Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 334 [Tulip Silver Armor (1/5)]

Clear the fog and see the sun rise.


As soon as I climbed to the top, I saw a castle in this barren valley, and many European-style architectural complexes in the 17th century. Round zeniths, minarets, suspension bridges, wooden houses, etc., are hidden in this misty between.

Who would have thought that such a desolate and isolated overseas island would hide such a piece of unique architecture.


"Friends, welcome to Pirate Paradise."

Chen Ergou laughed out loud, his expression overflowing with joy, "I found the right place."

Squatting on a high place, while retracting the hook line, while observing the environment in front of you.

The island seemed to be flooding, most of the buildings were submerged, and the rest were dilapidated. The green trees and the fence echo each other, and the morning wind howls, like the howling of doomed pirates, and the wind blows with a bit of unwillingness and desolation.

The sentry towers facing each other in the distance reflect the sunlight and seem to see the eyes of pirates. Silent there for hundreds of years, gloomy gloomy flickering, telling something, whispering something

The sun is shining brightly, unrestrainedly lifting up the foggy water.

Hook the rope to your belt, "If you don't worry about structure and drainage, this should be a good place for vacation."

Picking up a binoculars to observe the environment of the entire island, "I am now three miles downstream of the island's main river, which is about fifty meters wide, and there is a narrow, forested mouth, which seems to be A dam, now a breach has been blasted, and that's what caused the water chaos on the island."

"And the location of the island is hidden, the trees are very dense, and the bottom of the valley is easy to breed and linger with fog, and it is not easy to be found. There is a very shallow beach over there, which is a treasured geomantic place for secret meetings."

Deep in the woods a bird called, another answered, and then a woodpecker was heard pecking at a tree.

All kinds of sounds also became denser, and everything on the earth was full of vitality. Nature awoke from her slumber, and refreshedly unfolded a spectacle before the eyes of the astonished spectator.

It is really a beautiful island, and it is a miracle that it has not been destroyed by modern humans.

Of course, if too many people know about this place, no matter how many treasures there are, it will not be Chen Ergou's turn to land on the island.

Now is not the time for sightseeing, Chen Ergou seized the time to work, keenly glanced around the island, retracted the binoculars after a while, and said: "Well, I'm afraid I can't judge where the treasure is with my eyes. I can only touch it With luck, I decided to search for the most well-built place, which is also the place with the highest terrain. In theory, that is the house where the powerful people live."

Reloading the binoculars, he made his way along a row of rooftops.

Alone, walking among the deserted.

On this road, not only light and fast steps, but occasionally galloping swiftly, and occasionally borrowing a hook like a monkey hanging from a tree. Chen Ergou moved quickly and easily, the hooks were thrown out one after another, flying between the cliffs and deep depressions.

The audience's eyes widened. In the movie, special effects were used to show the reaching, but his skills have already surpassed the special effects of the movie. I am afraid that only the male protagonist in action games can have such agile skills.

Chen Ergou undoubtedly showed his best state without reservation, and he knew whether he could find the treasure. But this show, he hopes to show the best state.

So the audience is blessed, even those who often watch his live broadcast are dazzled and stunned, not to mention those who entered the live broadcast room for the first time.

It is simply "human poisoning", addictive after watching it once, and reluctant to leave.

Su Qiqi, who has been monitoring the backstage, is very excited. It is the peak of the evening in China, and her popularity has soared to 16 million. The most gratifying thing is the two overseas channels, which have accumulated more than one million.

"Come on, come on, we're going to break the record."

However, the good times didn't last long. Maybe the walk was too floating. When I jumped over a roof, I suddenly heard a "click" sound as soon as my feet landed. After all, it was too old, and the old house couldn't bear the gravity, and it suddenly exploded. Chen Ergou didn't even have time to react, and fell down with the rotten wood.

"I'll wipe...be careful."

"Isn't he more handsome than the three-second series? I feel so sorry for the host."

"Are you injured, the anchor is like this, don't end it."

"I told you to pretend, you finally failed to pretend, hahaha"

"After the silence package upstairs, thank you for leaving."

The camera descends slowly, only to see Chen Ergou treading water and floating on the water, with a few pieces of rotten wood beside him as driftwood. Wiping his face to the camera, he smiled bitterly and said, "Unfortunately, the house is too fragile, if you are not careful, you will fall."

"Don't worry about me, everyone. I'm fine. . . . I'm just soaked again. I got a bump on my knee. I'm a little sore and a little hungry. Can I have something to eat? Well... Other than that, I'm fine OK."

"Now it seems that taking the water route is actually a good choice, at least it's safer....Then I'll swim and move on."

