Entertainment News Headlines

Chapter 511 Dismissal

The headline on the front page of Huaxia News today has released the cooperation between Cesare and Tao Cen. In contrast, the friendship between Jiang Se and the famous director seems to be even better.

Jiang Se didn't refute or explain the hot news in China. A single photo was enough to slap Huaxia News in the face.

After all, although Tao Cen participated in the filming of Cesare's movie, she has no friendship with Cesare, let alone the word "old friend".

But she has a good advantage in terms of resources because she participated in the filming of two large-investment commercial films "The Lost City".

Xia Qunchao, who accompanied Jiang Se to sign the contract in Rome, received a call from China Information.

In the domestic news, Huaxia News just posted a news about stepping on Jiang Se and praising Tao Cen. The reporter who was in charge of contacting Xia Chaoqun on the phone spoke cautiously and embarrassedly. In contrast, Xia Chaoqun looked indifferent, listening to her talking about herself. requirements.

"Sister Xia, regarding today's news headline, it was a mistake made by a colleague on the entertainment gossip side, who wrote the wrong headline, and we are currently trying to find a way to remove it."

Dealing with Xia Chaoqun was the most troublesome thing for many entertainment gossip reporters.

She is not enthusiastic, unlike some celebrity managers, who are very friendly to reporters and try their best to win them over, hoping to earn news and popularity for their artists.

Xia Chaoqun didn't need to do all of this. She only needed to sign better endorsements and movies for Jiang Se, which was enough to make the media flock to seek news and gossip from her.

For example, the news of Jiang Se's marriage at the beginning, for example, at this time, Jiang Se's account posted a photo with Cesare.

No matter how much the domestic news media stepped on Jiang Se, Xia Chaoqun was lukewarm. He put down the bait, and the media reporters obediently took the bait.

It's not even easy to get through to her phone. If she answers it, the reporter will be grateful to Dade.

What does the photo of Cesare and Janser mean, most people want to get first-hand news.

"Remove?" Xia Chaoqun asked, "Is there any news that you need to remove?"

The female reporter who was talking to her suddenly became speechless.

The domestic news was so big, it was impossible for Xia Chaoqun to not know about it. She asked the question knowingly at this time, and the reporter on the phone blushed, and stuttered after a long while, unable to speak clearly.

"That's right, in China today, about Director Cesare's cooperation with Tao Cen..."

"Isn't it true that Cesare cooperated with Tao Cen?" Xia Chaoqun asked calmly:

"Why do you want to withdraw?"


The female reporter nodded helplessly:

"But... in the news headline, because the entertainment group is short of manpower, people from other groups were temporarily dispatched. They may not be familiar with some situations, so in the news headline..."

She was still thinking of a way to make up for it. Xia Chaoqun listened to her patiently for a while. In the end, her voice became weaker and she couldn't continue, so she simply apologized:

"I'm sorry, sister Xia. All in all, today's news will be slowly withdrawn later."

"You don't need to circle around with me anymore. What do you want to ask when you call?"

When Xia Chaoqun asked this question, the female reporter breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly:

"Cerse's official account posted a photo with director Cesare. Does this mean that there is also a collaboration between Caesar and Cesare? Is it a new character in "The Lost City 2"?"

"This news, I can guarantee your exclusivity, but at the same time I also have a request."

Xia Chaoqun said calmly:

"Tao Cen's news cannot be withdrawn, and according to this style, during this period of time, keep this news hot." Her request made the female reporter a little confused, and doing so would not be good for Jiang Se. After the Huaxia News news came out today, many people were sneering at Jiang Se. Some people said that even if she had a good relationship with Cesare, it was still Tao Cen, not her, who finally got the role in Cesare's movie. Some people even made fun of Jiang Se for wasting his efforts.

"Are you sure?"

The female reporter was a little uneasy, and asked, Xia Chaoqun smiled and said:

"Do you think I'm joking with you?"

The female reporter covered the phone's talking port, relayed Xia Chaoqun's words to her immediate boss, and then asked Xia Chaoqun at the sign of her boss:

"Then your so-called scoop is..."

"Janser is in Rome and has just signed a Cesare movie."

This kind of news confirmed the speculation of a group of people on the Internet. If Huaxia News released this news first, it would indeed be considered an exclusive. The female reporter looked a little excited and asked:

"Is it "The Lost City 2"?"

