Eternal gate

Chapter 185 Weird Valley

"Youlan." Zhao Yun frowned.

Those beautiful eyes are still fresh in my memory.


He forcibly deflected the edge of his sword, and with a decisive strike, he avoided the life gate.

However, Youlan was still injured. The sword energy overflowing from the Zixiao Sword cut open the black cloth covering her face, and a sword mark was scratched on her cheek.

"Zhao Yun?"

Their eyes met for a moment, and Youlan looked stunned.

He shouldn't have expected that he would meet the young master of the Zhao family here.


Zhao Yun's sword finally hit an object and penetrated a huge boulder.

At this moment, Youlan turned around and ran away.


Zhao Yun called out and chased after him.

It was not that he wanted to kill someone, but he wanted to ask Youlan who assigned him.

Just because this bitch also assassinated him a few months ago.

Embarrassingly, as soon as he took a step, he bumped into a talisman. It exploded, black mist surged, and tears burst out. It was an essential object for escaping. It shook his eyes and blocked him. his way forward.

When his eyes were clear, Orchid had disappeared into the darkness.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. You're getting better at speed!"

Zhao Yun flashed like the wind and ran straight to catch up with him.

After chasing her for most of the night, he came to the conclusion that Youlan was not only good at speed, but also had the ability to escape, as well as her cultivation. The last time he saw her, she was still in the true spirit realm. It’s the Xuanyang realm.

In his opinion, it was due to the bloodline.

It’s also a shame that the moon is not full.

If You Lan in the Xuanyang realm goes crazy, she can beat him to ashes all the way.

Deep in the forest, he fixed his shape.

After chasing him, no one was there. God knows what kind of escape method Youlan used.

"Do you recognize her?"

Feng Wu covered her jade arms and staggered over.

"I recognize it."

Zhao Yun took a deep breath and shook it.

In this siege, it was fake that he was not injured. He had suffered internal injuries after a hard blow with the man. These injuries could not be cured by the fairy dew liquid. In other words, after many times of dilution and dissolution, his small body was injured. The medicinal power of the spiritual liquid in the gourd has been reduced a lot, and it no longer has the magical effect of human flesh and bones.

Therefore, you have to save some money in the future.

Even if the power of the spirit liquid wears off, it is still more practical than ordinary elixirs.

"Thank you."

Feng Wu was filled with gratitude and apologies.

If Zhao Yun did not follow her out of the city, he would not be assassinated tonight.

"We are all unlucky kids. You and I are the same."

Zhao Yun replied casually, holding his waist and sitting down.

Indeed, it’s only half a pound.

When he came out, he was met by Rashomon killers. One group was chasing him, and another group was chasing Feng Wu. They were both chasing each other, and the two groups of killers were also chasing each other. What a coincidence. , How many years does it take for us to bump into each other?

Feng Wu laughed dryly and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Like Zhao Yun, she had also been targeted by Rashomon for a long time.

On weekdays, he basically hides in Canglang City. If he didn't save his brother, he wouldn't run out easily. He thought he was hiding secretly, but he was still noticed.

The killers of Rashomon are really everywhere.

To this day, no one knows who wants to kill her, let alone who hired the assassin.

"Do you know where there is a branch of Rashomon?"

Zhao Yun said and stuffed a pill into his mouth.

"What, you want to pay someone to kill someone?"

Feng Wu glanced sideways and could read the meaning of Zhao Yun's words.

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate."

Zhao Yun's words confirmed Feng Wu's guess.

How many times has this happened? How many times has this happened? I have been chased and killed over and over again when I left the city. I already had a bad temper. I was beaten by a group of people three or two days ago. I was really angry. The other party hired assassins to kill people. He could do it too. Reciprocity is a courtesy!

As for the goal! That would be too much:

Hostile forces, big clans, the Blood Clothes won't hurt to choose any one.

"Hiring Rashomon assassins is expensive."

Feng Wu said, she knew something, but she was short of money.


Zhao Yun sighed.

He was rich before and won millions at the Forgotten City auction.

It's a pity that Guimingshan Cave and his party were completely exhausted.

The money in the bag now is only a few hundred thousand.

With this number, it would be good to hire three or two assassins.

Moreover, the level is not too high.

"You can perform Tianwu's momentum and have such a black robe to cover up the opportunity. It's not easy to make money." Feng Wu smiled. If she had Zhao Yun's ability, she would have earned a gold mountain. Tianwu's reputation is still very good. It works.


Zhao Yun muttered, silver is a good thing.

It's time to get some money and throw it all at Rashomon. Every big family and every hostile force will be dealt with one by one. Money can make all the difference! Rashomon recognized money, and even the emperor dared to assassinate him if the money was in place.

The night fell into silence.

Zhao Yun crossed his legs, and Feng Wu also crossed his legs, meditating to heal his wounds.

As dawn approached, the two of them got up and went to clean up the battlefield. Five of the six Rashomon killers were killed, and where were their bodies still lying? Some money can always be found, and as it turns out, a lot is found.

On the road again, both of them used the speed charm.

The target of the mount in the sky is too big, and it is still a living target.

Night falls again.

The two of them entered a valley one after the other.

Click! Click!

Sounds like this followed him all the way and came from Zhao Yun's body.

This guy is never idle no matter where he goes. He never forgets to practice his body or enlightenment while traveling quickly. Moreover, he can still grasp the direction well. At least he didn't hit a wall along the way.

"The method of body training?"

Feng Wu murmured, tilting her head more than once.

