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Chapter 459 Falling in Love

After "Accidental Events" was finished, when Shu Peien came out of the movie theater, the phone just turned on, and a lot of notifications rang in a hurry.

Until then, Shu Peien didn't know what kind of shock the news from Longxing Studio had caused in China.

One was that he was mentioned in the news, and the other was that the news mentioned what he had said, about "Devil" being able to beat "Accident" to win the award at the French Film Festival.

In the past few years, apart from Zhang Jing'an's films that have become famous internationally, few domestic films have won awards in such a grand occasion as the International Film Festival.

For domestic audiences, the awards of the French Film Festival are out of reach. Apart from having extraordinary significance for filmmakers, this grand festival is more like a red carpet show for domestic stars.

When the media go to the film festival, they are more often interested in talking about the dresses of the actresses and making positive comments. In contrast, they don't seem to care much about which films will participate.

Most of the time, it is more like a prop to elevate one's status, but this year is different, this year because of Ning Zhanping's "Accident", especially in which Tao Cen is the leading actress.

Needless to say, Tao Cen's status in China, if the domestic people think that any actress in China can win awards and rankings in the International Film Festival, then the whole of China thinks that apart from Tao Cen, there is no Be second thought.

But now the website under the name of Longxing Studio has issued a news, mentioning Shu Peien's comments on "Devil", and the consequences can be imagined.

If another person had said such a thing, it might not have caused such a big disturbance, but Schuppen was the one who commented.

Who is Schuppen? He is the leading film critic in China, and the only domestic film critic invited by the French Film Festival instead of applying for it. From this we can see his status.

All the movies he has reviewed are high-quality without exception, and they are good movies that can stand the audience's word-of-mouth and box office proof.

Now he said that the movie "Devil" can win an award, which naturally attracted the attention of domestic audiences.

On the one hand, it aroused the great interest of domestic audiences in this year's French Film Festival. After all, it is a good thing that domestic films can win awards, especially for such an international film festival. In a fight, the fans of both sides are unwilling to obey the other.

Shu Peien's assistant called across the ocean and told him about the matter:

"Mr. Shu, netizens are very enthusiastic about this matter, and the number of people following it is also increasing. Would you like to post an explanation?"

Shu Peien was a little unhappy. He is a film critic. In his life, he will inevitably meet people who disagree with his comments. For a person of his age, he doesn't care much about the abuse from netizens, but he doesn't like domestic newspapers and magazines. Reports that deliberately exaggerate and distort the facts pick and choose his words to make a compelling story.

In order to gain traffic and attention, we will do everything we can!

"No need! I am really optimistic about the movie "Devil". It is not difficult for Liu Ye and Jiang Se to win awards for their performances in it."

He probably knows the names of the directors and films participating in this year's film festival. Even though this is the first day of the film festival, the excellence of the film "Devil" is there. Even if the number of viewers at the premiere is not good, but Once the word of mouth comes out, it will become popular sooner or later.

In contrast, "Accidental Events" is indeed a bit dull.

It is precisely because Ning Zhanping's filming is too standard and Tao Cen's performance is also what he expected, so there is no such big surprise as "Devil".

"Let's go with what they say. After watching today's movie, I will write a movie review later. Although the news is exaggerated, it's not nonsense. I really like "Devil" better than "Accident."

His acknowledgment made the assistant dumbfounded. During the overseas phone call, Shu Peien didn't talk nonsense with the assistant, and hung up the phone after explaining the matter.

After watching the movie I was going to watch today, I went back to the hotel to wash up, turned on my portable computer, and logged on to the Internet to write a movie review. It was almost 9:30 French time.

It is already early morning in China, but there are still many people who are waiting for the 'truth' and are still awake, and some people are constantly scrolling through Shu Peien's homepage.

According to his personality, if he really likes a movie, he will post a movie review as a souvenir after watching it.

If what is said in today's news is true, then Shu Peien will definitely post a review of "Devil" tonight.

It was late at night, and many Huaxia netizens were still holding their mobile phones or computers, refreshing Shu Peien's homepage over and over again, some of them were fans who cared about Liu Ye, and some were fans of Jiang Se , and some people who support Tao Cen and "Accidents" want to wait for Schuppen to give a result.

Tao Tao was also in this group of people, her expression was a little depressed.

After watching "The Devil" with Su Min today, when she came out and was waiting to take a photo with Jiang Se, she happened to see Shu Peien, and naturally she didn't miss the scene where he praised Liu Ye and Jiang Se.

As a keen media person at that moment, she instinctively recorded it, wrote the manuscript and sent it back to China.

But the original title of the manuscript she sent was not like this. She just thought seriously that "Devil" was praised by Schuppen, and said that Schuppen predicted that "Demon" was very likely to win an award at the French Film Festival.

But after the release of this press release in China, it changed its meaning. It intentionally provoked a dispute between the fans of the two movies, and the incident even ignited Tao Cen and Jiang Se.

For Tao Tao, such a result made her very unhappy, and she was not in the mood when watching a movie in the afternoon.

Su Min didn't know how to comfort her. The boss wanted to increase the popularity of Longxing Studio, and it was common to change the headline of the news to attract attention. It's a pity that Tao Tao was too serious.

After she returned to the hotel, she also refreshed Shu Peien's community account and "Time Review" Shu Peien's homepage. After today's incident, Shu Peien has not spoken out. Tao Tao actually hopes that Shu Peien can stand up for the scolded Jiang Se. two sentences.

At nearly ten o'clock, the homepage of Shu Peien in "Time Review" was finally updated. He expressed his attitude with a very eye-catching title:

My fate with "Devil" made me fall in love with this movie and the person who filmed her and played her!

Under the eye-catching text, there is a poster signed by Liu Ye and Jiang Se. Facing the waiting and doubts of netizens, Shu Peien did not shrink back, did not hesitate to talk about other things, but completely expressed his attitude and confessed "Devil" this movie!

Obviously I can rely on my face to make a living, but I have to work hard to write my words to beg for the monthly pass in your hand.

This is the difference between me and Mingming!

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