Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 198 [The throwing posture is very professional]

As it gets dark, many animals return to their dens for the night.

There were traces of animals going back and forth along the roadside. A few chimpanzees left the forest floor to build nests on safe treetops before night fell.

Chen Ergou also had to prepare for tonight's campsite, observing suitable places along the way.

At this time, two lone antelopes came into view, and they were probing forward in the jungle.

"Pause, found the antelope." He said.

"Get ready, we hunt it!"


Everyone was in trouble when they saw the dense jungle, and Jenny said a little stage fright: "Chen, do we have to hunt antelope? We still have fish to eat. Antelopes are not easy to catch in the woods?"

Chen Ergou gave everyone a reassuring smile, and said: "We walked for a day, and we need to eat more meat to replenish energy. To be honest, that lungfish is only enough to fill my stomach alone. And Ren Gal also needs to eat. Generally, it is not necessary, and I will not kill too much."

Everyone looked down at Rengar, the little guy was so young, he followed everyone forward and never fell behind. Dawei was tired, so he jumped on Chen Ergou's back to rest for a while.

Can people be inferior to little Rengar?

And yesterday's meal was so impressive, the huge electric catfish, the three of them ate only half of it, and the rest went into the belly of Chen Ergou and Rengar. What kind of pet does the owner have.

Good cooking skills are nothing to say, but the appetite is so big,...it's thanks to his great ability that he didn't let himself go hungry.

"What should we do?" Anthony asked.

Chen Ergou took off the bow on his back and touched it, "I didn't expect it to be useful so soon. Let me divide the work. You are scattered in three directions, yelling and using wooden sticks to drive away That's enough, I sneaked up to the gap ahead and ambushed. Rengar will also help drive away."

"Meow." Rengar bared his fangs viciously as if he understood his words.

The three of them were speechless, took out the tools according to the words and spread them out, approaching them silently.

Antelopes have such a keen sense of hearing that they raise their heads to watch as soon as their ears move.

They also found the antelope trying to escape,

But you can't decide to start chasing immediately now? When I looked up to find Chen Ergou, I found that he had disappeared, and suddenly lost my mind.

At this time, Rengar suddenly rushed over, rushing forward silently. Although the body is young, the ruthlessness is beyond the reach of adults.

This is considered a direct force, there is no time to hesitate, "Come on!"

At the same time, shouting, the antelope was frightened and began to flee. That dexterous figure and jumping steps are unmatched. "Oops, it didn't make it to the gap."

"Antelopes are too smart!"

The three of them were in a panic. Jenny tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground with a bang, "It's over this time, I'm going to be hungry."

"Om~swoosh!" Just when they thought the hunt had failed, a sharp arrow shot down from a high altitude and suddenly went through layers of jungle. The antelope screamed sharply, and everyone heard it clearly, and their morale immediately increased.

"The antelope was shot by an arrow!"

It's a pity that he didn't fall down and continued to run wildly with arrows. If the antelope ran around in such a panic, even if they still died in the end, as long as they entered the depths of the forest, there was nothing they could do.

It's not that Chen Ergou's archery skills are poor, but that the arrows used by the Pygmies for hunting are all poisoned with paralyzing poison, and the few he exchanged have not had time to be poisoned.

However, how could Chen Ergou give up his half-damaged prey, and leaped like a "Tarzan of the Apes", swinging nimbly from one tree to another by pulling on the vines, moving quickly like a gust of wind to the place where the antelope escaped? . It turned out that he didn't go to any vacant place to ambush at all, but climbed up the trunk of a big tree early to look for opportunities.

This is not the first time he has used vines to move at high speed, and he seems to be very familiar with it.

Pygmies also have this stunt. They are short and light in weight, and it is easier to run on vines than Chen Ergou. But Chen Ergou also has his own advantages. Being overweight does not mean that he has poor flexibility, and he has enough tools.

From a high place, he could clearly see the path and even the size of the two antelopes fleeing in embarrassment. They were two waterbucks, the big one was 1.6 meters tall, and the small one was only 1.2 meters. They were both males. The spiral antelope horns on their heads were their symbols, and their maroon fur was also very It's beautiful, but jumping and running in the jungle is very subtle at the moment, and it's easy to lose track if you don't pay attention.

