Entertaining Children

Chapter 386 The woman suspected of being a robber

"This set of jewelry is specially borrowed by Danny to match the outfit of my main show at this press conference. It can't be kept in the safe all the time, right?" Yin Xi smiled.

"In order to avoid accidents, Danny specially invited two security guards for this set of jewelry," Yin Xi pouted to a corner of the backstage, then covered his mouth and whispered, "They also carry guns, otherwise you think Will I agree to you coming to this press conference so easily?"

Xiao Yao looked in the direction of Yin Xi's pouted mouth, and found that there were two more men in jackets backstage at some point. But after seeing their appearance clearly, Xiao Yao was a little surprised and said: "Those two are professional security personnel?"

Among the two standing in the corner, the black man with gray hair and beard looked almost sixty years old. The other Caucasian man was a middle-aged man, but the big belly exposed by the open jacket was not much worse than that of a pregnant woman who was five or six months pregnant. From the appearance, these two are more like building managers than professional security personnel.

"No way," Yin Xi smiled wryly, "There are a lot of big-name stars in New York Fashion Week. Recently, the private security business in New York has increased, and Danny is not particularly rich. He has spent almost all his savings for this conference. , only these two can be invited. However, press conferences rarely become the targets of lawbreakers, and he invited these two just for appearance and to act as a deterrent."

"Although it is said that people should not be judged by their appearance, since it is used as a front and a deterrent, will these two have a deterrent effect?" Xiao Yao shook his head.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yao took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hi, Tim, I'm Yang, do you remember me?" Xiao Yao immediately greeted with a smile when the phone was connected.

"Of course, how could I forget you?" Tim Haggis on the other end of the phone said with a smile.

"Great," Xiao Yao said happily, "Are you still in the New York branch? Are you working now?"

"Of course I'm still in New York, and I'm not on duty now." Tim Haggis said, "Are you still in New York? I heard from the boss two days ago that you asked about the case last year. Do you want to find a bodyguard again? ? If it's you, I'm willing to work overtime, but the premise is to get the approval of the bureau and the boss first."

"No, no, no, I didn't ask you to be my bodyguard, I don't need it!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Since you are not working, I would like to invite you to watch a fashion show. The address is in Midtown West Emerald Palace on Ninth Avenue, call me when you come, and I’ll take you in, it’s free! I’ll treat you to a drink after I’m done. You helped me a lot last time, and I left in a hurry , I haven’t thanked you well yet, would you like to give me this opportunity to express my gratitude to you?”

"Are you buying me a drink? You don't seem to have reached the legal drinking age yet?" Tim Haggis said deliberately.

"Come on, are there still few people in the United States who have drunk alcohol under the age of 21? Besides, I am from China, and we in China do not have a legal drinking age." Xiao Yao said, "I used to be at Keith Craig's house I have also drank alcohol. If you are worried, I can invite you to a restaurant or a hotel bar, and I will invite you to drink, and I will drink non-alcoholic beverages myself."

"Well, I don't care about drinking or anything, but I'd love to see you again!" Tim Haggis said with a smile, "I've given you the address a few times, and I'll be there in about half an hour."

"The press conference will start in ten minutes." Xiao Yao said, "But it doesn't matter, call me when you arrive, and I will pick you up, and you can enter the venue halfway."

"Okay, see you then." Tim Haggis was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait," Xiao Yao said hastily, "It's best to bring your police badge and gun. You can carry these things with you even when you're not on duty, right?"

"Why did you bring those to the press conference?" Tim Haggis wondered, "Is there any danger? The boss said that 99% of Mary is not in the United States."

"No, I'm not worried about Mary." Xiao Yao said, "It's just that the model of the main show at this press conference is one of my older sisters, and she doesn't believe that I have a friend who is an FBI agent in the United States, so I want you to bring Put on the police badge and gun, and prove it to her when the time comes."

"Haha," Tim Haggis laughed loudly, "I'm still guessing why you called me suddenly. It turned out that you wanted to show off in front of others. Well, as you wish!"

"Thank you, see you later." Saying that, Xiao Yao hung up the phone.

"Hey, come here for a free professional!" Xiao Yao proudly raised the phone in his hand to Yin Xi. Assassin's Legend

"Professionals?" Yin Xi recalled the content of Xiao Yao's phone call, and then responded, "Do you still know people from the FBI?"

"Yes," Xiao Yao nodded, "It's a pity that I didn't think of it, otherwise he could come with us and protect us all the way. But he will arrive in half an hour, and it is almost the same as you wearing this set of jewelry When the time comes, I will feel more at ease when he is there.”

