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Chapter 624 Redemption

The dead air lingered around Lan Ni, gradually spreading and spreading, almost covering the light of the sky.

There was no sound at the scene, and this scene was filmed by Cesare with super boldness, which shocked all the people in the theater!

At this moment, Jiang Se's beauty is different from the gentle beauty from the North Kingdom who walked in the rain in "The Great Event in Peking", with fierce domineering, conquering the audience.

Cesare found another way to open up her beauty. Her eyes unique to China brought magical power under the blessing of makeup at this time. When her gaze swept over everyone, it made people feel Fear of being ruled by death.

Andre's spell hit her, she lowered her head to look at her feet, the lingering black mist enveloped her, water seemed to gather in the corners of her eyes, and the indelible sadness turned into a magical thick ink It seemed black and disappeared in her eyes.

The audience in the movie hall sighed softly when they saw this scene, their hearts were caught by the plot, and they felt deep sympathy for Lan Ni's experience.

But when she raised her head the next moment, her gaze caught Andre's figure, and it turned into hatred and surrounded her. The black energy on her body became even stronger. She flapped her wings and flew towards Andre, but she was caught by Andre the moment she moved Hit by a strong spell, he swayed a bit before stabilizing his figure.

When the believers below saw this scene, they came back to God:

"This is a devil, this is a devil!"

The knights of the temple quickly surrounded Andre, drew out the sword on his waist, and pointed it in Jiang Se's direction.

The pastor prayed to the gods and asked for the protection of the gods.

The image of Andre expelling 'demons' was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and because of his act of purifying the 'heretics', the blood of the 'demons' 'hidden' in Lanny's body was revived. Believers have a strange fanaticism towards him , approaching him fearlessly.

Lan Ni tried to advance several times, but was blocked by the knight.

The hurricane blown by her wings tore apart the statue in front of the square, and the fallen huge stones made devout believers dodge.

Amidst the loud rumbling noise, smoke and dust rose everywhere, but there was still an endless stream of people rushing forward to prevent her from approaching Andre.

This scene of the battle took place in the blink of an eye, but was captured by Cesare in a hearty and hearty way.

He is worthy of being the director who knows how to figure out the psychology of the audience. He captured the battle in front of the square with a magnificent feeling.

The believers don't know the so-called madness, the knight's absolute loyalty and the girl who became a "demon" after being deceived, combined at this moment to burst out with unparalleled charm.

The repeated lengthening of the lens fully and thoroughly shows Lanny's madness at this moment, which makes people climax after another!

She missed several hits, but instead was covered with scars. She stopped looking for death, and took a deep look at Andre, as if cursing:

“I will be back again!”

She left these words with endless meaning, flapped her wings, and quickly disappeared into the air, leaving behind the shocked believers and everyone in the temple. The high fighting momentum seemed to be overshadowed by Lan Ni's words.

Andre looked at Lanni's disappearing figure with a solemn expression. He clenched his teeth tightly, but his cheek muscles were trembling slightly, showing that he could not calm his heart.

The believers around were cheering because of Lan Ni's defeat, but he squinted his eyes slightly. Under the camera, his shoulders were stiff, his neck's Adam's apple was rolling, but his chest was flattened strangely, as if on a wood that was not breathing.

This scene captures people's hearts so tightly that it is difficult for people to watch.

After Lani left, although the people won a temporary victory, her existence seemed to cast a shadow over the people of this world. Knights were sent out in batches to search for the traces of the 'demon', For the honor of the Holy See.

People believe in gods more and more, pray for the blessing of gods, and long for salvation.

That "blessing" incident brought Andre's reputation to an unprecedented level, and there were many voices in the Holy See about his promotion to the Pope. The bit was passed to Andre.

He got what he dreamed of, money, power, status and the ability to be sought after.

But what scares Andre is his invisible body.

