Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 470: The fairy coffin rises, the fairy corpse comes out

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At that moment even the fairy corpse was looking sideways, staring at the chain all the time, his eyes did not change at all.

The power of the yin, the power of the yang, the combined power of the three domains, and the combined power of the domain and the spirit, these four forces appear at the same time, and collide above the chain.

When Song Ning's hands fell on the ball, an unprecedented force exploded. Under this power, Song Ning's body flew out like an arrow from the string, hitting the wall heavily, his double Crossing his arms in front of him, it was able to resist the force, but even so, he felt a tingling coming from behind his back. The shock just now was enough to hurt his body hitting the stone wall.

Inside the fairy coffin, the eyes of the fairy corpse opened, and she didn't turn her eyes. Even if she didn't make any difference, Song Ning's body just had these two powers of Yin and Yang.

"The power of the Yin and the power of the Yang could not have been merged, but once merged, it would be impossible for outsiders to find it, as if they cancel each other out, but if used, these two forces will be once in the world. Collision will explode with amazing power. "The fairy corpse couldn't help but mumble, she originally regarded Song Ning as a slightly better spiritual realm monk, but now look at it, this spiritual realm has too many secrets and strength too strong.

Based on the attack just now, not to mention the spiritual realm monk, no amount of virtual immortals can resist.

But what the fairy corpse is most concerned about is not whether the monk can resist, but the chain, whether the chain will be destroyed, even if it is a bit, it is enough to make her escape from this bondage.


The voice was very weak, but it fell into the ears of Song Ning and the fairy corpse. Song Ning's body, almost embedded in the wall, exerted a little force, and fell from the wall. He stared at the chain, just now. The chain where he attacked ... cracked!

This is not just a crack, but the whole crack.

At the same time that the chain was cracking, the fairy coffin suddenly began to vibrate, and the remaining seven chains also made a loud noise. Originally, the seven chains were embedded in the fairy jade on the ground, but at this moment they were off the ground. trend.

The entire small palace began to tremble. Song Ning looked at the lid of the fairy coffin as if it was being pushed by some force, but was held back by the remaining seven chains.

The more trembling the fairy coffin was, the more trembling the seven chains were. Song Ning stood by the wall without moving. He was afraid that the palace might collapse at any time.


The seven chains were suddenly stretched and popped directly out of the fairy jade on the ground. At the same time, the lid of the fairy coffin was more trembling, and there seemed to be a roar among the eight statues in the palace. Suppressing the fairy corpses inside the fairy coffin, but their roar falling in Song Ning's ears can also act as a deterrent, but falling into that fairy corpse's ears, but like a mosquito crying.

"Stop me? Just a few of you broken statues, if not for this big battle, just because of the few broken statues you want to restrain the deity?" At the same time this word appeared, the fairy coffin opened!

This fairy coffin just broke a gap, and there was a force of fairy power seeping out of it. The strength of this fairy power was never seen before by Song Ning. Even if he entered the fairy ruins that year, Song Ning had never felt this kind of fairy power. As soon as the fairy power came out, the fairy jade on the ground suddenly began to glow. The fairy jade without the fairy power was full at the moment, and there were signs of being broken by the fairy power.

Immortal power is too strong, this small palace is simply not enough to bind, especially the seven chains that are still bound to the immortal coffin, burst instantly, and under the impact of this immortal power, there is no defense power at all, Instantly turned into pieces.

Song Ning gasped, this person ... too strong!

The lid of the fairy coffin lifted slowly, and a corpse in white clothes floated out of the fairy coffin. The corpse was opened with eyes, and when the corpse floated out of the fairy coffin, she suddenly stood up.

The palace began to shatter, the boulders fell, and the earth sags. Those fairy jade pieces shattered. At this time, Song Ning felt a call of death beneath the ground, just like the endless abyss below.

At this moment, the fairy corpse turned back to Song Ning, her long hair fluttered, her long black hair was in sharp contrast with the white clothes on her body. Although her skin around the outside was not much, she could see that she was extremely fair. It's not the kind of dead man's bleakness, but the white is rosy, this corpse ... Song Ning always has a feeling that this is not a corpse, but a living person!

She is very beautiful, even if she doesn't see her face, I am afraid that many male trainees will also dream about it. The main thing is that Song Ning always feels that this back is familiar, as if he has seen it from somewhere.

The whole palace was collapsing at the moment, but she didn't move at all. Song Ning was anxious, but at the thought of the other's cultivation behavior, she was a little relieved and not too nervous.

However, at that moment the fairy corpse was not indifferent, but she had a headache and could not move.

As if there were any memories in her mind, those memories seemed to have been sealed in her mind, and now they come out of the coffin, and the memory also comes with it, but because of too much memory, a brain is integrated into her mind, even if she is , Also unacceptable.

After two breaths, the palace had collapsed and it was about to become a ruin. Song Ning couldn't help but yell, "Hello?"

Song Ning awakened the fairy corpse, and the fairy corpse trembles. Only then did the awakening come to light. It was at this moment that the thunder and lightning in the sky converged, and these lightnings were obviously coming towards the fairy corpse below.

At this time, Song Ning looked at the eight statues again, and found that the appearance of these statues turned out to be clear, and their movements of holding weapons changed as if they were alive.

The fairy corpse hummed, and an Guqin floated out of the fairy coffin. The fairy corpse grabbed the Guqin and fiddled with the strings with his fingers, and suddenly countless notes appeared.

The notes were mixed with fairy power. When scattered, they directly rushed to the eight statues around them. These eight statues had no resistance at all under the impact of the notes, and they were directly broken into powder.

The movement of the fairy corpse continued, the notes continued to fly out, and Song Ning looked at this scene in amazement. What he was surprised now was not how strong the fairy corpse was, but the movement of the fairy corpse.

Like, it's too much!

When Song Ning was stunned, the whole palace was already filled with notes. Just when the notes spread all over the palace, the collapse of the palace stopped. For a moment, even the lightning flashing in the air stopped.

Song Ning stared at all this, then looked at the back of the fairy corpse, and then listened to the tune, the whole person stayed in place.

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