Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 179: Bai Ting

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Leng Yuexiao's pupils shrank, and indeed these magic repairs knew about the ice.

When the man saw Leng Yuexiao ’s reaction, he knew he was right. He smiled and said, “So, we are now starting to look for the ice in this palace group. Whoever finds it first will be the one who does n’t hurt each other. You think how is it?"

Leng Yuexiao and Liu Ruyan were stunned, and they didn't believe what Moxiu said.

Song Ning, when he heard this, clenched his fists: "What Daoyou said is serious?"

"I'm Bai Ting's word," said the man.

Leng Yuexiao was surprised, Bai Ting? Although she has never heard of the name Bai Ting, the Leng family also has a lot of information about Moxiu. The surname is Bai, which should be a very high status in Moxiu. If the information is correct, then the Bai family is likely to be Lead the family of Moxiu.

"Ok, gentleman's appointment." Song Ning stepped forward and extended a hand.

Bai Ting was stunned, and carefully looked at the human monk in front of him. He determined that this person was a man and a demon, but somehow, he could feel a **** closeness in him.


Bai Ting and Song Ning high-five: "The gentleman's covenant, this has some meaning."

After the words were finished, the six Moxiu who said that Song Ning and others really evacuated. The little girl threw out her tongue at Song Ning and then left with Bai Ting.

Leng Yuexiao and Liu Ruyan are naturally very guarded against these magic repairs. Even if they leave now, both of them are still not at ease and almost say at the same time: "Be careful and cheat."

Song Ning nodded: "There should be no fraud, if they want to fight, they just started directly, we won't take advantage of it, and now it's not like looking at all eight of them to find the ice. Attack us. "

"It is better to be careful, Song Ning, not everyone is like you." Leng Yuexiao asked.

Song Ning did not refute: "Carefully sailing for thousands of years, then do we still need to search separately?"

"Separate two by two, leaving jade notes to each other, and crush them when necessary." Liu Ruyan said, flipping out his hand and took out a jade note and tossed it to Song Ning.

Song Ning also took out the jade paper and threw it to Liu Ruyan.

"But what is the ice in your mouth just now?" Liu Ruyan asked.

Leng Yuexiao didn't want to tell Liu Ruyan about this. After all, this is the secret of Leng's family, but now Moxiu knows it, and she has already started looking for it, and she has no need to hide it.

"Look at it and see." Leng Yuexiao took out a jade note to Liu Ruyan.

After Liu Ruyan watched it, he was repeatedly surprised: "This ice can only repair the enchantment?"

Leng Yuexiao nodded silently.

Liu Ruyan said: "If it is found, I will smash the jade paper to tell you."

"Thank you." Leng Yuexiao said.

The four separated, and began to look in this fairy ruin. This efficiency is much worse, but at least it is safer.

Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao looked around, and now many people are looking for it, that is, they are competing for time. Whoever finds it first will belong to them. They have fewer people, and they can only be divided into two groups.

"Let's go directly to the biggest palace to find it." Song Ning watched as Bai Tinghong flew to the biggest palace, he said.

Leng Yuexiao hesitated slightly: "It's okay, after all, it's too big here, we can't get started, just listen to you."

After finishing the speech, the two quickly flew towards the front.

In front of the two of them, Bai Ting and the little girl are flying very slowly, it seems that they are waiting for Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao on purpose.

When Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao passed by Bai Ting, Bai Ting smiled at Song Ning and said, "This Taoist, I don't know how to call it."

"Song Ning." Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao originally wanted to stop Song Ning, but Song Ning's heart was straightforward, and he didn't have any ambitions, so he told the other party directly.

Bai Ting punched Song Ning with a fist: "Song Daoyou's behavior made me admire, if I changed another human monk, I was afraid that my sister would be in danger."

Song Ning frowned. In the eyes of human monks, Mo Xiu had no good things. But in the eyes of Mo Xiu, how could human beings be good?

"They are all monks. If there is no war, there will be no difference. Isn't Bai Taoyou not working with us? Speaking, I also admire Bai Taoyou very much."

Bai Ting waved his hand: "It's different. If you didn't save my sister, we would have been endless scenes there just now."

It is said that Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao are both stunned. This Bai Ting really is not surprisingly endless. This kind of thing is so easy to say.

"Bai Daoyou laughed." Song Ning was a little embarrassed.

Bai Ting didn't seem to care what he said, looking down at the little girl, and said, "Bai Xin, do you have to thank others?"

Bai Xin smirked and looked at Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao: "Thank you Brother Song, thank you Sister Leng."

Song Ning nodded with a smile, Leng Yuexiao moved her heart, and smiled wisely.

If it weren't for Song Ning, she was afraid that she had already shot the white core, and when Bai Ting and others came over, it was a scene of endless struggle.

Suddenly, Leng Yuexiao had a strange idea in her heart. It seemed that Song Ning was there. The war between man and demon could really stop.

But then, Leng Yuexiao felt that his idea was too ridiculous. The fighting continued for thousands of years. If it could be easily stopped, it would not wait until now.

Bai Ting touched Bai Xin's head lovingly: "Xin'er is my sister, our mother-in-law. Ten years ago, it was your cold family who killed her and killed her."

Song Ning frowned and looked at Bai Ting. What did Bai Ting say at this moment?

Leng Yuexiao sneered: "Ten years ago, my mother died personally, and it was you Bai family who killed her!"

Bai Ting shook his head and sighed: "We are not enemies, we are all the victims of war, don't think too much about the two, I just sigh with emotion, here today, I Bai Ting said not to start with you, then I will never start It's just that when he arrives on the battlefield in the future, if we meet, we will never die. "

Leng Yuexiao's heart dropped, she couldn't feel the killing intention on this Bai Ting.

"By the way, I might as well tell you that Hanbing is in this palace. You may know less about Hanbing, but for fairness, I will give you the scope, and let's look at luck next." Bai Ting finished , Speeding up.

While he was accelerating, the speed of the white core could keep up, which was not like what the monks at the beginning of the foundation could have.

However, they accelerated to fly, while Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao were in the form of ‘royal sword technique, shift’. In a blink of an eye, they disappeared, and when they reappeared, they had already reached the gate of the palace.

Bai Ting looked dumbfounded and sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, the human monk has a stronger spell, which is much better than our resources."

Their speed is also extremely fast. When Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao just arrived outside the palace gate, the two of them followed. The four of them stood outside the gate of the palace. The palace seemed to feel that someone was coming, and the stone gate was slow. Open, through the door, you can see the fairy light shining.

Although it was dilapidated outside the palace, it was magnificent inside the palace, as if it had not been destroyed at all, and there was a rhythm in the faint, and there were many slim figures dancing in the center of the fairy light. As the stone door opened slowly, their eyes couldn't help but just stared at it, as if attracted by something ...

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