After he sacrificed Lan Ni and others in exchange for eternal life to the gods, his body stopped walking towards death, but he found that he could no longer breathe, no longer need to enjoy food, and no need to sleep , His time seems to have stopped at the moment of offering sacrifices, becoming eternity.

But this spell did not heal his cursed body, his lower body still looked like a skeleton, and he lost all perception of cold, heat, and pain, and he became a cripple!

He can only sit on a high throne every day, in order to conceal his strangeness, he has to pretend to be calm.

He claimed that in the process of expelling heresy, his body was seriously injured, and he had to rely on the support of knights and vehicles to get in and out. No matter how delicate the food was, he still couldn't taste it. Fear of great torment.

Disaster befell the earth, and the presence of demons shrouded the court. When Lan Ni was tortured, Andre was also in dire straits.

Immortality makes him feel no joy. When the loss of consciousness in the lower part of his body makes him unable to walk, he still has to cover up his abnormality and force himself to behave like a normal person. Power and status soon become one of his torments. .

He began to miss the scene in the small town back then, when he was simple and poor, but he had no shame in his heart.

He prays devoutly every day, and the biggest worry may be that he has nothing to wear after his priest's robes are washed.

But now, with the change of power and status, his troubles are increasing day by day. He can't sleep at night, has food but can't eat, can't get close to anyone, can't let others know his secrets, and no one can talk to him.

At the beginning, he had actively wanted to change this situation, but Lanny's mutation made him feel terrified. He worried that another failed prayer would make the situation more difficult to control.

But people's desire is hard to curb. Once Pandora's box is opened, it will be difficult to control the eager ambition.

He used the authority in his hand to secretly sacrifice the knights of the temple in order to restore his body to its original state, but what made Andre despair was that he couldn't do it.

The power of the 'god' can push him forward and give him everything he doesn't have, but it can never bring things back to the beginning.

He sacrificed a lot of knights in the temple, but they all failed in the end. From full of hope at the beginning to despair at the end, he felt disgusted with this "eternal" life.

Andre tried to commit suicide, but his life seemed to no longer belong to him after the gods 'given' him a gift. He had tried many methods, but none of them could terminate his life.

He tried to use prayer again, but he didn't know if it was because the 'god' had a higher demand for the soul after each sacrifice, or because his dirty soul was rejected by the 'god', he Neither can return to eternity.

During his many years in the temple, he searched through all the ancient books, looking for ways to break the 'curse', but found nothing.

Finally, from the mouth of an ancient priest, it was learned that "the person who untied the bell still needs to tie the bell", and things started because of "who" and went away because of "who".

When they saw this, everyone in the cinema hall, including Shu Peien, sighed. Thinking of Andre's high-spirited appearance in the early years, and thinking of his current situation, they couldn't help sighing.

Lani finally made a comeback, and she brought a devastating blow to the temple.

Looking down from a high place, the camera can see the vast and wide land. Human beings are as small as ants, but they are willing to die for their beliefs.

Under the lingering clouds and mist, Pope Andre personally marched, and the knights of the Holy See were majestic and determined to eradicate heresy. Ironically, their symbol of theocracy was already worse than death.

The witch fluttered her wings and descended from the sky, dispelling the haze and bringing a shadow that covered the sky and the sun.

Many people in the movie theater have seen this scene in the trailer of "God's Salvation", but when they actually saw it in the movie, it gave people a feeling of excitement far better than the once short three-minute Fast Food' style lead film.

With the foreshadowing of layers of stories in the early stage, Lan Ni's accident at this moment almost made people like Shu Peien unable to help themselves.

"Finally, I see you again, Andre."

Compared with the time when she flew away from the central square of the temple many years ago, Lanny is more imposing now.

If it is said that Lan Ni who appeared earlier was just showing her talents, then she is undoubtedly extremely dangerous at this time.

Her image is gorgeous, and her aura rises again and again. When Shu Peien thought that she was "demonized" and angry after being deceived earlier, that Yimu was the acme of her "domineering" scene, then at this time Jiang Se once again Refresh his views.