The live broadcast room was full of excitement. This kind of hunting scenes always attracted the audience, and their popularity was skyrocketing.

The camera quickly shuttles through the jungle, and everywhere it passes is a picture of a big tree retreating rapidly.

The scene in front of me instantly reminds people of the classic shot of being chased by a bear. I don't know when, a nervous drum sounded in the live broadcast room, and the rhythmic music seemed to be beating on people's heart, which added a bit of tension.

Not only Chen Ergou, but also Rengar who is galloping on the ground. Although he is still young, he has brought out the genes of the Leopard family sprint champion to the extreme. With a vertical leap, he jumped onto the back of the injured antelope, and his sharp claws grabbed the flesh tightly to prevent himself from being knocked off.

"Wow, jungle parkour."

"Rengar, I really want one... so exciting, why didn't I meet such a spiritual black panther."

"It's even better than jungle parkour. The last time I was chased by a bear, this time I was hunting on the mountain of apes."

"It's so satisfying, so satisfying, it's not in vain to wait so long."

A wave of Buddha jumping over the wall to reward quickly took off, and the popularity rose rapidly, and the whole live broadcast room was as lively as a festival. The other hosts in the live broadcast room saw the Buddha Jumping Wall brigade taking off again on the entire platform, and then the number of people in their live broadcast room dropped wildly, and they were all helpless. They habitually comfort themselves, "It will come once in a while, just get used to it!" Of course, there are a few thick-skinned people like pdd and Tuesday Pigeon who know that there is a good show when they see this situation, and immediately become proficient After switching to Chen Ergou's live broadcast room, he paddled and slacked off.

Chen Ergou suddenly let out a long cry, which was enough to make the antelope panic.

Their horns bent and grown back were useless, their huge ears fluttered, and a panicked scream came from their mouths. They circled around, but no matter what direction they turned, there would always be a figure dancing in front of their eyes.

With an agility of up to 18 points, Chen Ergou can hold onto the vines and pedal on the tree trunks to help change direction. The three chasing people stopped shortly after, out of breath, and their bodies were hurt by many branches, but they didn't care about it. They all looked forward to the disappearing figure in front of them, and their eyes widened, "Oh my God, I found Indian-Tarzan?!"


When Chen Ergou's figure fell from the vine and jumped behind a bush, they had already lost Chen Ergou's figure. He could only hear the "crack" of the whip whipping in the air from time to time in front of him, and hurriedly followed the path and followed the path carefully to catch up.

When Chen Ergou jumped out of the woods, a river bend appeared in front of him, and the scene suddenly opened up.

The water antelope is good at swimming, and when it came to the river, it jumped down and ran wildly, but the injured little one behind it was a little bit powerless. The arrow stuck in the buttock seriously affected the speed, and every time it passed through the bushes, it was a heart-piercing pain. There was also a black panther on its back that was constantly harassing and attacking, causing it to slow down unconsciously as it ran desperately.

Chen Ergou's face was beaten several times by the branch, and he couldn't help but twitched a few times. I even lost my beloved cowboy hat, and more branches were still whipped on my body, which was hot and painful.

But he still runs and jumps fast, using his "Treading Snow Without Trace" skills to the extreme. After ignoring the obstacles of the branches and vines, such a desperate short-distance running is actually not much slower than the antelope. After a lot of hard work, it was not in vain, and finally stopped the waterbuck before it jumped into the water.

Without hesitation, he rushed from the rear, and in a posture of "flattening the sand with the buttocks backward", threw the antelope to the ground without any image.

With a whip in his hand and a wild knife in his hand, he blocked the camera with his back and slashed hard into the handle. The waterbuck stomped its limbs a few times, twitched, and remained silent for a while.

"6666, the old driver's throwing posture is very professional."

"King of the jungle, my admiration for you is like a surging river."

"Ah, it's running water! Master Dog, come and throw me down, what a fierce man."

Chen Ergou felt that the water antelope was dead, so he let go of the knife, turned over and leaned on the warm antelope's back, grinned, covered half of his face that was numb from the branches, and hissed, "Hiss, it hurts, help me see See if your face is bleeding."

When he winked and looked at the camera for the first time, a few faint traces of slaps were clearly visible, as if he had been slapped by a woman. But no blood was seen, he breathed a sigh of relief and said sadly: "It's a good thing I didn't lose my appearance, I rely on my appearance for a living, otherwise I will suffer a lot."