A perceptive martial artist can see some clues, and because he can see it, he can't help but be frightened. He is frightened that Zhao Yun is multi-tasking, and he is also frightened by the body-training method. The sound of bones colliding is terrifying to hear. The technique is so overbearing, it has always been quite painful to exercise, but look at this kid, he doesn't feel any pain at all.

Not hard to guess.

He was used to the pain of refining his body.

It happened that the starlight shone down and shone on Zhao Yun.

Reflecting the starlight, Zhao Yun's side face seemed to have a unique and intoxicating charm. At least, Feng Wu was in a trance for a moment.

Maybe the flowers are blooming and the moon is full.

Maybe it's timely scenery.

Maybe Zhao Yun really had some kind of magic power, which made her take a second look.

think carefully.

Apart from being a bit arrogant, this guy is still a good person.

What emotion! What a strange thing.

Like her, the red glow on her cheeks reflected in the moonlight is also very charming.


Zhao Yun's sudden words made him freeze.

He stopped, but the intoxicated girl next to him did not stop the car. She was as fast as the wind and drove straight to a huge rock.

With a bang, the big stone was smashed into pieces.

Zhao Yun didn't look at it. With Feng Wu's cultivation level, it would be fine if he hit the wall.

He looked around. The valley was a bit strange. There were many misty clouds. The deeper you went, the thicker the mist became. If you smelled it carefully, there was a faint fragrance floating in the air. When you inhaled it, you felt a strange feeling. .

On the other side, Feng Wu had already stood up. She looked like a little scholar, looking very embarrassed and more embarrassed. She only looked at Zhao Yun, as if she didn't see the huge rock in front of her. It was also because Zhao Yun's shout was too abrupt and he didn't react.

Is this a nymphomaniac?

Feng Wu's cheeks are even redder. She has grown so big and is so unreserved for the first time.

"This place is so evil!"

Zhao Yun raised his eyes. The stars were shining brightly, and the moonlight was bright and clear, but at the moment they were covered by fog. It was difficult to see the stars, and his vision and perception were severely hindered.

"Where did the clouds come from?"

"Where does the fragrance come from?"

Feng Wu has calmed down and is looking around.


Zhao Yun scolded and opened his right eye.

Feng Wu was shocked again when she saw it.

This kid actually has a heavenly eye, but why is it only his right eye?

"Hold your breath."

Zhao Yun scolded him again, his expression still a bit exciting.

The eyes of the sky broke through the illusion, he saw through the fog, and also saw through the valley.

The mountains and fields are covered with bliss flowers.

The so-called Paradise Flower is the raw material for refining Paradise Powder. If you eat a pack of it, you will feel great. And this valley is full of this kind of flower. It blooms under the moon, with pollen flying everywhere, and the faint fragrance is the Paradise Flower. aroma.

If you smell this stuff too much, it will still have the magical effect of bliss.

I just don’t know who is so lazy that he planted such flowers in the valley. Is this to refine the Bliss Powder in batches? There is a whole carriage.

"Then, is there someone?"

Feng Wu rubbed her eyes and pointed to the mist.

Zhao Yun raised his hand and knocked her.

He didn't know if there was anyone there, but there wasn't even a bird where Feng Wu pointed. It was because she was under an illusion, and he looked at her before she regained consciousness.

"What a domineering illusion."

Feng Wu frowned and picked up the sword.

But looking again this time, the valley is weirder than imagined.

"There is actually a enchantment formation."

Zhao Yun murmured softly, his eyes almost narrowed.

Just a flower of paradise cannot form mist or illusion.

Based on his guess, besides the ecstasy formation, there must be other formations. However, he was not able to see clearly due to his lack of moral skills. It was also because the formation level was too high for him to see.


Zhao Yun didn't think much, turned around and ran away.

This place is more than evil, it’s a trap!


Feng Wu's body movements are mysterious, and he follows closely behind.

"Wait, can you leave?"

In the dark, there was a vague sinister laugh. Even if Zhao Yun's martial soul sensed it, he could not find the source. All he knew was that these words had a sinister and sinister tone, like the whispers of evil spirits. Together with the fog in the sky, it made people's skin stand on end. .

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind blew up.

In the wind, there was the sound of swords.

That should be a strong wind formed by sword energy, rolling towards the two of them.

Zheng! Zheng!

Zhao Yun and Feng Wu both drew their swords and danced with all their might.

The sound of metal clashing was particularly crisp in the quiet night, and the wisps of flames, like wisps of dazzle, bloomed with a different kind of splendor in the mist.

What an unlucky boy.

During this period, both Zhao Yun and Feng Wu glanced sideways.

The meaning of the eyes is basically the same.

Shouldn't the two of us get together? We were hunted down last night and fell into a new trap tonight. We went out for a walk. Why are there so many things?


Who is the person in the dark? Is this someone trying to kill people and steal goods?

It must be!

This would be the response of the man in the dark.

It's midnight, who has nothing to do with this enchantment array?

"Who? Get out."

Zhao Yun's scolding was mainly because he was angry, and there were pitfalls wherever he went.

Zheng! Zheng!

What responded to him was the sword energy filling the sky, and the earth was also changing, turning into a piece of mud with binding power, and there were fireballs hidden in the air.


Fengwu whispered.

What he saw were all heretical techniques, which must be the martial arts of a mage.

The key is that his cultivation level is quite high.

[Author's digression]: PS: Sorry, something delayed, today's chapter.

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