In the cave, Xia Danyang looked at the jade slip in his hand.

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This jade slip is rich in content, with pictures and texts. When he first watched it, he only wrote down the practice content completely, and did not check other contents.

This time he planned to browse through the entire content.

Jade slips are divided into:

Kung Fu chapter, elixir chapter, secret technique chapter

The exercise method mainly introduces the cultivation method from Qi training to foundation building. With this method, you can practice all the way from the Qi training stage to the foundation building Dzogchen.

If he continues to practice this technique in the future, he will have to spend his merits to purchase subsequent chapters from Yaowang Valley.

The introduction to this exercise says that it is a precious exercise that leads directly to the Nascent Soul, and can be practiced all the way to the late Nascent Soul stage.

The elixir chapter mainly introduces several elixirs that are compatible with the exercises, as well as the refining methods of the elixirs.

Taking these elixirs will not only improve your cultivation faster, but also make your spiritual power more pure...

Contrary to what he imagined, if these elixirs are taken according to the recommendations in the exercises, not only will they not affect the foundation, but they will make the foundation stronger. There are only benefits and no disadvantages.

However, if you want to truly achieve this effect, you must take pills with three or more lines.


There are many problems in the treatment of elixirs that are not above three lines. If you take too much, side effects will inevitably occur.

So Xia Danyang was going to take Sanwen Pill next.

Three lines elixir Xia Danyang...

No shortage.

After spending ten years with Wen Renxiang, Wen Renxiang was in a good mood and told him that he would cover all the elixirs he would need from refining Qi to building foundation...

Xia Danyang has just broken through the fourth level of Qi training, and it will probably take another twenty or thirty years to reach the perfection of Qi training.

Providing pills for twenty or thirty years is a huge favor.

He also understood the meaning of smelling people's fragrance.

Even with his talent, it would be very troublesome to refine the Three Pattern Pill before the foundation was established, but once the foundation was broken through, it would be much easier.

So if someone provides him with the Three Pattern Pills before building the foundation, he can practice smoothly all the way.

When he breaks through the foundation building, he can refine elixirs for himself, and the progress of his cultivation will not stop at all.

Wen Renxiang once said to him: "The reason why I want to refine the elixir for you is not only because I admire you, but also to make up for my regrets..."

"I have always thought, it would be great if I could meet someone like me back then. I would have suffered less and have more time to study alchemy!"

Xia Danyang remembered this favor!

It is worth mentioning that Wen Renxiang's main skill is also the "Barren Wood Burning Heaven Sutra", so he is very good at refining these elixirs. There are three-marked elixir furnaces, and four-marked elixirs are not uncommon.

People who smell good will not be stingy with the Four Patterns Pills, so Xia Danyang will not only be able to take the Three Patterns Pills all the time, but also have the opportunity to take the Four Patterns Pills.

The Secret Technique Chapter introduces several secret techniques that are used in conjunction with this technique. If you want to unleash the full power of this technique, the practice of the supporting secret techniques is inevitable.

As he watched, Xia Danyang's eyes suddenly lit up.

There are three most powerful secret techniques in "Araki Burning Sky Scripture":

The barren trees burn the sky, the barren trees burn the soul, and the barren trees dwell in the soul.

Xia Danyang is now looking at Araki's Soul Technique.

Araki Soul Technique, using this secret technique, you can complete a contract with a tree and gain half of the tree's vitality.

Although this vitality cannot extend the monk's life, it can be used to repair the body and become the fuel for Araki's secret technique of burning the sky.

Once this technique is completed, the monk can recover faster no matter what kind of injury he encounters, and the greater benefit is that practicing this secret technique will be of great help to foundation building.

Building the foundation is a calamity of the physical body;

Strong vitality is of great benefit to foundation building.

According to this secret method, monks who have mastered this secret have a very low mortality rate when going through physical tribulations. Even if they fail to overcome tribulations, most of them can save their lives.

However, it is not easy to successfully practice these secret techniques.

There are extremely high requirements on the monk's body, soul power and understanding.

The body is strong, the soul is powerful, and the understanding is extraordinary.

Only if these three conditions are met can you have a chance to succeed in cultivation.

