Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 196: Repair for nothing

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Jin Dan was taken away, and the Shinto Sutra disappeared, but Song Ning ’s bone skeleton strengthened by the Shinto Sutra was not damaged, even though the Dantian site was hollowed out, but the **** wound was still slowly recovering, but there was no spirit in this process. Under the action of force, it is very slow.

In a flash, a few days passed.

Song Ning was still in a coma, he was unconscious, but when Jin Dan was taken away, he seemed to feel the breath of the person who took him away. At this moment in all his mind, only that breath exists. .

When Song Ning fell down, it just hit the grass. Over the past few days, several bunnies bounced out every day. This is the place where they originally ate grass. Although there was an extra person suddenly, they did not I didn't feel scared, but I was very interested in this suddenly appearing creature.

But this day ...

A few bunnies bounced around to eat grass, and suddenly a wolf emerged from behind the tree. The wolf was extremely large, and the **** mouth smelled bloody.

The bunny fled in panic and ran towards Song Ning, who was closest to them.

Although these are ordinary little rabbits, they also have their thinking. When they see this giant wolf, they feel that this giant wolf is unusual. They have never seen a wolf twice as big as a tiger. .

The giant wolf is extremely fast, even though the cunning rabbit three caves, there is still a bunny bitten. The bitten bunny struggled to break free, stumbling forward, after hitting a few rolls on the ground, finally rolled Next to Song Ning.

Several little rabbits were trembling with hair and frolicking. In front of this giant wolf, four legs trembled and could no longer run. They looked forward to what might be more powerful creatures to come to them at the moment. To be twice as big as the giant wolf, they could not see the hope of survival.

There was constant saliva flowing from the mouth of the giant wolf, and he walked towards these little rabbits step by step.

But when the giant wolf walked to Song Ning's body three feet away, it seemed as if he had been pierced hard by an awl. The front paw that had just landed shuddered, lifted up, and backed away.

Step by step, but a moment of effort, I retreated to almost ten feet away, prostrate to the ground beyond ten feet, whispered and whispered continuously in the mouth, my head hit the ground, as if kneeling.

After kneeling, the giant wolf retreated. The little rabbits were forgiven, and they rejoiced to help the injured rabbit lick the wound. They were all curious. Why did the giant wolf seem to be frightened just now?

They looked up at the creature lying on the ground behind them motionless for several days. If they understood, it seemed that no one could save them except this creature.

At dusk, the bunnies retreated.

Song Ning lay quietly, as if nothing had happened. It was the fifth day of such a coma.

Another two days passed.

The cave at Song Ningdantian has disappeared, but the scars and blood stains on it can still be seen.

There are very few people here, but today, two people are here.

Both men were dressed in gray robes. One of them was middle-aged, with sword-eyes and star-eyed eyes, and he was righteous, and next to him was a young man. This young man looked somewhat similar to that of the middle-aged. The two figures are father and son.

The two men carried their swords at a light pace and knew at a glance that they were not ordinary people.

"Xiao Yi, be careful, there is a **** smell." The middle-aged was alert.

Xiao Yi stretched out his hand and drew his sword.

But soon, the two found a **** source-Song Ning!

The two stared at each other and then quickly walked to Song Ning. The middle-aged man saw at the first glance that Song Ning's Dantian was not well wounded, and the blood stains on the side were all flowing from Dantian. Because Dan Tian was hit hard and comatose here.

"Who the **** is it? What a ruthless heart, Wufu ruined Dan Tian, ​​and I am afraid that there will be no great achievements in his life." The middle-aged exclaimed.

As he marveled, he took out some medicine powder and applied it to Song Ning's Dantian, looking at the two-inch long wound at that Dantian's place, and he couldn't bear it.

Xiao Yi also felt terrified, this was the first time he saw someone Dantian destroyed.

"The road is uneven, and you can help by drawing a knife. Even today's experience is fine. Take this person home first." Middle-aged said.

"Yes, Dad." Xiao Yi responded with a cry, took Song Ning back, and walked away with his father.

Amidst the bumps, Song Ning had some consciousness, but he felt as if his body had been hollowed out, so tired that he had no strength at all, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

I don't know how long it passed. Song Ning felt that he was placed on the bed and fed some bitter soup.

After that, he heard the sound of sword practice, and from time to time some strangers and strange sounds appeared around the room.

For a few more days, Song Ning finally woke up.

Xiao Yizheng walked in with a bowl to feed Song Ning, and suddenly found that Song Ning actually sat up and immediately rejoiced: "Are you awake ?!"

Song Ning nodded: "This is ..."

"Here is my house. Before your Dantian was destroyed, my father and I rescued you in the forest." Xiao Yidao.

Song Ning frowned slightly, and felt the pain in Dantian's faintness. There were sporadic memories left in his mind and the breath that captured his Jindan.

"Thank you." Song Ning clenched his fists. He wanted to investigate the cultivation behavior of the person in front of him, but found that he didn't even have a little spiritual power in his body.

Xiao Yi waved his hand: "Saving people's lives is better than building a seven-level floating but also we are doing martial arts to save lives and help the wounded. You don't have to thank, rest well, don't be sad for Dantian's affairs, even if you don't have Dantian, you can't gather gas But you can still practice martial arts. "

Xiao Yi left after comfort.

Song Ning stared blankly at her body and wanted to look inside, but found that she couldn't even do it at the moment.

There is no more spiritual power in the body, just like the 13 years in Taihe Mountain.

At a loss, at a loss.

Even though it only takes a few months to cultivate, Song Ning has long forgotten that he was once unable to practice. He has just formed a pill, but now he is cultivated as nothing, not even a monk?

He immediately tried to breathe and converge the aura, but he found that his Dantian disappeared, the aura entered the body could not be retained, and the body spread out as he breathed.


Song Ning roared, and punched his fist on the bed.

In the yard, the middle-aged man had just finished practicing his sword. After hearing Song Ning's roar, he sighed softly: "The child's skeleton is amazing. If I expected it to be good, it should have been a good seedling for martial arts, but it's a pity that Dan Tian ... … "

But this middle-aged man was sighing, but suddenly thought of his own experience a few days ago.

On that day he rescued an old man from the mouth of the beast. The old man left a book. Although the book was a secret of swordsmanship, he wanted to practice it but he had an innate condition that Dan Tian was destroyed!

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