The current is not too fast, but there are a lot of aquatic plants. The round leaves of aquatic plants float on the water surface, and below them are several meters long intertwined aquatic plant stems. Swimming in this kind of place, if you accidentally get entangled, you will be entangled for a long time. Chen Ergou had to swing his knife to clear the way, and after a lot of effort, he opened a way and swam under the submerged building on the side.

The further upstream, gradually approaching the shore, the water level began to drop, until both feet stepped on the ground again.

He shook off the water plants and climbed up, "Okay, I'm out of the water. All the buildings are submerged under the water, only this building is intact. I have to suspect that this is Barbosa's residence, and it's on it. I'll go take a look now..."

Following the direction, Xiang took out the rotten structure which was extremely unstable.

When I came to the entrance of a building that looked like a hall, it was blocked by two doors with peeling vermilion paint. He gently pushed the door open, and the door panel fell straight out, splashing a cloud of dust.

The scene inside the house is surprising. It was supposed to be a magnificent hall, but now there are corpses scattered in the hall, some of which still have long swords stuck in their chests. It is obvious that there was a tragic fight. Others saw a tragedy in the world, but Chen Ergou saw hope, and said "tsk tsk" repeatedly, "It seems that I am the first one, and now I am more confident."

Rumble around in the hall, hoping to find useful clues.

The most obvious place is at the two medieval knight armors. They stand on the side like guards, guarding the door of the room behind them. The armor stood upright, with a long sword standing in one hand and a shield in the other. The visor was also put down, and the two eyes were empty. Even though it has been barren for hundreds of years, there is still a bit of cold and chilling atmosphere left.

Chen Ergou lightly tapped it a few times with his wild knife, and wiped the dust with his sleeve, revealing the authenticity of the armor. Touching the material of the armor a few times, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Lady Luck hasn't abandoned me yet."

"Let's look away from the bones. These two armors seem to have a lot of history. They are all silver armors, with a golden tulip pattern on their chests." These two armors should be goods that were robbed. Does anyone know which family pattern this is from? No matter which old family crest, I think many people would like to collect it. "

The eyes of the viewers watching the live broadcast were red with envy, and many people were helping him to estimate the price, how much money. The face live broadcast is different from the domestic barrage. The comments displayed here are listed on the side for people to browse.

Looking at the comments, someone has already given the answer, "Dutch tulips, it should be some unlucky Dutch nobleman who was robbed."

"If you don't see tulips, it's the Netherlands, okay? This is actually a full-body armor style in Turkey."

"It is quite well preserved. This carving is definitely a medieval relic, and its value is inestimable."

"I would like to bid 100,000 US dollars to buy it, please be sure to bring it back intact."

"Do you want to pick up the leak upstairs? I'm afraid it won't be your turn."

"Hero has long been famous in China, and tens of millions of people watch every live broadcast. His net worth is definitely over 100 million, and it's in US dollars. 100,000 US dollars is really not worth it."

"My God, how can I be so familiar, isn't this hero-chen, he won Taylor millions of dollars on the cruise."

"Hey, there's news. Which Taylor is the upstairs talking about? I'm a reporter from the "Daily News", let's have a private chat."

Compared with the scattered focus of foreign audiences, domestic audiences are more direct——

"Stupid, this is the badge of the original Tulip Duke Duwe Rollin Rudolph."

"It is obviously the emblem of the Tulip family in the Bright Continent. If the anchor can present it to the master, it may be possible to take a time-traveling journey."

"I only know that Lord Dog is going to get rich again."

Passing through the protection of two knight armors, he pushed open a door and entered an elegant and luxurious room. Looking at the texture of the table, "It's a table made of oak." Then he saw the high stool behind the table, and he thought, "With such a high stool, it must be the desk of Eric Watt-Barbosa Undoubtedly... I will look for it carefully."

At the same time, I contacted Goudan in my heart, "Goudan help!"

"Received, scanning started."

Where the camera couldn't see, a three-dimensional virtual image was projected, and it turned out that there was actually a passage under the table where he was.

Chen Ergou was slightly surprised, so he didn't waste any time and went straight to the switch. It was a cabinet attached to the wall, grab a well-preserved vase, and give it a few spins left and right. Turning to the left does not move, and turning to the right, the whole cabinet is moved away immediately.

I don't know what the driving force is, but after hundreds of years, it still works normally.

But when you think about the exquisite mechanism settings in the Congo Basin, it's not surprising. But my heart is also vigilant, since the switch is normal, there is no guarantee that there will be no traps. He made a torch, pulled out a strong flashlight, thought for a while, then pulled out a long and narrow knight sword from the chest of a corpse, and walked carefully into the secret room.


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