Wooden hall, outside the formation,

A brutal fight is taking place now.

Countless rotten limbs, pieces of flesh, and blood were flying everywhere, splashing everywhere, and an unpleasant fishy smell permeated the battlefield.

The martial punishment team composed entirely of Lao Xue's children is like a meat grinder, constantly grinding, cutting, and breaking through the wall of flesh and blood composed of corpse monsters.

Each of the two pairs of martial arts teams advanced and retreated in a controlled manner.

Once someone has a loophole, another person must make up for it as soon as possible. This tacit understanding can only be truly forged through countless life-and-death battles.

Compared with the brutal monsters charging without reason, every attack, retreat, cutting, and coordination of the martial arts team looks like art.

Without this tacit cooperation, with just over forty people, even if each one of them had reached the level of Blood Tempering Level 6, how could they resist the increasingly powerful demonic tide without any casualties until now.

Even now, they still have time to chat on the terrifying battlefield.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, look at that beast. Damn it, how many women have it melted into? Hehe, these legs and buttocks must have been very sexy when they were alive..."

"You have such sharp eyes, boy, where are you..."

"Over there, at three o'clock..."


The words are not finished yet.

"Puff" sound

A stream of hot blood splashed on his face, and at the same time he saw a familiar head flying up. A second ago, the head was bragging and farting with him.

"Brother Zhou...!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Ya's eyes were filled with tears.

Among all the brothers and sisters in the martial arts team, Brother Zhou was the one he chatted with the most and had saved his life countless times. The two of them were half-brothers!

What made him even more angry was that what killed him was not a monster, but a colorless thread that flashed away.

If Brother Zhou hadn't deliberately tilted his head when the thin wire was cutting his head, he would have been cut off by this inexplicable thing in an instant.

Brother Zhou saved him again, but unfortunately this time he couldn't repay him.

But now is not the time to be sad and angry:

"Enemy attack!!"

Liu Ya's roar made the two martial arts teams nervous.

They switched from offense to defense in an instant and were ready to defend!

Moments after they completed their defensive formation, a group of people came out of the dense forest they faced.

This group of people were dressed in black and red coats, and their clothes were as black as ink.

The moment they came out, the blood around them gathered towards them like tadpoles attracted by food.

Blood was like rain, floating around the bodies of these men in black, looking extremely evil.

The first one is two feet tall.

The little finger of his right hand is holding a colorless silk thread, and his left hand is holding a blood flag.

This colorless thread was the culprit who just killed Brother Zhou.

"Tsk, I missed one. Wouldn't it be better to die obediently?"

After that, he no longer paid attention to this man, but instead looked at Li Linghan.

He looked at Li Linghan, who was seven feet tall and heroic, like a goddess of war, as if he were looking at a rare treasure.

Feeling his gaze, Li Linghan swung her giant sword, and an attacking corpse beast was chopped into two pieces by her.

A sharp light flashed in her eyes and she shouted: "Who is coming?"

Hearing Gao Li yelling, this person showed a lewd smile. He likes this kind of character. It's hot enough and it's hard to play with!

"It's a nice plaything. As long as you lie down on the ground and surrender to me, I can spare your life!"

These humiliating words did not make Li Linghan react at all.

Li Linghan moved the hand behind his back slightly, made a gesture, and quietly completed the communication with everyone.

Everyone's throats moved slightly and they swallowed the pills in their mouths.

Li Linghan spoke in a cold voice:

"Come here, you have violated the iron laws of the Wu Kingdom!"

"If you offend me, Dawu, you will be killed no matter how far away you are!"

"Now, on behalf of the Wu Kingdom, I will impose... military punishment on you!"

Hearing Li Linghan's declaration, the visitor burst into laughter.

A group of martial arts slaves in the Qi training period really didn't have much knowledge.

I don't even know what the two-foot body represents.

Sure enough, they are just a bunch of country bumpkins who have inherited good luck.

"Ants, you don't know the difference between us at all. Next, I will let you know the consequences of disobeying Master Foundation Establishment!"

As soon as he finished speaking, something happened to everyone in the martial arts team.

I saw jet black blood continuously overflowing from the bodies of everyone in the martial punishment team, and gradually wrapping their bodies.

More and more blood flowed out, and the dark blood dyed the armor black!

Powerful, terrifying, and violent forces were continuously released from everyone. The momentum of everyone was faintly connected, and it was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, attacking the monks.

Even the surrounding air seemed to be distorted by their aura.

The monks from the Blood River Sect were stunned by this sudden change, and they quickly opened their spiritual eyes to check.

Under the detection of spiritual eyes, they saw that every member of the martial arts team was exuding terrifying energy and blood.

Qi and blood erupted like smoke from the heads of the martial arts teams. The arrogant smoke rising into the sky was several feet high and looked extremely terrifying.

"This...this is...bloody smoke."

This is a phenomenon that only occurs when Qi and blood are strong to a certain extent. This kind of momentum can only appear in those physical practitioners who were popular in ancient times but have long since been eliminated...

If there were just a group of monks practicing Qi Dzogchen, why now...all of them have broken through the foundation building? ! !

How can this be!

This is a big stage!

How many monks were trapped to death at this stage, and how many monks died unwillingly during the Qi training period.

Why were you able to break through in such a short period of time, and in batches!

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

This must be a deception, an illusion.

Just when the monks from the Blood River Sect fell into self-doubt, Li Linghan and the other martial punishment team didn't care what they thought in their hearts.

Although the holy helmet given by the Martial Saint is good, it will put a strong burden on them every time it is used. If used for a long time, it will have a negative impact on them and consume their blood.

They just want a quick victory.

Li Linghan held the giant sword very high, and saw that the bloody armor on her body gradually turned from pitch black to bright red, and the red was extremely dazzling, like a blooming blood rose.

[Level 2 Holy Helm, Red Blood Holy Helm]

This is a phenomenon that occurs after the blood in Li Linghan's body resonates strongly with Demon King Xue's Jiuzhuan Dan Pill, activating the pill's deeper power.

First-level Holy Helm (Black Blood Holy Helm): Black as ink, black as blood. It can display the seventh level of blood quenching, which is the strength in the early stage of foundation building.

Level 2 Holy Helm (Red Blood Holy Helm): As bright red as blood and as colorful as a peony. It can bring out the strength of rank eight, which is the middle stage of foundation building.

At her current stage, her strength can directly surpass the two bottlenecks of blood quenching level 6 and blood quenching level 7, and gain the power of blood quenching level 8.

In other words, Li Linghan's current strength jumped directly from Qi Training Dzogchen to the middle stage of foundation building.

Just obtaining some of Demon King Xue's nine-turn pills can give a blood-quenching sixth-turn person the power of an eighth-turn blood-quenching pill.

This is the terrifying thing about the ninth blood-tempering revolution.

The entire martial arts team is like a hungry wolf eyeing its prey, staring intently at the monks at the Blood River Gate!

The battle helmet is to be activated to the extreme.

"Face the punishment, you sinner!"

This ultimatum is like the roar of wolves before they attack.

After roaring, Li Linghan clenched his giant sword and led the charge.

Li Linghan's bloody figure was like a sharp sword or a bloody Shura in hell, rushing straight towards the monks.

Her speed was so fast that a bloody afterimage was formed behind her... (End of this chapter)

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