Cesare's schedule in France is very tight, and he is not expected to stay for a long time. The audition time he sent is set for tomorrow afternoon.

The role of 'Shirin' that he was willing to audition for Jiang Se only appeared in the early stage of "The Prisoner", which can be regarded as a small role that affects the plot. However, because the movie "Prisoner" is directed by Cesare, once Jiang Se Confirming the role will undoubtedly be of great benefit to her career.

So after Jiang Se returned to the hotel from the charity gala, he took out the original version of "The Prisoner" that Cesare had lent to him and read it again.

She has read this novel too many times, and Jiang Se can almost recite the storyline in it backwards.

She also knew the fate of the main characters in the book by heart, but just in case, Jiang Se read the book from beginning to end first, and wrote down the places where 'Shirin' appeared, and prepared to read the book from beginning to end. Take your time and research it again before the audition.

Cesare did not give her the script, but according to Janser's estimate, based on his love for "The Prisoner", it is unlikely that he will drastically change the script. Most of the outlines and roles of the characters should follow the original work.

Mo Anqi brought a pen and paper for Jiang Se so that she could take notes. Xia Chaoqun was still in touch with the people in the company to check the comments after the release of "Devil" in China.

At this time, it was almost three o'clock in Huaxia, and the first batch of viewers who finished watching "Devil" had already started to rate it online.

In the film database, the score of "Devil" has rarely reached 95, and the number of people who rated it has reached 30,000.

It is conceivable that with the momentum after the film is released, the number of people who rate it will continue to increase, even if the score will decrease with the increase in the number of people who rate it, but according to this trend, it should remain above 90 points. It's already a pretty high standard.

In the database, many film critics who watched the premiere began to post:

Film critic Han Rui: The whole film is full of coherence and fierceness. Liu Ye's transformation is quite successful. The first time he played with Zhang Yuqin played by Jiang Se, he was so excited that he got goosebumps all over his body. It was very impressive. After watching it, I even forgot for a moment what kind of positive role Liu Ye played before. It is conceivable that the role of "Luo Shen" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the "Best Actor" of the French Film Festival The award is well deserved, congratulations Liu Ye!

Feng Bushuo: With gripping tension, when Shu Peien was admiring "Devil", domestic audiences accused him of preconceived notions, and now they feel that Teacher Shu's words are indeed true. Jiang Se performed Zhang Yuqin's love for her daughter, her "regret" after losing her daughter, and her "ruthless" revenge, but what moved me the most was that she was smiling at the end of the film, but people couldn't see the vitality those eyes. The French Film Festival owes her a 'Best Actress' award. "Devil" can be said to be the pinnacle of Jiang Se's career as an actor, and she is afraid that it will be difficult for her to create a miracle.

There are not many people who hold the same conclusion like the film critic 'Feng Bushuo'. In the film database, many people are very sure of Jiang Se's acting skills in "Devil", but at the same time many people also think that she has It is difficult for a film like Devil to break through itself.

Many people even predicted that this might be the most outstanding film in Jiang Se's acting career, and Jiang Se could not play a better role than "Zhang Yuqin".

In addition, there are also exaggerated props that are realistic. In the scene where Zhuzhu's body was found, many people screamed.

Naturally, there is no need to mention the male and female leading roles, but the makeup artists and artists of the crew are also very serious about the details. With the plot, all aspects are considered thoroughly, which is the reason for the success of this movie and Huaxia's production of this masterpiece.

Xia Chaoqun took a quick look at the online reviews, and the domestic reviews were overwhelmingly positive. Jiang Se's reputation and status had once again improved significantly after the release of "Devil".

As for the remarks made by people on the Internet that "it will be difficult for Jiang Se to make a breakthrough after 'Zhang Yuqin'", Xia Chaoqun ignored it.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for Jiang Se. She is busy reading novels, and she wants to sort out a detailed outline of the character 'Shirin' in "The Prisoner" to meet the test of Cesare tomorrow.

Seeing her seriousness, Mo Anqi felt a little distressed. The hotel brought a midnight snack, but Jiang Se didn't dare to eat it if he wanted to maintain his figure.

"Thurse, since Director Cesare gave you such an audition opportunity, he has a good impression of you. You have read the novel "Prisoner" so many times, why do you need to take extra notes? Why don't you go to bed early, Keep your spirits up and prepare for tomorrow's audition, and perform better."

Jiang Se was busy reading, while she helped Jiang Se massage his shoulders and neck, so that Jiang Se could sit more comfortably.

"The fact that Cesare gave me the chance to audition does not mean that I have already won the role of 'Shirin' in "The Prisoner". The reason why he has a good impression of me is because he has seen my sincerity."

Because of "The Lost City", Jiang Se's earnest internship in the Department of Archeology left a good impression on Cesare, and it was one of the important reasons why he finally agreed to give Jiang Se an audition.

For a director like Cesare, there are a lot of actresses with good acting skills, but the reason why Jiang Se can get his friendship is because of her serious character and conduct.

"The Prisoner" is based on religion, and the story setting is modeled on Renaissance Italy.

At that time, Italy was nominally under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire, but those in power were only keen to expand their power and territory. They only ruled Italy in name, which caused Italy to fall into political division. The church took the opportunity to expand, and religious theology monopolized culture and religious power. Invading the regime, people believed in theology and were obsessed with it.

In the original text, a lot of words were used to describe such a background, which made people feel quite boring at first reading. This is also the reason why the novel "Prisoner" has not been a big hit since it was released on the market.

Andre is a bishop in a small town. In addition to handling some religious affairs in the town and giving some enlightenment to the residents of the town, his greatest wish is to leave the small town and enter a larger church to serve God.

Until one day, his life began to change after his town accepted 'Shirin' who was seriously injured in the operation to eliminate heresies and witches.

He saved Shirene, and Shirene was grateful, and revealed to him a secret that could change Andre's life, that is, in the process of eliminating heresy, she accidentally got a spell that could pray to God for blessings. Under the sacrifice of 'the purest soul', pray to God, and you can get what you want.

After Andre learned the news, he was ecstatic.

He has served the Holy See for many years in his life. If there were no accidents in this life, it would be too difficult for him to enter the Holy See Center and then get promoted. After learning the news, he deceived Shirene's trust and coaxed her to say After casting this spell, using Shireen as a sacrifice, in exchange for God's wish to be promoted to Pope, God finally appeared.

The first update~! ! !

Wang cried!

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