely strong spiritual power, coupled with the faint power of the Dragon's Yin, rumbled between their hearts.

This is what you say!

Song Ning's words weren't just for them to hear. Their voices quickly spread. Many monks who came forward to Song Ningfei also heard Song Ning's words one after another.

Let the passers-by live, and the road-blockers die.

For a moment, those who rushed to Song Ning had a momentary pause, but then a flash of red light flashed in their eyes, as if they were attracted, and rushed to Song Ning.

Song Ning thought that his blow could deter these people, but it did not work at all. The sixteen monks were only a momentary pause, and then rushed towards Song Ning.

"If you don't do it, you will definitely die. If you do it, there is still a ray of life. Sixteen of us will take action together, and we don't believe that a monk who can hear the Daoist monk can survive the sky!" The chunky old road roared.

Sixteen monks don't even think of cultivation as a senior. At this moment, they took out all the magic weapons in the storage ring and used their magical attacks. They seemed to kill Song Ning in one blow.

Sixteen fairyland monks, even if they fell down, even if their strength was not good, but the sixteen fairy magic attacks have already changed the world and the surrounding space is surging, not to mention Song Ning, even if it is a peak Taoxian , I am afraid that I will be injured in this attack.

Song Ning clenched his teeth and just attacked one person successfully. Now these people are like crazy. Even if he attacks again, he can only kill one person, and the remaining fifteen will probably kill him in an instant.

The thin dead camel is bigger than the horse. No matter how weak the fairyland monk is after all, it is a fairyland. With a large number of people, Song Ning can only avoid its edge.

Royal swordsmanship, escape!

Seeing the attack fall, Song Ning wants to move away with Yu Jianshu, but he can't think of it anyway because of the surrounding fairy power surge, Yu Jianshu actually failed.

The sixteen Daoist attacks had already fallen five feet above Song Ning's head. Song Ning was shocked. The surrounding space seemed to be distorted by these sixteen Daxian force attacks. It is absolutely impossible to keep the whole body dead.

Three hundred miles away, a sword light saw this scene at a distance. There was a roar among the sword light. The speed of the sword light increased sharply. The surrounding air seemed to rub against flames.

"the host!"

At this moment, the voice seemed to be introduced into Song Ning's ears. Song Ning's heart hurt a lot. Just now he almost lost his sanity under this fairy technique. If there was no pain in the heart, he was afraid Not sober at the moment.


When Song Ning exhibited the ethereal realm, he made seven consecutive steps in his heart, and Xuantian took the seventh step. The power of the ethereal realm suddenly increased to 128 times.

"Empty Spirit Realm? It's just resistance to spiritual power. I'll wait for this to be fairy power! You are a spiritual monk in your area, how do you know the power of fairy power!"

The voice was ridiculous and disdainful, condescending, as if the elders had taught the juniors.

In their view, this ethereal realm is nothing more than resistance to spiritual power. If it is really a martial art of fairyland, it can resist the fairy power with the ethereal realm, but Song Ning, a spiritual realm monk, cannot resist.

But they can't think of it anyway. At the time when these sixteen immortals fell on the empty spirit realm of Song Ning, although there was no direct offset, they showed signs of weakening.

Sixteen immortals hit a void in the ethereal realm, and their power was directly reduced by 20%. When this immortality entered two feet, the power was reduced to 70%.

Wu Zhang Kong Ling Yu, now there are three Zhang, and the power of Immortality is only 70%.

Xianshu is getting closer and closer to Song Ning. When he reaches two feet above Song Ning's head, 50% of his power remains.

Sixteen Daoist stabs into the ethereal realm, and has reached Song Ning's head, and the power is still 30%.

Song Ning gritted his teeth tightly. At this moment, he was already drenched in his body, and he strongly maintained the ethereal realm, but the ethereal realm finally shattered under the attack of sixteen immortals!

Under the seventh step of Xuantian, the ethereal domain actually shattered. The "domain" was invisible, and no one could think that it would be broken into powder at this moment like substance. At the same time as the ethereal domain shattered, Song Ning was distracted. Stable, the heart is as painful as the heart burst, not only that, the sixteen Daoist arts bombarded Song Ning Tianling with only the original strength of less than 20% ...

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