Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1365 The beloved inspects the work of the gymnasium! !

"Macott Island is also called the Island of Insects in the Orange Islands, because the natural environment on the island is especially suitable for the breeding of insect Pokémon."

"And vegetable growing is a job that several generations of my family have been doing. It is actually very difficult to grow vegetables on Makot Island, which is full of insect Pokémon."

"In order to prevent the bug-type Pokmon from eating vegetables, the relationship between the vegetable farmers on the island and the bug-type Pokémon can be said to be the same. In the beginning, I actually hated the bug-type Pokmon."

"However, although the bug Pokémon can eat vegetables, the bug Pokémon will also help spread pollen."

"So with the development of time, the relationship between the vegetable farmers on the island and the insect Pokémon has also changed from sharp contradictions and confrontation at the beginning, to gradually becoming able to avoid conflicts, live in harmony, and even gradually move towards a close and cooperative relationship. "

"I was born in an ordinary vegetable farming family on the island, and it was in the process of sharp confrontation, harmonious coexistence, and close cooperation with Pokémon that I gradually deepened my understanding of Pokémon Bugs until I became full of sincere love for Pokémon Bugs. "

"Among ordinary people or some trainers who don't know much about Bug Pokémon, many people think that Bug Pokémon is full of harm to farmers' agricultural production.

At the same time, when professional trainers choose Pokémon to take over, they actually discriminate against worm Pokémon. They think that worm Pokémon are weak and not worthy of the trainer's efforts to cultivate them. "

"As a trainer who specializes in Pokémon Bugs and is full of sincere love for Pokémon Bugs, I like to do my best to change the stereotypes in the hearts of ordinary people: Pokémon Bugs are harmful, and Pokémon Bugs are weak and not worth cultivating. .”

"So for the trainers who come to challenge the Makot Gym, the assessment project I have formulated for them is to go to the jungle on the island, spend a day or so to carefully observe the life of Pokmon, and then write a An observation report of at least 5,000 words!!!”

While taking his beloved to visit the Makot gymnasium, Maogu also talked about the assessment items he set up for the challenger and the reason for setting up this assessment item.

"All conflicts arise from ignorance of each other. Your special growth experience, the owner of Mogu Pavilion, also explains this well."

"The attitude towards Pokémon worms, from the initial conflict and confrontation, gradually transitioned to harmonious coexistence, and then to close cooperation at the end. As a vegetable grower, in fact, Mr. Mogu had a more stereotyped impression of Pokémon worms than ordinary people at first. strong."

"But as the understanding of Pokémon continues to deepen,

However, the owner of Mogu Pavilion has gradually changed from a vegetable grower who is the most hostile and despised insect Pokémon to today's insect Pokémon lover. "

"Insect Pokmon has indeed been misunderstood by many people, and Mr. Mogu, you just solved the misunderstanding and discovered the bright and beautiful side of Insect Pokémon."

"You are full of sincere love for Pokémon worms and always believe in Pokémon worms. That's why you, the owner of Maogu, can become an excellent trainer known throughout the Orange Islands, and become the owner of the Makot Gym."

"For ordinary people and trainers, there are many misunderstandings about Bug Pokémon, and that Bug Pokémon is no worse than other types of Pokmon. You, the owner of Mogu, are a living example."

"So I agree with the assessment you set up." Looking at the Ba Da Hu and Ba Ladybug dancing in the vegetable greenhouse outside, the beloved nodded in satisfaction.

As a Pokémon trainer with comprehensive attributes, Ryoto does not discriminate against Pokémon by attributes. He is full of love for all attributes and types of Pokémon.

Therefore, regarding the evaluation of the assessment items set by Maogu just now, my beloved is not being polite, but expressing his agreement from the bottom of his heart.

However, my beloved also discovered one thing, that is, all the newly established gymnasiums in the Orange Islands, and the gymnasium owners have a strong sense of mission, and they all have a very strong obsession with spreading and promoting a certain spiritual culture.

Fuyu of Mandolin Road, although the "Sea God Messenger" ordered him to be the head of the Orange Alliance Gym.

However, after serving as the gymnasium owner, as a sea maiden on the Asian island, Fuyu is also inheriting and promoting the traditional sacrificial culture of the Orange Islands through the authority of the gymnasium owner.

Russell of the Satsuma Gym, because he is the captain of the Satsuma Island Fire Brigade, when he was the owner of the Satsuma Gym, he also used this to popularize fire safety knowledge to people.

And now Mogu, the owner of the Makot Gym, is full of sincere love for Pokémon Insects, and I feel that people are full of misunderstandings and prejudices about Pokémon Insects.

Therefore, such assessment items are set up to deepen the trainer's understanding of Bug Pokémon.

Compared with the four old Southern Cross Gymnasiums that have been passed down for a long time in the Orange Islands, because of the strong sense of mission in the hearts of the Gym audience.

The newly established Beidou Qixing Qijia New Gymnasium has a more spiritual connotation and profound cultural heritage than the former.



We talked about some things about the daily work of the Makot Gym, and most of the time it was my beloved who was listening to Mogu's report.

After listening to Maogu's work report, my beloved's purpose of coming here at noon today has almost been achieved, and the rest is to experience the assessment of the Makot Gymnasium and participate in the gymnasium battle later.

The purpose of participating in the assessment is to verify the feasibility, rationality, and deficiencies of the assessment through personal experience, and at the same time find out the places for improvement.

After all, besides the special inspector appointed by the Orange Alliance, he also has the identity of "the first contestant of the Orange Alliance Conference"

After the completion of the reform of the gymnasium system under the Orange League, Liangren is the first challenger, so he has enough right to speak about these things only after he has personally experienced them.

As for the subsequent gymnasium battle, he, the alliance inspector, will assess Maogu's strength as the owner of the Marcotte gymnasium.

After all, it takes strength for trainers to challenge gyms to obtain badges, and gym trainers who are responsible for inspecting challengers also have excellent strength.

Asking about the work, the good man asked Maogu to take him to inspect the Marcott Gym.

Although the combination of Alliance Gym + Vegetable Greenhouse is very strange and unreliable, but after a round of visits, Ryoto found that the work of Makot Gym was carried out in an orderly manner under the management of Maogu.

"Maogu Hall Master, I am temporarily appointed by the Orange Alliance, and the inspection of the identity of the special inspector is temporarily over."

"Next, I will be the trainer who came to challenge your Makot Gym. In the next assessment and gym battle, I hope you can treat me as an ordinary challenger."

At the gate of the Marcott Gymnasium, Liangren, who finished his work inspection and was about to leave, turned around and said to Maogu with a serious face.

"Yes, Mr. Liangren Bureau...Mr. Liangren." Maogu also replied solemnly.

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