Among the elves Chen Yi wants to conquer.

Water, fire, and ghost types are a must!

He doesn't have to venture into secret places one by one.

But there is no guarantee that he will never venture into the depths of the secret realm in the future.

The water spirit means a source of pure water that can be moved anytime and anywhere.

Fire elves mean that you can make a fire anytime and anywhere. Fire is very important in the secret realm.

And the ghost system is equally important!

Break into secret realms, especially high-level secret realm adventures.

It’s not just the endless wild elves that are dangerous!

There are other trainers!

There is no network connection in high-level secret areas.

Therefore, what you do and how you do it all depends on your character.

The ghost elves have a very important characteristic.

That is the shadow lurking that can be integrated into the trainer.

There is a saying that has been circulating in the trainer circle: A senior trainer may not necessarily have a super type, but he must have a ghost type!

This may be true.

But it does make sense!

And the Night Patrolling is the ghost type!

Night patrol spirits of different colors...

Chen Yi, a person with a glitter collecting habit, of course will not let them go!

The final evolved form of the Night Patrolling is the Night Demon, also called the Night Demon. It can be paired with the super-skill skill, Magic Space, and is one of the components of the space team!

The super-power skill of Magic Space is very useless.

In reality, the magic space can create a space that is reversed in speed within a fixed area!

The faster the elves are, the slower they will be in this space!

And not just Chen Yi.

The people around were also shocked by this girl's words.

These days, everyone is really excited by Chen Yi's flashing Gyarados. At this time, someone said that a night watcher with different colors appeared. Wouldn't it be like throwing a bomb into the crowd?

Everyone started discussing it at that time.

"I go! Flash Night Patrol?"

"In the core area, I really want to go!"

"Form a team and go together. You can’t go alone, but you can go in a team!"

"right! You can go if you want to form a team with more people. I have ghost elves. If anyone can team up with me, priority will be given to ghost and fire elves!"

"Me me me! I have a little fire horse!"

Hello friends, for fear of being late!

The students in the square collectively exploded.

Several other counselors hurriedly came to the playground.

After learning about the situation, the counselors popped up the elf balls and threw them

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The five elf balls exploded almost at the same time.

Five elves with a powerful aura condensed into shape.


Nidoking, who was nearly three meters tall, roared.

He had the aura of a king.

His voice quickly drowned out the noise in the square!

What followed was what the counselors warned the students:"The shining elves are precious. But not everyone can go to the core area!"

"If you want to go, think clearly, no one will stop you."

"Think carefully, is your life more important, or is it more important to go find the flash elves and not know whether they can be conquered?"

The words are rough but not rough!

The words of the counselors made the extremely excited students feel like a bucket of cold water was poured down!

Most of the newly ignited fighting spirit was instantly wiped out.

Yes, the wild elves in the core area have entry-level professions. With their strength, if they encountered a conflict with wild elves in the past, forget it...

Most students could only think about the Flash Night Patrol Spirits, but there were still a few students who didn't care. After being cultivated in advance!

In addition, after conquering, the strength is already close to the beginning of the profession.

If they form a team together, they will be really brave.

《"Dragon Kingdom Trainer Management" regulations.

Citizens are not allowed to tame elves before they are underage!

However, this legal provision is only valid for ordinary people.

Those whose families have money or who already have strong trainers will let their children live with the elves hatched from the elf eggs in advance.

Elves who grow up like this will treat children as companions.

You can conquer them when you reach adulthood!

In this way, the tacit understanding between the child and the initial elf will be much, much better than that of other peers who have not been nurtured in advance!

Note that the early cultivation here must not absorb treasures such as attribute essence, otherwise the elves will grow too strong and their wisdom will be further improved... they may not want to be conquered by novices!

Even though we live together.

But this does not mean that the elves are willing to be"enslaved and controlled".

Isn’t it good to be free?

The strength has been improved and the wisdom has been improved. They are not stupid!

Pay attention when cultivating in advance!

Want to absorb the essence of attributes? Once you become an adult, you can absorb it after subduing it!

This speed is below the initial level of professional strength!

(LV.20 or below)

The elf of this strength has not yet fully grown in wisdom.

The strength has not grown yet.

What a"fool"!

But even so, there are still many cases where the elves cultivated in advance are unwilling to be subdued, which has advantages and disadvantages.

Without further ado, let’s get back to the topic.

These few students, whose strength is close to that of professional junior elves, formed a team and set off!

Wang Ming in dormitory 903 was a little tormented, he wanted to go too!

"Lao Zhou! Lao Tan, Brother Yi! Should we get involved?"Wang Ming couldn't help it. He thought of the"big killer" Chen Yi beside him, so he made this suggestion.

Then he looked around.

Where was Chen Yi?

Before the counselors came out.

Chen Yi They would have run away!

In fact, if it weren't for the strict regulations on the military training of freshmen at Aurora University, the counselors would have wanted to join in the fun.

But obviously, they could only watch the fun now.

If this was not the case, what student would be able to fight when the students found out about the situation during the military training ?

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