Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 472: Unable to save

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning never thought he would see this scene. Just as the woman kept falling towards the abyss, Song Ning also kept looking at her familiar face. He would never forget this scene, never know. Why did you see this face in this place.

The face gradually went away. Song Ning stretched out his hand to grab it, but found that at this moment he was too weak to do anything at all.

He screamed, but the roar was covered by the loud noise surrounding him. He yelled to ask for the woman's name, but he couldn't fall into the woman's ear.

But the woman's voice could enter Song Ning's mind.

The woman's fingertips, in the dark, a chain flew to Song Ning, Song Ning reached out and grabbed the chain, and also heard the woman's voice into her mind: "I don't know why, I think you suddenly have a familiar feeling, this The ancient black iron stone you like, I give it to you, below me is the ten directions hell, I will only be trapped in the ten directions hell, will not die, if one day you can have the strength to break the fairy, can you ... come Save me in ten directions? By then, I have many things to tell you, many ... many ... "

The woman also wanted to tell Song Ning about the enchantment and how to save the people in the enchantment, but at this moment her figure had disappeared in Song Ning ’s eyes, and Song Ning ’s body, Also entered into nothingness, about to leave this world.

The world collapsed, the fairy corpse was trapped in ten directions of hell, and the chains bound it deeply, and each chain was carrying endless thunder and lightning power, constantly bombarding the woman's body, even though she was a fairy The body still felt the pain.

At this moment, Song Ning's ears seemed to remember the woman's scream, and the painful scream would come from her mouth. This is unacceptable to Song Ning anyway.

Song Ning's mind kept reappearing the pictures just now, and the woman's face.

is her?

Song Ning couldn't believe it, but he didn't allow him to believe it. When he watched the woman fall into ten hells, it was like watching Leng Yuexiao enter the frost boundary.

That time, Leng Yuexiao entered the frost enchantment, and he was powerless to stop it. This time, the woman fell into **** in ten directions, and he even had no power to reach out to rescue him.

Strength, in this world, nothing can be done without strength!

Song Ning gritted her teeth and slowly lost her sanity in the void. The woman's slightest strength has been supporting Song Ning to float upward in the void. Although the distance is only a foot away, the top is nothingness. The unnecessary space is extremely difficult.

At this moment, on the earth, the Chi family began to look around. Under the command of Chi Changjian, they searched around. Even if they dig the ground three feet, they would find the bodies of Song Ning and Chi Shortjian.

Chi Changjian was standing in the air looking down, and Chi Ruolan was beside him.

"Ruolan, I really didn't expect that when you meet your second grandpa, it's the day of his death." Chi Changjian had hatred in his eyes, dear brother, he hadn't seen each other for so long. Qiu, he must repay!

Chi Ruolan had a complicated look. She did n’t want the result to be that way, but she did. She could n’t figure out why her second grandpa had to fight with Song Ling, or even why both the second grandpa and Song Ling disappeared at the same time.

"Continue to find, to see people alive, to see dead bodies!" Chi Changjian continued to give orders.

These people are digging, they really did Chi Changjian's order, digging the ground three feet!

Chi Ruolan looked down and sighed softly: "Grandpa, I went back. If I found their bodies, could I bury Song Ling?"

Without Chi Ruolan ’s words, Chi Changjian would definitely want to kill Song Ling ’s whip, but now Chi Ruolan said so, Chi Changjian hesitated a bit, but he changed his thoughts and said, “Ruolan, you Go back first, Grandpa has his own sense. "

Chi Ruolan was still a little hesitant. She hesitated whether her grandfather would bury Song Ling properly. But she thought about it. After all, she only knew Song Ling for a few days, but what about the second grandfather? It was her blood, and her request was unreasonable at the moment.

"I'm going back first." Chi Ruolan's voice was very weak.

She turned to leave, but just when she was about to leave, there was a cry from a monk below: "There is someone here!"

While he was talking, Chi Changjian's eyes suddenly fell on the place where the person was. At this moment a person floated out of the ground. The person was motionless and seemed to be dead, just like a corpse, floating in the air, one from the ground Distance.

There was a hint of hatred in Chi Changjian's eyes, and Chi Ruolan shuddered in his heart.

At this moment, beside Chi Ruolan, there was an extremely strong force. Chi Ruolan was terrified. She changed her hand and had to stretch out her hands to stop it, but it was too late.

This power was extremely fast, and in a flash came to the corpse, as if to bombard the corpse directly into powder.

"No!" Chi Ruolan stared at it all, looking at the corpse floating a foot away from the ground, looking at the face with tears, watching the attack about to fall on him.

Chi Ruolan didn't expect the result to be the case anyway. At this moment, she felt heartache and felt that she had lost something important. This feeling hadn't even happened when she learned that the second grandpa died.

She understood that she already loved the man deeply, even if he died, the love still exists.

"Song Ling, you killed my second brother, this hatred, even if we are finished today!" Chi Changjian's voice burst out, he growled.

However, when Chi Changjian's words fell, just as Chi Changjian's attack was about to fall on Song Ning's "corpse", Song Ning's closed eyes suddenly opened!

While Song Ning's eyes were open, the power of Chi Changjian also hit Song Ning, but a glimmer of light flashed on the surface of Song Ning's body. This light trembles and disappeared under the power of Chi Changjian, but with this At the same time, Chi Changjian's attack was also offset.

This power is the last power that the woman left to Song Ning.

Song Ning's body slowly stood upright. He stood on the ground and looked up at Chi Changjian in the air. He heard the roar of Chi Changjian just now, but he didn't understand why Chi Changjian said he killed That person?

"He ... is your brother." Song Ning's voice was hoarse.

Chi Changjian hated his teeth and itchy, but at the moment he was more shocked in his heart. Just now, he no longer felt the breath of Song Ning, Song Ning was already dead, but why would he? Suddenly come alive? Is it a trick?

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