This funny expression made the audience burst into "23333" laughing emoji.

"Be honest, which little bitch beat you up!"

"Haha, the king of the jungle who relies on his face to eat, we will support you if you lose your appearance."

"Pretend to be as strong as the wind, and I will obey you."

"This is hunting in the wilderness. I just watched 4 eels fishing. I was so embarrassed that I died of embarrassment. Come back quickly to make up for my wounded heart."

"Please pay attention to the WeChat official account, rymloveu, to see another side of Lord Dog!"

"Where is the advertisement, drag it out and drag it out."

Chen Ergou is also in a good mood. This antelope weighs tens of kilograms at least. If it is used properly, it will be enough to eat for several days.

Especially before the sun goes down, it is wonderful to be able to hunt such a nutritious delicacy.

"Chen, where are you?" A voice called from afar.

"This way," he yelled, building a horn with his hands to amplify the sound and kept screaming: "Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wah wah wah wow!"

The three of them walked out of the woods in a state of distress, and saw an open and beautiful view of the sunset river bend. The magical oriental man is standing with his hands on his hips and waiting beside a prey antelope with a smile on his face.

"Wow, Chen, you're amazing!" Jenny exclaimed.

"It's really hunting, you are my idol!"

Even the old Baker's eyes widened: "It's amazing, it's amazing! It's more than fifty kilograms."

Chen Ergou smiled and said: "Thank you, you also helped me pick up the hat."

Jenny smiled and handed over the hat, "You're welcome."

Chen Ergou's hat played a trick in the palm of his hand, flipped it on his head and said, "This river bay is quite open, and there is a bamboo forest in front of it. As long as it doesn't rain at night, there is no problem staying for one night."

"The most important thing to survive in the wilderness is to maintain a good attitude. Without the help of Pygmies, we can also go out on our own feet. As long as we live one more day, we will have more expectations to go home. Everyone must remain optimistic .”

"Today we walked at least nearly 50 kilometers, which is a great breakthrough. Everyone is very tired, let's camp here, and by the way, we can deal with this prey. I think it will be a delicious dinner. You guys How do you feel?"

The three of them were almost moved to tears by his sudden words.

When they saw the Pygmies, they were full of expectations, but they were naturally disappointed when they left.

Thinking about it now, it was really selfish. At that time, I thought I could save Chen Ergou and put Chen Ergou aside. Looking back now, I feel blush. Unexpectedly, Chen Ergou didn't mind at all, so he spoke comforting words.

In fact, since the embarrassing scene of drawing guns at each other at the beginning of the meeting, even though Chen Ergou shared food with them, they were still wary of this benefactor in their hearts. It wasn't until two days of getting along that she was completely infected by him.

The person in front of you is not very old, but he is knowledgeable and sincere, and he always encourages you along the way, making people feel like spring breeze everywhere. If it wasn't for the gentleman by nature to be responsible, it would definitely not be able to achieve this level. Not only has the safety problem been solved, but the food problem has also been solved. Following him seems to be nothing that cannot be done.

Thinking about it now, they were able to meet Chen Ergou after getting lost in the jungle, it was God's blessing. Too many emotions gather together, which makes people feel emotionally, especially the lady with rich tear glands can't help crying with gratitude.

"Thank you Chen!" This thank you came from the bottom of my heart.

"Hmm!" Chen Ergou smiled, shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "It's getting late, so let's start working. Somebody go and deal with that lungfish."

"I'll do it." Old Baker insisted, "Sometimes I like to cook at home. It's okay to handle fish. Let me do it."

"I'm going to collect firewood!"

"There are bamboos over there, I'll go and chop some."

The enthusiasm of the three exploded, and they started to get busy without ordering.

The corner of Chen Ergou's mouth curled up, he could be a good person, but he wouldn't be a bad person. If the other party is not interested, then what is waiting is naturally another situation.

This jungle is unusually large, and he couldn't finish it in four days and three nights as usual. Maybe there will be two more days to get along, and he naturally hopes that everyone will unite as one.

(Everyone is welcome to follow Xiangrui's WeChat official account: Xiangrui Yumei, or search for "rymloveu", orangutan shooting video, dinosaur survivors and other pictures that cannot be seen in text are all in it.)

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