Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 175: You dare to move her, I want you to die!

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"You dare to move her, I want you to die!" A wave of spiritual force burst out and bombarded the enchantment, but the enchantment just shivered.

"Oh, I forgot, let you see it with your own eyes, then it's interesting." Wang Yi sneered, smirked, and the enchantment became transparent.

In the enchantment, Leng Yuexiao knelt on the ground, flashing a faint electric light, and was in a paralyzed state. She wanted to stand up, but she had exhausted all her strength to support her body at the moment.

Wang Yi came to Leng Yuexiao and raised a chin with one finger.

Three interest, passed.

Song Ning clenched his fists, and hit the enchantment heavily.

The huge anti-shock force made Song Ning's arms numb, time and time again, one punch after another, double fists opened the flesh on the skin, but the enchantment was indifferent.

Five interest!

Wang Yi pulled Leng Yuexiao's clothes belt and looked at Song Ning jokingly. With a flick of his wrist, he wanted to pull Leng Yuexiao's clothes belt off.

"No!" Song Ning growled and a rune flew out of the storage ring.


As soon as the rune flew out, the surrounding forces immediately began to condense, and Wang Yi's hand suddenly froze, not only Wang Yi, but also the red-dressed woman beside Sun Yi, Sun Xin, and Leng Yuexiao were all fixed.

Song Ning stared at Wang Yi in death, counted silently.




Wang Yi was horrified. He struggled hard, but he couldn't get rid of the restraint of this set.

Everything seems to be still, and only Song Ning is the active one.



Just after the tenth breath, Song Ning's feet shone coldly, and his figure disappeared. At the same time, Wang Yi resumed his operation, and he turned over and took out the magic weapon and threw it in the air.

"Bundle of immortal locks!"

The bundle of immortal locks turned into a golden rope and went straight to Song Ning, but at the moment, Song Ning's body flickered a few times, and he had gone away. In his arms, Leng Yue's eyes flickered. I wonder if the tears were caused by pain , Or because of being humiliated.

Song Ning moved forward quickly, but the bundle of immortal locks behind him always pursued.

In the sky, Song Ning's figure disappeared and appeared continuously. The cold light flashed under his feet. He was chasing the bundle of immortal locks behind him, and behind the bundle of immortal locks were Wang Yi and other three who were chasing after him.

"Damn, what exactly was he using!" Wang Yi scolded.

"Perhaps some kind of rune paper found in this fairy ruin can hold people. If even this can't kill Song Ning, then our plan will be difficult to implement." Sun Xin said in a deep voice.

Wang Yi coldly hummed: "If it weren't for your Qiansha finger, it wouldn't be where it is now."

"My Qiansha fingers? Interestingly, in the face of Song Ning's sword, you are so scared that you even use absolute defensive enchantment. What qualifications do you still have to blame me?" Sun Xin asked back.

In the middle of the air, they bite Song Ning tightly, both sides are competing for spiritual power. The spiritual power consumed by such frequent movements doubles, which side consumes the spiritual power first, and which one loses easily.

Song Ning penetrated into Leng Yuexiao's body while moving forward, and expelled the lightning from Leng Yuexiao's body.

Leng Yuexiao resumed her actions, and her spiritual power was running in her body. After taking two pills, she began to adjust her interest rate, while Song Ning held Leng Yuexiao tightly, as if she was holding a long-time lover, fearing she would fall general.

"Xiao Xiao, what is that bundle of immortal locks behind him." Song Ning asked.

"Bundle of immortal locks can be tracked by throwing them. Based on Wang Yi's repair, that bundle of immortal locks can chase you thousands of miles." Leng Yuexiao explained.

"Thousands of miles ..."

Song Ning's expression is dignified, even if he is full of spiritual energy, he can't move continuously for thousands of miles. Now he has insufficient spiritual power in his body, and there is a bundle of immortal locks behind him. The distance of thousands of miles is too difficult for him.

The bundle of immortal locks followed closely behind Song Ning. No matter how Song Ning moved, the bundle of immortal locks was like a shadow, like a tarsal maggot, which could not be thrown away.

Song Ning's spiritual power was suddenly reduced due to repeated "swords and moves", only a hundred miles away, Song Ning's spiritual power was almost bottomed out.

"Song Ning, let me go, you and I split up and run away, I have recovered a lot now, you hold me like this, it will only drag you down." Leng Yuexiao said that she would break away from Song Ning's arms.

"Don't move!" Song Ning whispered.

Somehow, Leng Yuexiao was really motionless. Looking at Song Ning's grim and serious face, and watching Song Ning's gaze looking into the distance, her inner tension suddenly disappeared.

The wind screamed at the ear, and Leng Yuexiao's eyes fell on the surrounding changing scenes, holding an appreciation.

This was the first time for her to be carried away by others, but now it has become the most memorable warmth in her life.

Although Song Ning looked calm, her heart was already a little flustered, and her spiritual power was inadequate, and she could support two movements at most. If she could not get rid of the immortal lock during these two movements, then they would not escape the shackles.

"You're running!" Wang Yi chased eloquently in the back: "You're not able to run very well? Why? The spiritual power is exhausted?"

When he thought of what Wang Yi had done just now, Song Ning saw murders in his eyes. However, at this moment, he didn't want to kill Wang Yi, even the bundle of immortal locks behind him couldn't get rid of it.

"Thousands of miles away ..." Song Ning murmured, with a moment of trance, and his eyes fell to a place far away.

Thousands of miles away, maybe it is there?

Song Ning looked at a red stone pillar in the far distance. If he could get there, it would be a thousand miles away. He could escape the tracking of the bundle of immortal locks, and he could get rid of Wang Yi and others.

However, too far ...

But even far away, Song Ning's heart did not give up.

a long distance away……

Song Ning gritted his teeth and moved out again.

a long distance away! !

Song Ning felt the wind whizzing by her ears, her body felt a sense of not belonging to herself due to high-speed movement, and her spiritual power was about to be exhausted.

a long distance away! ! !

Song Ning appeared and moved forward again.

In his mind, the red stone pillar thousands of miles away magnified infinitely and became clear.

Behind Wang Yi's laughter came out, Song Ning's two movements were exhausted, and the spiritual energy was exhausted, which he had already determined.

Leng Yuexiao is ready to fight against Wang Yi. If she were not paralyzed just now, she would not be frivolous even if she died in battle.

Song Ning stared at the red stone pillar, his heart full of unwillingness, full of yearning.

"Stop it, Song Ning!" Wang Yibao shouted with a smile.

However, at the moment, Song Ning felt that Wang Yi's voice was being left behind, getting smaller and smaller, as if it had disappeared.

The wind was so strong that Song Ning couldn't open his eyes. He felt difficulty in breathing, his body was trembling violently, and he tried his best to hug Leng Yuexiao.

Leng Yuexiao's unrecovered injury became serious again, and a mouthful of blood could not help but spurted, falling on Song Ning.

The two of them seemed to be bound by the wind at the moment, unable to move ...

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