It said that if you want to succeed in cultivation, you must have a body that cultivates physical skills, a soul that cultivates formations, and an understanding that cultivates alchemy...

It is already difficult for ordinary people to satisfy just one requirement.

Therefore, there are not many monks who have truly completed the practice of this secret method in Yaowang Valley for thousands of years.

Even Wen Renxiang did not complete the contract until he achieved the fake elixir realm because his physical condition was not met.

But no matter how he looked at it, Xia Danyang felt that this secret method was very suitable for him.

He has studied martial arts for thousands of years, and there should be few people in Tiannan who know better than him how to strengthen the body.

Not only does he have soul power, he also has soul crystals and soul-forging secret techniques.

He is not lacking in the ability to continuously enter the state of enlightenment.

"What a secret!"

"It seems that I really chose the right technique this time!"

Xia Danyang looked carefully.

There are three main steps in practicing this secret technique:

The wild wood, the soul, the body shaping.

Araki: It means selecting a giant spiritual tree with excellent quality, preferably second-level or higher, and then uprooting the tree and putting it into a special container to shield the spiritual energy around the spiritual tree.

Afterwards, special medicinal liquid was continuously poured into the tree to accelerate the withering of the tree.

The significance of this step is to weaken the vitality of the tree.

Because the vitality of spiritual trees is very strong, much stronger than that of monks, usually dozens of times that of monks.

If the soul is directly inhabited, the vitality that the monk has just injected will soon be crushed and assimilated by the trees, and the effect of inhabiting the soul will not be achieved.

Only by greatly weakening the vitality of the trees can success be achieved.

Qi Po: It is to inject one's own vitality into the big tree according to the secret method, and finally form seven seeds of courage.

They are: corpse dog, lying arrow, bird's vagina, swallowing thieves, non-poison, removing filth, smelly lungs.

When the seven seeds of courage are formed, the connection with the spiritual tree has been completed. After that, it is necessary to continuously baptize oneself with the vitality of the tree according to the secret method and continuously strengthen oneself.

The stronger your own vitality, the stronger the seven seeds of courage in the big tree, the stronger the link between the two, and you can borrow more vitality from the big tree.

The more Xia Danyang looked at this secret technique, the brighter his eyes became.


Isn't there a big tree in Deadwood City?

That big tree is the spiritual tree used to build the spiritual boat. It is a top-grade third-level spiritual plant.

A mature third-level spiritual plant must survive for at least five thousand years, and I don’t know how long it will live after it matures...

This spiritual plant must be considered a longevity star among third-level spiritual plants.

If that tree is used as the object to inhabit the spirit, and coupled with the martial arts physique, what kind of strength will Kumu Xue's physique become?

The spiritual energy has just been revived recently, the dead wood has just come into spring, and its vitality is still extremely weak.

In addition, Lao Xue has recently strengthened his body to an unknown extent due to the nourishment of spiritual energy.

It is estimated that there is no need for the "Araki" step, and you can directly proceed to "Living Soul".

The only problem now is that Lao Xue practices martial arts, which is different from the way he uses spiritual energy in cultivation.

We have to find a way to make some changes to this secret technique.

However, he has already been studying this aspect after setting up the formation and has made progress.

The time to complete the secret technique of Araki's Soul is not too far away.

After watching Araki Qihun, he continued to read the other two secret techniques.

Araki Burning Sky, this is a secret attack technique that can form an extremely powerful fire spell. The flames of this spell are extremely terrifying, and it is said to be a fire that can burn the sky.

Even air and psychic shields can be burned...

But compared to this terrible secret technique, he was more interested in the last of the three secret techniques.

Araki pays homage to his soul.

This is a kind of spiritual summoning secret technique similar to the soul summoning flag.

Once cast, the souls of dead monks within a certain range can be sacrificed into the tree.

Don't release it until needed.

Once a soul is sacrificed, a face will appear on the tree...

The secret techniques in the Araki Burning Sky Scripture seem to be related to trees, and once these secret techniques are too far away from the tree, their effectiveness will be greatly reduced, or even lose their effect directly.

Fortunately, there is a common secret technique for refining a wooden giant in the "Arrage Wood Burning Sky Scripture", otherwise I would have to carry a big tree around in the future...

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