Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 167: Call of the seventh floor

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning looked at the seventh floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. The idea of ​​going up to find out was even stronger. For a moment, he even stepped up the stairs, but Leng Yuexiao's instructions appeared in his mind. in.

When Song Ning recovered, his feet were only half an inch away from the steps. He was so scared that his face changed greatly, he immediately retracted his feet and hurried down the stairs.

On the way to the conference hall, Song Ning had been thinking about the matter just now. Perhaps there are precious precious scrolls in the seven floors. There is a Jingling in it. Just now Jingling wanted to make him go upstairs.

"It's okay, just ask Xiaoxiao when you have time." Song Ning shook his head and tossed the matter just aside.

When Song Ning arrived at the meeting hall, all the elders stationed in the Leng family were waiting outside the meeting hall, including Leng Wuhen and Leng Yuexiao.

Leng Yuexiao saw Song Ning coming over and stepped forward, saying: "Have you gone to the Tibetan Classic Pavilion?"

Song Ning nodded, then clenched fists at the Leng family to salute.

Song Ning is now someone who can fight against Wang Yi. Although Wang Yi used to be kind to Leng's family, he was actually very arrogant. He didn't pay any attention to Leng's parents, but now this Song Ning is different, giving a sense of humility, coupled with Leng Yuexiao's favor for Song Ning, immediately attracted everyone in the Leng family to Song Ning's favorability soared.

"Song Ning, this time go to the Fairy Market to explore the treasure, you need to be more careful, and help our young lady get that magic weapon." Leng Qing Yang said.

The cold parents always saw Song Ning being so humble, and they all said one by one.

They said a few words, Leng Wuhen cleared his throat, and said, "Song Ning, you must be careful when you go to Xianxu to explore the treasure this time. Before you battled Wang Yi, although you lost, Wang This person will definitely report you, and he will never let you go easily. He is the chief disciple of the innocent zodiac, his master is very fond of this apprentice. But you can enter with the quota of He Daozong. "

Song Ning frowned slightly and said, "The owner is assured, I will pay attention to it."

Leng Wuhen nodded his head, and the strength that Song Ning displayed on that day was indeed amazing. He hoped that Song Ning was careful not only to retaliate from Wang Yi, but also that Wang Yi was interested in the sword in Song Ning's hands and killed. Grab the treasure.

Leng Wujian has not asked about the burning of Tianjian, except that he did not want Song Ning to have any doubts, so he always pretended not to know.

"Song Ning, although you are occupying a place in our Leng family, but after all, you have to assist Xiao Xiao, so before entering the fairy market, I still have something to give you, even if it is a little careful." Leng Wu Traced.

During the speech, Leng Wuhen took out a bottle of immortality and gave it to Song Ning.

Song Ning took the Elixir and did not check it, but put it directly in the storage ring: "Thank you, Master Leng."

"Let's go first." Leng Yuexiao interjected.

Leng Wuhen glanced at the sky and nodded: "Be careful on the way, be sure to get that thing back."

Leng Yuexiao responded and turned over to take out a spirit boat.

The spirit boat is huge, about thirty feet long, six or seven feet wide, and three feet high. Unlike the spirit boat that Song Ning has seen before, the spirit boat is actually closed, and the inside is not visible from the outside. What it looks like.

A door opened on the Spirit Boat, Leng Yuexiao jumped forward, jumped up, and Song Ning also boarded the Spirit Boat.

As soon as he entered the Spirit Boat, Song Ning was dumbfounded. Where is this Spirit Boat? It is clearly a small palace with luxurious decoration, just like at home, with tables and chairs and benches, several rooms, and even There is ice spring.

"This ..." Song Ning was speechless for a moment.

Leng Yuexiao sits on a soft futon: "Sit casually, as long as I output spiritual power, I can control this spirit boat."

Song Ning sat next to Leng Yuexiao. She had indeed seen a spiritual boat before, but she had never seen such a good one. I still remember that the young master of the Liu family was not able to show off after riding a spiritual boat, but now I want to come, just like a clown .

Leng Yuexiao's spiritual power exuded, and the spirit boat fluttered away from its place with a sigh, which was as fast as Song Ning's "Yu Jianshu, shift".

It's just that using the Sword Articulation to move continuously consumes too much spiritual power, while driving this spirit boat consumes very little spiritual power.

"It will be there in about half a day. Now let me tell you something about the Fairy Market." Leng Yuexiao said.

Song Ning sat quietly and listened.

"What my father and others said to help you help me actually means that you can help me find something. This thing is still a secret even in Leng's house, so only a few people like me and my father know." Leng Yue Xiao said, and gave Song Ning a jade note: "Look at it, just destroy it after reading it."

Song Ning took the jade note and found it out.

There is a dilapidated palace in the jade paper. In this palace, there is a room, which contains a piece of ice that has not changed for thousands of years, but not everyone can see it, to be precise, yes People in the Lengjia bloodline can't see it, anyone in the non-Lengjia bloodline can see it.

Song Ning crushed the jade note, and Leng Yuexiao spoke again: "In fact, this is the real reason why the Leng family gave one of the two places to foreigners."

Song Ning pondered: "That ice is useful for cultivation?"

Leng Yuexiao shook her head slightly, as if hesitating, but soon she explained: "You can repair the broken area of ​​the enchantment. If you can get ice, the enchantment can be repaired. This is great for Leng Jia. The gospel. "

Song Ning can understand that Leng Yuexiao has always been concerned about the abyss of ice, and two-thirds of the people in Leng's family are guarding in the abyss of ice. Even so, the battle is still tight, so it can be seen that this ice is for Leng's family. Importance.

Song Ning originally thought that the "must get" magic weapon that Leng Yuexiao said in his mouth would be some magical technique, or other things that are helpful to cultivation, but he did not expect it to be the material to repair the enchantment.

This kind of feeling suddenly made Song Ning feel a little emotional, and I couldn't help thinking of the scene of killing tens of thousands of demons by myself outside Qingluo City.

There is a feeling that can't tell the truth clearly, that is, to be sympathetic, just to coincide, to take the demon to eliminate the demon and guard the territory as his own responsibility, where the great righteousness makes him feel closer to Leng Yuexiao.

"Apart from this ice, there is nothing else you must get?" Song Ning asked.

Leng Yuexiao shook his head: "Only this is the map left by our ancestors of Leng family. The years have changed, and the scenes inside are certainly very different. Our Leng family has been looking for that cold every time we enter the Xian Ruins for thousands of years. Bing, but only one piece has been found so far. If I ca n’t find it again this time, I am afraid ... "

"I'm afraid?" Song Ning looked at Leng Yuexiao, and suddenly felt that Leng Yuexiao's tone changed a bit, and when she looked at her expression, she was uncharacteristically. The cold abyss guarded by tens of thousands of people in Leng's family is now "I'm afraid". Does the turning point mean that if the ice abyss does not have this ice, then it will lose its ground?

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