Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 151: Six tails

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Tang Yue's strength to hold the sword was a bit heavier, and her eyes were fixed on the hand on the enchantment crack.

On the other side of the enchantment is a demon, a monster that can transform into a human form and is so perfect ... at least Yuan Yingxiu.

Click ...

Just when Tang Yue was expecting the enchantment not to break, the enchantment ... broken!

The enchantment was like an extremely hard shell, and the pieces of spiritual power that had been peeled down were scattered into crystal clear light spots. From her she could feel a very strong demon spirit, but in the demon spirit, she actually carried spiritual power.

She looks like a peach blossom, looks like a green lotus, and her eyes are like clear water, coming slowly and growing lotus.

She saw Tang Yue at a glance, her mouth slightly raised: "Finally ... Arrived ..."

Yuan Ying's initial cultivation!

Cold sweat permeated in Tang Yue's hands, and his body shivered. In front of Yuan Ying monks, Hui Ling monks were so weak that even standing, they were already extremely strenuous.

The woman walked slowly past Tang Yue, not paying attention to the human monk in front of her. She jumped up, rose into the air, and flew towards the east of the distance. She fluttered and muttered in the mouth: "The body seems to be in that direction . "

Tang Yue looked at her blankly, cold sweat had already wet her clothes, and behind the figure away, Tang Yue saw six snowy plush tails.

Boom ~

Tang Yue was still stunned, but demons appeared again in the crack, and countless demons poured in wildly. Tang Yue's swords flew, and half moon chopped continuously.

After blinking, the body ran across the floor.

Tang Yue understands that if the gap is not blocked at this moment, then demons will keep pouring in.

As the battle intensified, Tang Yue's physical strength was already difficult to support, and the demon drilled through the gap gradually became stronger.

Kill the enemy, numb the arm, and the spirit is exhausted.


Tang Yue's long sword fell to the ground, panting, and many injuries on her body, but at this moment she could not resist the demon in the Huiling period.

Tang Yue remembered what had happened in Qingluo City. Song Ning slashed tens of thousands of demons with one person. What is she doing now?

"Kill!" The sword in Tang Yue's hand was awkward.

But even so, her movements have begun to be slow, but after a few breaths, she has retreated, and there are several more scars on her body.

Demons are pouring out of the gap, and the number is increasing.

For every extra demon, Tang Yue knew that there was one less point in his hope of survival.

The demon in front of him was already densely packed, even if he wanted to escape at this moment, he could not escape.

Since there is no escape, then there is only one battle!

Tang Yue was uplifted and never felt so heroic.

Suddenly, when Tang Yue was excited, a icy sword flashed, and in the blink of an eye, a hundred demons died around her!

This sword ... is a sky-burning sword!

Tang Yue looked up at the sky in surprise.

In the sky, Song Ning fell: "I haven't seen you in a few days, and Sister Xiu has improved again."

Tang Yue let out a sigh of relief and took out the pill medicine to take: "Little Brother ..."

Song Ning stood in front of the gap, and now no demon appeared from here, but if there is a gap, there must be a demon coming, which is beyond doubt.

"Sister Tang, I will heal you for the first time. After the injury is over, you will tell Leng Jia about it. I am here to guard." Song Ning's voice fell and sat on the floor.

Tang Yue heard the words and also sat in front of Song Ning, closing her eyes.

Song Ning raised his hand and pressed it on the heart of Tang Yue, a burst of spiritual power poured into Tang Yue's body, and under the action of Jinchuang Dan, the wound began to heal.

Tang Yue's face was flushed, and there was an inexpressible shyness in her heart. She always felt that her heartbeat was too violent, and Song Ning could feel it even if she was separated.

During this period, once a demon traversed the gap, the Burning Sky Sword swung by itself and beheaded the demon.

Tang Yue, who closed her eyes, only heard the waves of sword blades coming from time to time, but she didn't know what happened.

After an hour ...

Song Ning put his hands away and took a long breath: "Sister Tang, the injury is almost done. Please report to Lengjia as soon as possible."

Tang Yue opened her eyes, and just about to get up, she found that the demon corpses around it had piled up half a foot.

"Little brother, I haven't seen you this sword before, but now it seems that it is really powerful. Your master's skill is probably unmatched by your peers." Tang Yue said.

Song Ning smiled lightly: "Go ahead, wait for you to bring back the people of the cold family, we have to be empty and recount."

Tang Yue nodded, jumped, and quickly rushed to the direction of Leng's house.

After Tang Yue left, Song Ning swept his sleeves, rolled the demon body around him, and walked towards the gap.

If he hadn't seen Tang Yue, he would go directly to the extremely cold land, but now there is a gap in this enchantment, and he can't ignore it.

Looking at the gap in the enchantment, Song Ning frowned, and the enchantment left by his predecessors was destroyed to such an extent. It seems that the war between man and demon is not far away.

As soon as he pulled his clothes, he sat in front of the gap and meditated with his eyes closed, while Tianjian Jian floated beside Song Ning, guarding him at any time.

Song Ning looked at himself while meditating. The number on Jin Dan continued to decrease. Every kill, no matter who killed it, would change. Now he needs a redemption value, but he can't save half of the people at this time.

Even so, the Burning Sky Sword is still slashing the monsters who have crossed the gap, and the number above Song Ningjindan is still decreasing.

Song Ning began to practice the broken finger and felt the artistic conception of the broken finger. The Burning Sky Sword continued to slay the demon. All the demons under Cultivation and Cultivation were cut off as soon as they appeared!

One day later.

When Song Ning slowly opened her eyes, she found herself surrounded by a corpse mountain.

"Yeah, that's good." A voice rushed from far to near.

Song Ning turned his head to look, and there was a flash of light in the air, and then two figures appeared here, one of them was Tang Yue, and the other one should be the person of Leng Family.

"Little brother, this is the general of the Leng family." Tang Yuegang hurriedly introduced.

Song Ning looked at the general. He was burly and of extraordinary appearance. Standing there was like a high mountain, no one could shake it.

"Leng Daoyou." Song Ning clenched his fists and nodded slightly.

This Lengjia general was not very young, and when he saw Song Ning, he even did not bow down to salute, and hummed: "You have some skill, here is ten thousand spirit stones, which is counted as your reward. After a while when I was fighting a high-level demon, the aftermath shocked you. "

Song Ning raised his eyebrows: "Your Excellency General Leng Jia?"

"It is me Lengling." Lengling said proudly.

"Oh, the standard of General Lengjia was so low." Song Ning chuckled and pulled Tang Yue: "Sister Tang, let's go."

When Song Ning stepped on this foot, she would have to take off, but at this moment, Leng Ling shouted, "Boy, you wanton!"

Leng Ling was drinking, raised her palm, and the air condensed into an icicle in the air. The icicle turned into a palm, and it was squeezed towards Song Ning ...

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