"You didn't listen to me telling you to go back to China, but instead you helped me find bodyguards?" Yin Xi looked at Xiao Yao and said.

This set of jewelry does not belong to Yin Xi, and if it is robbed, it is not Yin Xi's responsibility. But the jewelry is worn on Yin Xi most of the time. If someone really wants to snatch it, it is likely to be when the jewelry is still on Yin Xi, and it is likely to cause some harm to Yin Xi, so Xiao Yao went to the FBI The purpose of the agents coming here was also obvious.

"After your show is over, I'll bring him backstage." Xiao Yao didn't answer, and changed the subject, "After the press conference is over, you return the jewelry to Danny and go back to the hotel first, and I'll go drink with Tim. When it's over, let him take me back to his hotel. Tim is an FBI agent with a gun, and with him, you shouldn't have to worry about my safety, right?"

"Oh~" Yin Xi sighed, waved his hands and said, "You can do whatever you say."

"Well, I'm going to the bathroom." Xiao Yao rubbed his nose and slipped away again.

Xiao Yao left the performance hall of the press conference and followed the signs to the bathroom. When passing by a young Caucasian woman in a silver dress with long straight black hair in the corridor, Xiao Yao suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu, so he immediately stopped and looked back.

When the two passed by just now, they both saw each other's face. If they were really acquaintances, even if they didn't think of it for a while, they should subconsciously look back. But when Xiao Yao looked back, he found that the young woman did not turn back like him at all, and turned directly into the performance hall of the press conference. Xiao Yao took it as his own illusion, shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly, and continued to go to the bathroom.

When Xiao Yao came back from the bathroom, the press conference was about to start. At this time, warm-up music was playing on the speakers at the press conference, and the audience had been allowed to enter the arena long ago, and the auditorium was almost full. Xiao Yao went backstage to look at Yin Xi, and after finding nothing unusual, he went to the auditorium in the front performance hall and sat down.

The layout of this press conference is the same as that of most fashion shows. There is also a runway in the middle for models to show, and the seats in the auditorium are arranged around the runway in the middle, and the distance is very close. Xiao Yao's seat is the first row closest to the runway on the right side of the middle part of the straight section of the runway, so after Xiao Yao sits down, he can clearly see the first two rows of audience seats on the other side of the runway across the way The faces of the audience. And when Xiao Yao looked up, he found that the young woman he met in the corridor to the bathroom was sitting opposite him, also in the first row. It's just that she turned her head to the side at this time, and Xiao Yao could only see her side face.

Although it was just a side profile, Xiao Yao felt a familiar feeling in his heart again, so he raised the camera in his hand, pressed the shutter on the young woman opposite, and took a picture of her profile.

The light at the press conference is relatively dark. To take clear photos, you generally need to turn on the flash. When Xiao Yao took pictures, he also turned on the flash. The young woman felt the flash of light on the opposite side, she turned her head to look over naturally, and just in time saw Xiao Yao who just lowered his hands holding the camera and showed his face.

The young woman obviously noticed that Xiao Yao didn't intend to cover up the candid filming, but there was no angry expression on her face. Instead, Zhanyan smiled at Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao also knew that the other party had noticed her behavior, raised the camera in his hand, and politely smiled back, but he recalled this smile that was more familiar to him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this Daniel Alter's personal brand launch event!" Before Xiao Yao could remember, the music in the live speakers stopped, and the voice of the host sounded like a narration.

At the start of the press conference, Xiao Yao also calmed down a little, and turned his attention to the entrance of the channel where the models appeared.

The background music of the press conference sounded, and the models wearing the clothes to be displayed also appeared one after another and walked onto the runway.

The eyes of the audience sitting on both sides of the straight line of the catwalk are following the models walking on the catwalk, so as the models appear on the catwalk, the audience in these two areas also moves from left to right or Turn your head from right to left. Sitting in this area, every time Xiao Yao turns his head, he can't help but take another look at the young Caucasian woman in the opposite auditorium. The sense of familiarity is getting stronger and stronger, but I can't remember when and where I saw that woman, and I can't remember who that woman is. My 26 year old CEO wife

When the whole catwalk went on for about ten minutes, the background music in the sound system of the press conference changed, and there was a sound of an airplane taking off. A flash of inspiration flashed in Xiao Yao's mind, and he almost jumped out of his seat in fright. Xiao Yao finally figured out why he felt familiar with that young woman, and he found that that woman was very similar to the female robber named Mary who escaped in the single hijacking case last year.

