Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 186: Woman in red disappears

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Fairy, please talk." Leng Yuexiao said.

Liu Ruyan glanced at the people behind him, and then said: "After saving this person, you two will join me in encircling the magic repair Wang Yi in the Batu Caves."

"It's so good, lest he do anything wrong." Leng Yuexiao promised to come down.

Liu Ruyan narrowed his eyes and looked at Song Ning on Leng Yuexiao's back: "Can you do his master?"

Leng Yuexiao said: "Although I don't know this Taoist, but he was injured in the Batu Caves and that Wang Yidou's method before, so I think that if the magic repair is surrounded, the Taoist should not shirk."

Liu Ruyan nodded: "You take him to the room first, I'll get the Elixir, and I'll go over later."

In Longyun Temple, Bai Xin and Mo Mo walked together. They looked at the backs of Leng Yuexiao and Song Ning, and could n’t help but sigh: “I thought that Moxiu was evil, but did not expect Moxiu to save people?”

"It's hard to make sense of things in this world."

When Liu Ruyan took the panacea, Bai Xin and several others followed her to the room where Song Ning was.

"This is a Guben Huiyuan Pill, and our Longyun Temple is the only one." After Liu Ruyan handed that pill to Leng Yuexiao, he took out another one: "This one is the Pill of Life, Give it to him as well, and it should work soon. "

"Thank you fairy!" Leng Yuexiao bowed to salute.

Liu Ruyan puzzled: "What is your relationship with this person?"

Leng Yuexiao shook his head slowly, and his eyes were confused: "It was just that day I felt that the fighting in the Batu Caves was extremely strong. I passed by, met him, and brought it back. I still don't know his name. "

Liu Ruyan was stunned, but since the other party replied this way, she didn't ask, but talked about Song Ning's injury: "This person's internal organs are badly damaged, but his bones are intact, which is really strange."

Leng Yuexiao smiled bitterly: "The bones in his body shattered before, and it has only just been re-grown in these few days."

Liu Ruyan's brows were tight, before she felt that Leng Yuexiao's body was like ice, and it should be an extremely rare physique of Han Bing. When fighting, she discovered Leng Yuexiao's The arm is bleeding.

She grabbed Leng Yuexiao's arm and rolled up her sleeves. Looking at the scar on the arm of Leng Yuexiao who could still see the flesh inside her, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her body could not help but step back half a step.

Leng Yuexiao was very embarrassed. The scar was looked like this. She pulled her arm back, bit her lower lip, and skimmed her face.

Liu Ruyan bowed to Leng Yuexiao and paid a visit: "Before I was too reckless, Dao You can use his own flesh to treat such a stranger, I am ashamed, even in the identity of Moxiu Look at Daoyou and ask Daoyou to atone. "

When several people beside Liu Ruyan heard this, they immediately understood it and immediately clenched their fists at Leng Yuexiao.

Leng Yuexiao shook his head softly: "If I don't save, he will be ruined in his life and save people only. If it's a matter of fact, if I change the fairy, it should be the same."

Liu Ruyan shook his head: "If you change to me, you may not be able to save. The person with a real body of ice, the wound is difficult to recover, and the blood and flesh are difficult to grow. Even if it recovers, such a large wound will leave scars."

Leng Yuexiao unnaturally put down her sleeves, no more, but turned to feed Song Ning and take the medicine.

Everyone backed away, and in Longyun's view, nothing seemed to happen, and everything was as usual.

Time is running.

In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

In the early morning, several spirit birds roared one after another at the top of the tree, and the sound of the piano played by the snow-skinned woman under the tree sounded very beautiful.

The light of the early sun fell on the grass, and through the dew, it radiated a crystal light.

The fragrance of earth and green grass flicks at the tip of the nose along with the aura, which makes the body and mind smooth.

In the room, Song Ning's eyelashes were trembling, and his eyes were slowly opened. He quietly looked at the roof and listened to the piano sound outside.

This feeling, after he felt like sleeping for a long time, a long time.

He could feel the changes in his body, and he remembered how serious his injuries were.

Bone smashing, in his cognition, there is no cure for panacea. I am afraid that with the completion of Lengyue Xiaojiedan's later Great Consummation, he will not be able to recover it. But why is it completely good now?

Although he woke up, despite doubts, Song Ning did not get up, but listened to Leng Yuexiao playing the piano all the time.

Leng Yuexiao walked into the room holding Guqin. When she saw Song Ning's eyes open, she looked sad and said: "When did you wake up? Why didn't you call me?"

"Listening to the sound of the piano, I can't bear to interrupt." Song Ning got up: "Thank you."

Leng Yuexiao smiled: "Why don't you say thank you, you are seriously injured for demon repair, how can I not save you?"


Song Ningli thinks that Leng Yuexiao's identity is Moxiu, but he doesn't kill people. Instead, he saves people. Sure enough, in this illusory world, even if he gets a token, there is a hint in his heart that his human nature will never changing.

"What name is that song?" Song Ning asked.

Leng Yuexiao was asked, she smiled and shook her head: "When she wanted to touch the piano, she played the song unnaturally, I don't know what the name was, and she didn't even learn it, as if it would be born."

Speaking of which, there was a hint of shyness in her cold face: "Did I play the piano to wake you up?"

Song Ning quickly waved his hand: "No, no, I like the song very much. It would be nice if I could hear it every day."

Leng Yuexiao's face was even more blushing: "Just playing the piano, Dao You don't dislike it, you can listen to it every day."

But Leng Yuexiao had just finished speaking, but his expression suddenly lost.

She likes quiet and peaceful days. If she can, she does n’t want to have conflicts with anyone, but before she promised Liu Ruyan, when Song Ning wakes up, they will go to fight evil together.

"What's wrong?" Song Ning asked when Leng Yuexiao's expression changed.

Lengyuexiao said: "Under Lengyuexiao, I still don't know the name of the Taoist friend."

"Song Ning."

Leng Yuexiao nodded slightly: "Song Daoyou, can you ..."

"Just call Song Ning, I call you Xiaoxiao, you call me Song Ning." Song Ning interrupted Leng Yuexiao.

Leng Yuexiao didn't refuse, but instead liked the new title. She suddenly felt a little trance in her mind. It seemed that Song Ning was familiar with it, as if she had heard it before, or ... she said it herself.

"Song Ning, I made the decision without permission. After promised to wait for your injury, we will go to the Batu Caves together to fight against the magic repair Wang Yi." Leng Yuexiao became serious.

Song Ning smiled: "I have this intention, Wang Yi must die!"

Leng Yuexiao rejoiced that before she saw that Song Ning was very strong, and she and Liu Ruyan should be able to kill Wang Yi.

The news that Song Ning woke up was already known to Liu Ruyan and others. Long Yunguan and several people came to Song Ning and were ready to go. After a few words with Song Ning, they were ready to leave.

However, when Song Ning saw these people in Long Yunguan, he could not help frowning. It stands to reason that in addition to Bai Ting, there should be five people in Long Yunguan, but now there is less red that was next to Wang Yi. Ladies!

That woman in red is not a fairy, a demon, or a person? ?

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