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Chapter 298 Interview

Before Tao Tao left, the boss was afraid that Jiang Se would practice Tai Chi, so he refused to answer the rumors about "coercing" Liu Ye to make a movie. He even taught Tao Tao how to use clichés and asked useful information.

Unexpectedly, after coming here, no method was used. First, she was so excited to see the idol that the boss almost forgot all the previous explanations.

Secondly, it was also because Jiang Se had an unusually good attitude, and she almost said everything without her 'tricks'.

She and Liu Ye do have a film to make, and the new film is already in the reserve stage, and even the investment has been in place.

In the end, Tao Tao didn't ask Jiang Se what method to persuade Liu Ye. When she saw Jiang Se's thinner appearance and knew that she was preparing for a new play, she knew it in her heart.

Twenty minutes passed quickly. To Tao Tao, this short twenty minutes of getting along was like a dream.

She felt a little regretful, a pity, but she couldn't delay any longer. Jiang Se would have an interview later, and when Mo Anqi looked at her watch frequently, Tao Tao knew it was time.

When she was sent out of the room by Mo Anqi, she was still carefully arranging the recording pen, which was related to the manuscript she was going to write next. This was also the first official interview between her and Jiang Se. It doesn't mean the same thing to her.

When she went back, the colleagues in the studio looked at her with envy. The boss learned that she had asked for the exact news, and specially agreed to write this report by her.

Many senior colleagues who met before but couldn't say hello, took the initiative to call at this time to ask her to share some interview results.

On the news media run by Longxing Studio, Tao Tao did not hide her fan status and wrote this exclusive interview.

'My acquaintance with Miss Jiang Se came from the opening ceremony of "The Grand Event in Peking". Because of a coincidence, I was qualified to interview Jiang Se for the first time, and I remembered her in my heart. '

'At that time, I had just joined the job, and I was stuttering with my seniors, and I couldn't even speak well in the opening speech. After the ceremony, I couldn't restrain my inner excitement, and when I sneaked to see her, she recognized me right away. '

She typed out each word on the computer seriously, "I have paid attention to her news, I was crazy because of her, and I didn't think about getting something in return, but the moment she called out my name, it was like someone Fireworks bloom in my heart. '

‘Recently there have been a lot of rumors about her on the Internet, and I was fortunate enough to get a chance to interview her face to face. When I felt a little uneasy because a newcomer interviewed her, she just played it lightly and made no secret that she is also a newcomer. Talking about the rumors of cooperation with Liu Ye, she generously admitted that she and Liu Ye will soon have a new script to cooperate with. '

'I didn't ask about everyone's doubts about her qualifications to cooperate with Liu Ye, because I felt that the moment I saw her, some questions no longer needed to be asked. For this new film, she has been preparing for nearly a year. She knows where her weaknesses are, and she doesn't shy away from talking about them. She faces her weaknesses calmly and works hard to overcome them. With the goddess in "The Ninety-ninth Love Letter", she amazed everyone, but she didn't get mixed up in this circle just because of her beauty. '

"The Cardamom played by her in "The Grand Event in Peking" has already made her debut, but her aggressiveness does not stop there. '

'She devoted herself wholeheartedly to the new film co-produced with Liu Ye. The moment we met, I couldn't believe my eyes. She had changed a lot, as if she had been completely reborn. Except for the same temperament between her eyebrows and eyes, that resolute look remained the same, almost completely different from her before. people. '

During the conversation, she understated the efforts she had made for the new film, and spent a lot of time practicing every day. Knowing that her acting skills were not enough, she persevered in going to the Grand Theater to study. She used to be boring day after day. Doing the same thing tediously, finally won the actor's approval with perseverance and agreed to star in the film with her. '

'After writing this, I can't help but start to re-examine the word 'idol'. '

"In the beginning, the impression of 'idol' in my mind was just a vague beauty and temperament, but after a few short encounters with Jiang Se, I felt that the word 'idol' should not be so superficial. . '

‘It’s like Jiang Se, hard work, hard work, and vigorous aggressiveness, like a role model, leading me to learn from her. '

'In addition to the beautiful appearance, the resolute character, the positive attitude, and the rare normal heart, not because of the fame, I am superior to others. The rumors on the Internet seem to have nothing to do with her. She is in the middle of the game, but she sees it as an outsider. '

‘Before the interview, I was always worried about her, but after the interview, I found that there was nothing to worry about. Attitude determines success or failure. When the film is released, facts will always be better than sophistry. '

Tao Tao did it in one go. After writing this interview, she read it again and was very satisfied.

She was still wearing headphones to listen to the recording of herself and Jiang Se. She had listened to the recording over and over for nearly two hours in just 20 minutes.

"Peach, are you still listening?"

Su Min at the desk next door patted her, Tao Tao blushed a little and took off the earphones, and called out in a low voice:

"Miss Su."

She likes Jiang Se very much, the more she knows and contacts, just like what she wrote in her interview, the more fascinated she is by Jiang Se.

In the recording, Jiang Se’s voice is not too fast or too slow. She has a very good voice, like moistening and silent drizzle, as if there is nothing worth panicking about. That kind of calm, Tao Tao felt okay during the interview. At this time The feeling of listening to the recording is even deeper.

She has listened to the recording seven or eight times, Su Min shook her head:

"The boss is calling you, asking if your manuscript is finished."

Tao Tao heard this, and hurriedly sent the written manuscript to the boss' mailbox.

She is still a little jerky in interviewing people face to face, but her interviews are unexpectedly full of charm, and you can see her profound writing skills.

I don't know if it's because she likes Jiang Se, but she has written Jiang Se's image into the woods through words. There is almost nothing worth modifying in this interview. When Longxing Studio put Tao Tao's interview on the news In just 30 minutes, it had already been reposted nearly 20,000 times!

This is of course the relationship between Liu Ye and Jiang Se who stood on the cusp of the storm all day, which made the news go viral as soon as it came out. At the same time, some people remembered Tao Tao who wrote this interview.

A large number of netizens poured into the webpage to leave messages and comments. This is the achievement of the website of Longxing Studio since its establishment.

Tao Tao became a hot topic in the company immediately. The boss praised her by name at the company meeting, but what made her happiest was not the boss's compliment, nor the promotion and salary increase promised by the boss, but the many netizens in the company. She left a message under the interview: Through your words, I met a brand new Jiang Se, and began to think about the meaning of the word "idol". I look forward to the release of Jiang Se's new film, and I also look forward to seeing the girl you mentioned in the film. Where is the real change.

First update~~~

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