Although Xiao Yao still remembered the appearance of the robber, but the female robber at that time had golden curly hair, and the woman opposite had long straight black hair at this time, and compared with the face seen on the plane at that time When she woke up, her eyebrows became more slender, her lips looked thicker, and her cheeks were a little thinner, so Xiao Yao only felt familiar when he first saw her, but he couldn't remember it.

The color and straightness of the hair can be changed, the thickness of the eyebrows and the thickness of the lips can also be changed through makeup. She doesn’t even need to wear a wig or plastic surgery, just change these three places, plus the cheek part after more than a year Normal changes in fat and thin can give people a completely different feeling.

If it hadn't been troubled by the case last year, Xiao Yao had unconsciously recalled the appearance of the female robber many times, and he wouldn't have felt familiar. After hearing the reminder of the sound of the plane in the background music, Xiao Yao overlapped the two faces in his mind for comparison, and finally found that the face shape, eyes, nose, mouth and ears and other parts that are not easy to change between the two were surprisingly consistent. Through his own familiarity with makeup effects, he changed the makeup of the woman's eyebrows and lipstick in his mind, and changed the color of the hair. Xiao Yao judged that the woman was probably the robber Mary who escaped from the plane robbery last year. .

There was no photo of the escaped robber in that case back then, and the police arrest warrant was nothing more than a hand-painted portrait of Xiao Yao, and she had disappeared for more than a year, and the public had long forgotten her image. The media is speculating on gossip news, not to help the police solve the case, so even if it was recently revealed that Xiao Yao was the one who subdued the plane robber, the case of last year was revisited by media reporters, everyone is interested Xiao Yao was not the escaped female robber in the case back then, and few media outlets republished the wanted portraits back then.

Under the current situation, if the external image is really changed, it is not too inconceivable that the female robber Mary dared to show her face, so Xiao Yao discovered that the young woman sitting opposite was very similar to the female robber. Only when she was looking for Mary, did she have a shocked expression on her face, almost jumping up in fright.

Seeing the woman on the opposite side looking over, Xiao Yao quickly suppressed the surprised expression on his face, turned his head to look at the model appearing at the end of the runway, and at the same time began to quickly calculate in his heart.

"If that woman is really the robber who escaped back then, what is the purpose of her appearing here?"

Came here on your own? Although the incident has passed for more than a year, as Yin Xi said, women are resilient, easy to get into a dead end, and have a strong desire for revenge, so it is not impossible for her to appear here to take revenge on herself. But she is a woman, if she doesn't have a gun in her hand, I don't fear her at all. If you have a gun in your hand, it seems that the best opportunity to do it is in the corridor just now. In such a crowded place now, she could easily find a shield. As long as the first shot missed her, after the scene was chaotic, it was impossible for her to injure herself again.

"If it's not for yourself? Then it's for money."

Xiao Yao remembered hearing from Alan Hall that the female robber was a member of a robbery gang who had robbed jewelry stores and banks.

"But this is neither a jewelry store nor a bank. Wait, jewelry!" Xiao Yao suddenly remembered the set of jewelry on Yin Xi's dressing table. Ordinary jewelry stores are much more cost-effective!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yao couldn't sit still anymore, got up quietly, and slipped out of the performance hall of the press conference.

Xiao Yao's first reaction was to go backstage to find Yin Xi. But in the end, it was just Xiao Yao's suspicion and guess that the woman was the escaped robber Mary, and he didn't have any real evidence. If I found a female audience in the auditorium who looked like a robber and asked to interrupt the press conference and asked Yin Xi to leave immediately with me, neither Yin Xi nor Daniel Alter would agree.

In the absence of a better solution, Xiao Yao could only hope that Tim Haggis would come quickly, and after bringing Tim Haggis into the arena, let him secretly stare at the woman. In order to save time, Xiao Yao quietly left the performance hall of the press conference, went to the gate to wait and greet Tim Haggis.

On the way out of the performance hall to the gate of the "Emerald Palace", Xiao Yao took out his mobile phone and was about to call Alan Hall. Although it was just my own suspicion, this kind of suspicion should be worthy of the police investigating the woman. Reporting to Alan Hall can also make Tim Haggis' behavior more legitimate after he arrives.

However, what surprised Xiao Yao was that when he took out his mobile phone, he found that there was no signal displayed on the mobile phone.

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