Only those who have experienced the impenetrable entanglement of branches and vines in the jungle can know the value of such a "jungle highway".

Staring at this "elephant road", a scene immediately appeared in people's minds: hundreds of thousands of elephants were silently rushing through the jungle, day after day, year after year, using their thick bodies and strong bodies Elephant legs open up a criss-cross channel network extending thousands of miles in all directions in the jungle of the dense forest.

At the same time, I can't help but ask, where will these endless "elephant roads" lead to the jungle? What is the scene inside the "Xiangdao"? How many elephants are hiding at the other end of the "Elephant Road"?

"Look: there are traces of elephant friction and impact." Chen Ergou pointed to a trace and shouted to the camera.

"It's also here, it's the bark and trunk pierced by the elephant's ivory." Anthony said.

"Elephant dung is also on the side of the road."

There are more and more traces around, but everyone's eyes are not excited, but worried, which means that there must be many elephants gathered in front of them.

"Is it going to be the scene of encountering an elephant again?" Thinking about it makes me shudder.

But they have enjoyed the feeling of running fast in the Congo jungle for a long time.

Everyone knows that no one can part with this high-speed elephant road.

"Pray that you won't touch an elephant, Jesus bless you!" Jenny made a sign of the cross on her chest with a weak expression on her face.

Anthony comforted: "Jenny, nothing will happen." He seemed to be a lot bolder today, and he didn't know if he had confessed to Jenny.

But the reality is never satisfactory, God only exists in faith. Sometimes the more you are afraid of something, the more it will come, and the more you think about it, the faster it will come. At this moment, a high-pitched trumpet screaming in front clearly entered everyone's ears.

A huge white bull elephant blocked the way.

Chen Ergou, who was leading the way, stopped suddenly, and Jenny, who was running behind, almost bumped into him.

When everyone raised their heads, they suddenly realized that their eyes were dark. At first glance, they thought it was a giant tree blocking the light. Looking up carefully, it was another elephant, a white elephant.

It's just that I have never seen such a large forest elephant before.

As we all know, in order to adapt to the dense plant environment of the Congo rainforest, forest elephants are much smaller than grassland elephants.

The team trembled again, silent like a cicada.

The bull elephant was also taken aback when he saw them, stopped immediately, stared at them, growled with his long trunk, and stretched out his long trunk to smell their scent. Its big round ears were originally drooping against the shoulders, but now they are opened, like two giant umbrellas. Each ear is as big as a palm leaf fan, and the body is basically a thick wall more than three meters high.

Chen Ergou looked at it and estimated that it was at least fourteen feet from the edge of one ear to the edge of the other ear. The skin is a rare white, like a god.

If it appeared in India, I am afraid it is already a blessing from a certain god.

It's just a little troublesome now, the most important thing is that because the elephant road in front of me is a one-way road, there is no crossing road like the elephants I met before, so that they can get out of the way or the elephant can get out of the way.

Then one side is bound to retreat.

But can they back down, or will the elephants actively pursue them because of their retreat?

Chen Ergou had to think about it comprehensively and hesitated.

Anthony trembled: "Maybe we should get out of the way."

"Where is it going?" Chen Ergou asked, pointing to the "wall" formed by the impenetrable thick bushes on both sides of the path.

"We can go back and distance ourselves from it." Old Baker also suggested.

"This will only make things worse, and the elephant may catch up. On the trails, he is much faster than us, and we will only be crushed by his five-ton, or even six-ton ​​body."

At this time, the male elephant raised its long trunk and let out a loud roar. A gust of cold air rushed in, and the birds and monkeys on the surrounding treetops screamed and fled in all directions.

The audience in the live broadcast room also sweated for them, "Seriously, this trip to the Congo rainforest,

Difficulty can be called the first. "

"It's really embarrassing for Mr. Dog. The difficulty is already so difficult, and I still have to bring three oil bottles."

"Come on, Mr. Dog! I'll give you all the monthly tickets!"


"Squat down, lower your head, trust me." Chen Ergou shouted.

Although this move was very embarrassing, the other three people had already been overwhelmed by this huge guy, and squatted down without the slightest hesitation. Even Rengar was forced to squat by the roadside by Chen Ergou.

At the same time, he tried his best to "communicate" with the huge bull elephant.

He still remembers the emotion he felt when he looked at the mother elephant after saving the baby elephant last time. The emotion he is conveying now is the state of mind at that time. That kind of sincere, natural heart-to-heart communication.

Elephants are very intelligent animals, they have superb social skills and have super memory. Chen Ergou believes that this white bull elephant can calm down his anger.

Elephants are animals with complex emotions. Sometimes they get angry, and they will ruthlessly tear up and trample the animals that violate them into meat paste. But they are very contradictory. After killing those animals, they will bury the animals with leaves.

Does anyone know why this is? No one can tell. Because you can't understand the inner world of an elephant!

The male elephant looked at Chen Ergou suspiciously. Excitement flashed across Chen Ergou's face, and he felt the elephant's anger gradually disappearing.

This guy is more docile most of the time, sometimes he is magnanimous, sometimes he is suspicious and jealous, sometimes he is mischievous and playful, sometimes he is serious and restrained; Pure goodness.

Chen Ergou felt the elephant's gradually peaceful mind and was overjoyed. He stood up straight and stretched out his hand to caress the elephant's body. The three of Baker watched in horror, "Chen..."

The elephant didn't retreat or panic, its huge trunk suddenly stretched out and curled around Chen Ergou's neck.

"Oh, what are you going to do, I can't carry you." Chen Ergou said with a big embarrassment, one arm separated from the place where his neck was wrapped around, and said with a wry smile: "Is it self-inflicted?" He felt that the trunk of an elephant was like a The sticky soft rubber rolled over nimbly and very quickly.