"No." Xia Chaoqun said flatly:

"It's "God's Salvation."

After she uttered the news, the reporter from Huaxia News understood her intentions.

Hold Tao Cen high, and keep today's news similar to "the famous director and Tao Cen cooperated and abandoned Jiang Se" for a certain period of time. As soon as the news of Lei's cooperation is released, it will cause more sensation.

It's just that Tao Cen might feel ashamed when the time comes!

Compared with the news that Chen Jiao stepped on Jiang Se, Xia Chaoqun's methods were undoubtedly much more sophisticated, and his open praise and covert fall were enough to damage Tao Cen's reputation and get him into trouble.

After Tao Cen asked Chen Jiao to take down the news, Chen Jiao originally thought it would be very easy to take down the news, but who would have thought that when she called back to China, the domestic reporters who were familiar with her talked about other things , whenever she mentioned that she wanted to remove the news, she always tried to evade it.

And after a while, the topic intensified, and Tao Cen was praised in the news of Huaxia News.

Fortunately, "The Lost City 2" is about to start, Tao Cen hasn't troubled her yet, but she is already very impatient with Chen Jiao.

Chen Jiao spends her days worrying day by day. There has always been news about Tao Cen's filming of "The Lost City 2" in the news. Netizens are also paying a lot of attention to this matter. Under such circumstances, Chen Jiao is also worried. Yes, in mid-July, all of Tao Cen's scenes in "The Lost City 2" have been filmed, and the domestic media has already praised her to a new height.

By the time Tao Cen felt something was wrong, it was already too late!

When Tao Cen's fans were still immersed in the fact that she had made a blockbuster film invested in Europe and the United States and stepped on Jiang Se and was happy, Huaxia News released the news that she had received from Xia Chaoqun earlier: Jiang Se cooperated with a famous director and signed a contract with "God" Redemption!

As soon as the news came out, many Jiang Se fans rejoiced.

During this period of time, after Tao Cen cooperated with Cesare, he frequently appeared in the news, which has made some people feel dissatisfied, especially the media always help Tao Cen step on Jiang Se, thinking that the friendship between Jiang Se and Cesare is not enough To support the cooperation between the two, the news at this time is undoubtedly very satisfying!

"The Lost City 2" hasn't finished filming yet, but Tao Cen's role has already ended. She hasn't returned to China yet. In a restaurant in Australia, she watched the domestic news without saying a word, making Chen Jiao at a loss.

As soon as the news from Huaxia News came out, it had a huge impact on Tao Cen. She had worked so hard for so many years to achieve what she is today, but one piece of news was enough to ruin her years of hard work.

It was not easy to get the chance to get Cesare's movie, but because of Chen Jiao's clever little trick at the time, this opportunity that could have gained a lot of favor was wasted, and she became the laughing stock of some netizens.

She debuted for many years, and has always held a high status in the hearts of the public. After this incident, one can imagine how many people were laughing behind her back, laughing at her being pulled down from the altar.

In addition to the blow to reputation, the most serious thing is some fashion resources and endorsements.

Some international luxury brands have been observing her, and those who intend to cooperate with her may give up their minds after experiencing this incident.

Chen Jiao looked uneasy, with her hands hanging in front of her belly, wanting to admit her mistake:

"Sister Tao, I already called..."

She really called the people from Huaxia News to withdraw the news at that time, but no one expected that not only the news was not withdrawn, but the matter became more and more troublesome.

Now that things have come to an end, Tao Cen can guess who is behind the scenes manipulating the direction of public opinion.

It's almost August now, and this year's "infighting" between myself and Jiang Se has become more and more troubled by the media. It is conceivable that it is already an annual news.

Federer and Jiang Se signed a one-year endorsement contract. After Federer set a precedent for cooperating with Chinese stars, Tao Cen originally intended to compete for the endorsement qualification of Federer's family next year, and has been in contact.

Her resources are not weak, and her status and reputation are sufficient. This year she filmed "The Lost City 2", and next year the first part of "The Lost City" will be released. The amount of topics is already enough, and Federer also maintains the same relationship with Federer's spokesperson in China. It's a pretty good interaction, but now that there's such a news, it's still a question whether Federer will consider himself next year.