Her long hair danced wildly with the bitter wind, and her eyes were full of teasing. This kind of indifference was far more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people than the hostility revealed on the outside.

Many years ago, she was a girl who hid under the statue of the gods, waiting for Andre to redeem her. She was once a gift from Andre as a sacrifice to God, weak and powerless.

But now, she is an invincible demon, with hatred engulfing her heart, making her invincible!

She held Andre in her hand, and the knight's long sword could not leave any scars on her body.

She pinched Andre with her fingertips, grabbed him and flew into the clouds, and the people in the temple on the ground were still trying to save His Majesty the Pope.

"Kill the devil, kill the devil..."

The knights and believers shouted slogans, and Andre's neck was strangled, but he was extremely calm.

Facing this 'devil' that everyone fears, he carefully scrutinized her expression.

The black mist wrapped around her body was like a lingering ghost, and her snow-white skin looked a little strangely white against the black air.

When he thought of Lanny, it was the way she was huddled under the statue of the god, trembling, waiting for his rescue.

"You can't kill me."

He smiled and said, "This is God's 'gift'." When he said this, he meant something.

Her eyeballs were so black that they were almost blue, with a strange color, inlaid on her pale but tarnished face, like two pools of death, which made people feel chills.

Her slender fingers gripped his throat tightly, but he seemed unaffected:

"I don't need to breathe anymore, I am immortal."

At this moment, Andre's words made Lanny's eyes full of hurricanes, as if a storm was coming and would drown him.

His calm was in stark contrast to her blazing rage.

When everyone in the cinema hall was looking forward to the meeting between the victimized 'devil' and the kind-looking 'priest', the huge irony pierced into the hearts of every moviegoer like a sharp sword.

The victim looked angry and desperate, but the instigator who caused this tragedy was smiling and calm.

"You know, I use you as a sacrifice to obtain eternal life." He stretched out his hand and closed his eyes against the wind. The wind blew through his white and curly hair, but he couldn't perceive this natural force. Boon, he was choked, but he was still talking to Lanny naturally.

Ordinary people live in fear of being dominated and controlled by the 'demon', but he can't perceive her threat, all of this has no meaning to him.

"Shut up!" Lanny raised her chin slightly and pinched him even tighter. Under her bright red lips, her teeth were white and straight. At this moment, her anger was filled with hatred.

Her sharp scream was like a scream after being injured, which made Andre laugh out loud.

"Will the 'devil' also be afraid?" When he said this, he seemed to be provocative, but Shu Peien could hear a bit of envy. The scene of Donald and Jiang Se's rivalry broke out, bringing a very refreshing sensory stimulation .

"Shut up!" she yelled again, "Shut up!"

It was Andre who made her like this, ruined her life, ruined everything about her.

"I'm going to kill you." She murmured softly, not hiding her hatred.

"Dead?" Andre reached out and grabbed her wrist: "Maybe that's what I need."

She really couldn't kill him, no matter what method she used, she couldn't kill him.

Andre was right. He exchanged his innocent soul for "eternal life" from the gods. At this moment, Lanny's despair permeated the entire movie theater.

From a certain point of view, both of them are the ending of "sick and sympathetic", he is trapped in the curse of "eternal life", she is trapped in hatred, and is despised by people, and they are powerless to escape.

She remembered the string of unforgettable spells, which were the 'curse' that brought about a huge change in her life. She had had enough of this kind of life. She began to chant this series of curses: "The supreme priest..."

When Andre heard her chanting this incantation, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud. He laughed so hard that if he had tears, he might have already burst into tears.

"Many years ago, I learned from a Templar named Shireen a series of blessing spells to communicate with the gods. If you recite it, you can get anything you want..."

He started by sacrificing Shirene and gaining the strength and power he dreamed of, and mentioned the matter of saving Lanni:

"...I am cursed and this is putting my life at risk."

Two more in one~!

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