The huge force almost pinched his small body to suffocation.

"Oh my God, save Chen." Jenny exclaimed.

"Meow~~" Rengar tilted his head in doubt.

Old Baker wondered: "Wait, it seems to be getting close to Chen."

"Don't, don't move." Chen Ergou also hurriedly stopped them, "Do you have any more bananas, give me a bunch of bananas." Anthony hurriedly handed over the bunch of bananas on his back. Chen Ergou took it and handed it to the elephant's mouth. The elephant had something to eat, so he let go of Chen Ergou immediately, and started to eat a bunch of bananas flexibly with his nose.

Chen Ergou heaved a sigh of relief. Seeing everyone looking at him suspiciously, he explained a little bit and said, "I once rescued a baby elephant that got stuck in the mud in this forest, and maybe I still have some elephant smell on my body." .”

Everyone was stunned, and after letting go of their panic, they were all envious.

"I think we can go."

Call everyone to walk sideways from the elephant's huge body.

The elephant happily ate the bananas and didn't care anymore.

Chen Ergou looked at the live broadcast room with a smile, and said: "It ignores us now, but we still have to be careful and try not to block its way. Otherwise, it won't be polite to you. You can watch it on many roads in Africa. To this warning sign: Let the elephants go first!"

"Other animals might back off, but they never do. Because it knows its strengths, it's used to relying on its own strength and size, why should it give way to someone or something else?"

"A man on foot is like an insect to an elephant, ready to be struck down just as easily as we are afraid to strike a mosquito."

Under the leadership of the old driver, the leather car completed a high-level pass with this huge jungle elephant without any risk.

Everyone felt exhausted, but the audience in the live broadcast room was very happy. This trip to the Congo Basin was thrilling and exciting——

"The old driver's skills are slippery, and the elephants also hook up, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

"It's reasonable. With these oil bottles on the Pippi Shrimp, the difficulty of survival in the wilderness has increased sharply. If he was the only one taking the risk, I'm afraid he'd be back by now."

"Master Dog is in this business. You can't leave people behind, so what will others think of him?"

The last scream of the bull elephant was swallowed by the forest, and for a while, several people were still standing there in a daze.

"Chen, you are really a mysterious figure." Baker said.

Chen Ergou smiled and said, "Thank you, I'll take it as a compliment."

But things like this are everywhere in the jungle, because the density of animals here seems to be denser than the area he walked alone before.

Looking around, I have to admit how sinister this place is.

The further you go, the shape of the forest changes again.

Giant trees stand on both sides of the elephant road like ancient giants. They are all covered with a thick layer of long-bearded moss, and they look like old bearded old people in their twilight years. The branches of each tree are coiled with about several hundred meters of black snake-like vines. From the bottom up, only a small patch of sky can be seen. Occasionally, a few white clouds drifted past, as if floating among the trees, and the mist billowed on the ground, like the sharp claws of giant beasts in the sky, looking for fat people to make food.

But in such a dangerous place, there is a paradise-like open space for elephants to play and play. This place is what they built for themselves.

The elephant's voice suddenly became dense, and then everyone stepped into such an elephant gathering place.

"Oh my god, an elephant village."

“Animal Paradise!”

Everyone was amazed, a grass field appeared in front of them, and there were several pools scattered around.

A group of elephants are playing around in the open space wantonly, showing off their muscles, attracting the attention of the female elephant. A few baby elephants acted like a baby around the big and thick elephant mother.

Not only elephants, but also the mysterious race of the Congo that has been missing. The movie "King Kong" is the prototype of the silverback gorilla family. It is a silverback gorilla with its harem and children, resting on the edge of the open space .

It is relatively rare that a group of bison also appear here. The fur of bison in the jungle is yellow, a bit like an old scalper. It's just that their horns are also very short, and the two big ears are covered with dense hair, which looks more like wearing a pair of furry earmuffs.

There are also a group of colorful jungle deer and antelopes with short horns when they are active. They are the bottom of the food chain. Even in this peaceful open space, they will drink water carefully.

The most common sights are the colorful hummingbirds flying in the air, they are eating worms on bison and elephants.

In the middle of the water pool, several whalebill storks that look like Archeopteryx are moving their long legs gracefully, scratching something beside each pool. Will there be fish in the salt lake? Chen Ergou once snatched two seabirds from the whalebill stork.

The scene in front of him was like a natural zoo, full of incredible. The live broadcast room is also full of excitement——

"I can't believe it, this place is simply a paradise for the animal world."

"666, what a beautiful place, the animals live in harmony with each other."

"Friends, a paradise for animals." Chen Ergou smiled at the camera.

Before he reminded, the audience couldn't help taking screenshots, and even Jenny and the others hurriedly took out their cameras to record them.

Chen Ergou saw the audience in the live broadcast room still applauding faithfully, and a sense of pride welled up in his heart.

He walked over, dipped his hand in some water, put it near his mouth, licked it and spat it out, suddenly said: "So this is a salt lake, elephants need salt, gorillas and bison also need it."

"Elephants will dive into the water with their trunks, spray the salt from the ground like a high-pressure jet gun, and eat it themselves. Other animals have been exposed to elephants and only need to drink water."

"But the most important thing for me is to see the sun overhead again. It allows me to see where I am now."

Take out that map, look it up carefully, and plan the direction to go next.

At this moment, there was a commotion among the elephant herd. It turned out to be a young bull elephant in the manic stage, screaming excitedly and chasing other bull elephants. It is obviously in the period of sexual anxiety, the stimulation of hormones makes it seem to have bid farewell to its own reason.

The other animals around avoided one after another, fearing that it would harm the fish in the pond.

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