When Chen Jiao was still thinking about the 'grievance' between herself and Jiang Se, and using newspapers and magazines to step on people to lift herself up, Xia Chaoqun was already using this matter to pave the way for Jiang Se and restrict her own development.

Tao Cen originally thought that with her means, status, and connections, she no longer needed a powerful agent to add to the cake. The so-called agent would at most work as a senior assistant. At this time, it seemed that she was wrong.

She sighed, feeling that she was really envious of Jiang Se at the moment.


If Xia Chaoqun was still by her side, would today's events have turned out completely differently?

She doesn't need to deal with these troubles, all she has to do is to move forward as hard as she can, and she doesn't need to be entangled by small things.

Xia Chaoqun resigned from her managerial position that day, did she also expect that one day, there would be disputes between Jiang Se and her because of various resources and the title of China's number one actress, so make a choice early in advance to avoid What about today's situation?

Tao Cen picked up the phone, called his financial planner, and asked her to transfer a sum of money to another account.

Chen Jiao has been with her for a while, and when she heard her say this, a bad premonition welled up in her heart.

She hung up the phone, looked at Chen Jiao and said:

"I have enough manpower here. Luo Ao from the company called me before and said that there are other artists who need you to bring. We have cooperated for a while, and I have someone transfer a sum of money to your account. I'll pay you extra."

"Sister Tao, are you going to drive me away?"

Chen Jiao panicked when her guess was confirmed.

Tao Cen is the top actress of Century Galaxy, and as her manager, the annual share of her income is already equivalent to bringing countless artists.

During the time she was with Tao Cen, Chen Jiao's income was not much worse than that of a starlet, and her conditions were much better than before, so she naturally didn't want to leave.

What's more, if she is driven away by Tao Cen, not only will her income shrink, but at the same time, the company may hide her, and the promising newcomers may not be handed over to her, which is equivalent to ruining her career prospects.

She wanted to plead again, but Tao Cen didn't even want to talk to her.

She still needs to clean up the domestic mess, and she needs to pick up the goodwill of some manufacturers that she has lost. She has not given up on Federer's endorsement, and she will take on other movies in the future. Put it on talking nonsense with Chen Jiao.

Asking the assistant to stop Chen Jiao, Tao Cen frowned:

"I'll let someone fix the opportunity for you to go back to China. You can leave tonight."

Chen Jiao still wanted to intercede, but the moment the assistant saw Tao Cen turn around, he already understood her intention.

Eight o'clock in the evening in Huaxia, for Feng Nan, is the most beautiful time of the day.

Tonight, Feng Nan put a lot of thought into inviting Huo Zhiming to have dinner at a roast duck restaurant, and wanted to discuss cooperation with him by the way.

In fact, she has been in a bad mood recently. She accidentally learned from Feng Shiyong that the original Feng Nan was kidnapped when she was young. She remembered Xiao Liu's reminder and scolded Xiao Liu at that time. Call back to inquire again, but Xiao Liu refuses to say more.

She didn't dare to ask too many questions, for fear of showing her feet, so she has been looking for someone to investigate in private recently.

On the other hand, the release of "Revenge" did not cause waves as she had imagined. Instead, it was sandwiched between the releases of "Devil" and "Accidental Events", and it didn't even make a splash.

The gimmicks of "virgin director show" and "low-budget film but not inferior to big production" that she originally wanted to hype are far less than the fight between Jiang Se and Tao Cen that the audience loves to watch more.

For her, even if "Revenge" is scolded by others, it is better than no one cares too much. Her first self-directed and self-acted performance lost to timing and reality. Less than Renhe.

In the end, although the box office of "Revenge" did not lose money, it did not make as much profit as Feng Nan originally imagined. After seeing the poor box office of this movie, the theater chain cut the release of "Revenge".

Dong Mingsheng also took the opportunity to turn his face and refused to invest in her next movie.

After experiencing these things, Feng Nan also figured it out. It is still too difficult for her to write, direct and act on her own.

Insufficient funds, contacts, and status, and her family's lack of support for her made her film career difficult. On the contrary, Jiang Se debuted at the same time as her, but now she is far better than her.

She decided to let go of her plan to make movies for the time being, and shoot other people's movies first. After accumulating a certain amount of popularity and money, when she has money, she no longer needs to look at Dong Mingsheng's face. Naturally, more people want to hold the money came to invest in her.

Double more in one

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